Chapter 361 The person who met each other

In the following time, Lisa recognized the reality and finally no longer expected things that had not happened.

All the way towards the destination of Wang's Private Kitchen, he sped away.

Soon, the car drove into an alley.

The alley is a bit old and narrow, and there seems to be no parking space.

But it didn't take long.

The car stopped at a vermilion courtyard gate. Lisa rolled down the window and checked the guest information with the man standing at the door.


The man pushed open the heavy vermilion door, revealing a small open space inside.

It turns out that this is the backyard of Wang's Private Kitchen, and it is also a parking lot for guests. Although the place is not big, Wang's Private Kitchen only has three tables of guests a day, which is enough.

After the car is parked.

Lu Ming got out of the car first and opened the door of the rear passenger compartment.

"Hey, here we are? So fast!"

"Wow, it's time to eat."


When Lu Ming opened the car door, the five people in the back seat were still chatting happily, a little surprised that they had arrived at their destination like this.

After everyone got out of the car, dedicated service staff from Wang's Private Kitchen came over.

Lisa went up to him, said something to the service staff, and then returned to Lu Ming's side.

"Mr. Lu, I have already explained to them. He will lead you in next. If you are drinking, there will be a dedicated driver here.

I wish Mr. Lu a pleasant meal and I will go back first.Of course, if Mr. Lu has any other needs, you can call me at any time and I will be on call at any time. "

Lisa said goodbye to Lu Ming. Her mission had been completed and it was time to retire.

"Lisa, you haven't eaten yet, right? Do you want to stay and eat together?"

Lu Ming sincerely invited, "One more pair of chopsticks, one more mouth."

In order to serve herself, Lisa sent the car here and drove the way. She had been struggling for so long and had no time to have dinner. She should treat others to dinner.

When there was no need, Lu Ming never regarded himself as God because of his wealth and power, and believed that no matter what others did, it was the right thing to do.

When Lisa heard Lu Ming's invitation, she declined immediately without thinking too much.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lu. In fact, I already have an appointment, so I won't disturb Mr. Lu."

Lisa made an excuse. Of course, it was impossible to refuse bluntly.

Seeing that Lisa had an appointment, Lu Ming had no choice but to say.

"I'm sorry for delaying your date, so I won't keep you here. You can go quickly."

Lisa saw that Lu Ming seemed to have misunderstood something and thought she was going on a date.

"Um, I..." Youxin wanted to explain, but he stopped and changed his words.

"Well, thank you Mr. Lu for the invitation. I'll leave first. I wish Mr. Lu a pleasant meal."

Misunderstanding or not, explanation or not, it doesn't matter anymore. Lisa knows that Lu Ming doesn't mean anything to her, so her explanation is of no use.


Around her, one, two, three, four, five, were five beauties of different sizes.

Mr. Lu has no shortage of women...

Lisa sighed with emotion, said goodbye to Lu Ming and left the courtyard.

"This way please..." Lu Ming and his party, led by the waiter, headed to the No. [-] courtyard they had reserved.

Wang's private kitchen was probably renovated from many alley yards.

In addition to courtyards No. [-], [-] and [-], which receive guests, there are other courtyards that serve different functions, such as resting, Kung Fu tea, etc.

Different from the southern style, which mostly uses wooden carvings, Wang's private kitchen here is just simple gray bricks, covered with green creeping plants, and flower bones of different colors bloom at the foot of the wall.

"President Wang, long time no see..."

On the way to Courtyard No. [-], Lu Ming noticed that there seemed to be a group of guests who had just come in to dine not far ahead.

After a cursory glance, I was surprised to find that there was someone inside who I had met once before.

But after all, it was just a one-time encounter, and we were not very familiar with each other, so Lu Ming didn't pay attention and continued to follow the waiter without stopping.

After arriving at their exclusive No. [-] courtyard.

"Sir, Courtyard No. [-] is here, here is the menu..."

The waiter brought a beautiful menu with both hands.

"Don't private kitchens usually have menus? It depends on the ingredients of the day and the chef's cooking skills. Doesn't private kitchens decide what dishes to serve?"

Foodie Wang Lingling was a silly person. After hearing that there was a menu, she couldn't help but ask.

She has eaten at many restaurants on the market that advertise private cuisine, as well as those with high-end Japanese food. It seems like this is the case. Guests do not have the right to choose what to eat, but rather eat what is served. They do not consider whether the guests eat it or not. thing.

It’s so called because it uses the best ingredients of the day to showcase the chef’s best cooking skills.

That's why she couldn't help but ask that sentence.

But after finishing speaking, Wang Lingling found that the eyes of the sisters were focused on her.

Only then did she realize that what she said seemed impolite.

After all, she was not qualified to eat such high-end private dishes. She had never experienced it before, so this time it was thanks to Lu Ming.

Saying this in front of someone else's private kitchen waiter seems to be questioning and provoking someone else. This may cause some trouble for Lu Ming.

Wang Lingling lowered her head and covered her mouth in embarrassment.

At this time, the waiter spoke.

"It's okay, young lady. In fact, customers have asked what you said before. But after our chef heard it, what do you think he said?"

The waiter's words successfully whetted everyone's appetite.

"What did you say?"

Everyone eagerly waited for what the waiter would say next.

“Our chef has said that guests are here to eat, and they have the right to choose what they want to eat and what they don’t like!
We are chefs, and our only purpose is to make our guests eat and drink well. According to those people who are messing around, what should we do if our guests cannot help but like the food? !

As long as there are real ingredients and good craftsmanship, everyone who eats it will say "good", then there is no need to engage in those crooked tricks. "

The waiter said it with a bit of reverence.

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod their heads, feeling that what the chef of Wang's Private Kitchen said was very reasonable.

Lu Ming even clapped his hands and applauded several times. Through the words of the waiter, he could probably see the essence through the phenomenon, as if he could see the personality of the chef of Wang's private kitchen.

He is definitely not a person who is seeking fame and reputation by running a private kitchen, deliberately limiting the quantity, and engaging in hunger marketing. He should really be a national chef who abides by his heart and has superb skills.

This made Lu Ming eager to see the other party's skills.


"Okay, let's order food."

Lu Ming called out everyone's attention and started ordering.

(End of this chapter)

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