Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 362 9 Turning the Large Intestine

Chapter 362
Lu Ming handed over the menu in his hand, wanting to show everyone what they wanted to eat and order.

But everyone refused and said that just let Lu Ming have some, even the foodie Wang Lingling was no exception.

Lu Ming looked around and found no one willing to order, so he had to take on the task himself.

"First-grade tofu, nine-turn large intestine, roast duck..."

First of all, these three are the specialties of Wang's private kitchen chef, as Lisa said.

"Fried prawns in oil, fish fillets with green onions and peppers, chicken fillets with hibiscus, cattail sprouts in milk soup..." Looking through the menu, Lu Ming ordered a few more items.

Turning to the back, Lu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

“Chef Wang also knows herbal medicine??”

Lu Ming saw that at the back of the menu, there were several medicinal dishes to choose from.

Angelica crucian carp soup, wolfberry chicken soup, Hericium ginkgo shark bone soup...

"Yes! Medicinal soup is also a specialty of our place. Our chef Wang once studied with a master of traditional Chinese medicine and learned several medicinal recipes.

This is a real food tonic and medicinal diet, different from those on the market under the guise of. "The waiter explained.

This was quite a surprise to Lu Ming. You must know that the real medicinal formula is very mysterious, and not many people can really understand it.

Traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and the emperor and his ministers work together. If the medicine is wrong, the difference will be thousands of miles.

Chef Wang's two specialties, cooking and traditional Chinese medicine, really collided with him.

He is a man with god-level cooking skills and a master of Chinese medicine!

"Okay, let's have some Hericium and Ginkgo Shark Bone Soup."

Lu Ming ordered seven dishes and one soup, including heavy and light flavors, meat and seafood. It can be said that everyone's taste has been taken into consideration.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

After the waiter took note of Lu Ming's order, he exited the room.

While waiting for the food, everyone started chatting.

Lin Wan asked Lin Ruyin casually: "Yin Yin, why do you have time to come to Kyoto today?

Didn’t you say on the last phone call that you could still go to class?When do you plan to go back? "

Since Lin Ruyin's appearance in the afternoon was such a "surprise", I really forgot to ask why Lin Ruyin came over suddenly.

After listening to Lin Wan's words, Lin Ruyin felt a little unhappy.

She just came today, and now Lin Wan asked her when she would go back!

snort!I knew that I must have disturbed the world of you two!Otherwise, you wouldn’t have shut me out as soon as we met!
Now Lin Ruyin can be sober and completely remember the fact that Lin Wan closed the door.

"Mom, we just arrived! Are you bothering us by asking like this?"

"No, no, I'm just asking."

Lin Wan quickly explained, mainly to Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling, otherwise they would think too much and misunderstand that she would not welcome them.

If Lin Ruyin was really the only one, then Lin Wan would probably reply yes without hesitation and stab Lin Ruyin.

"Huh, we'll go back tomorrow afternoon. There are no classes today and tomorrow, but there will be classes the day after tomorrow.

If it wasn't for the fact that your private jet crew was about to fly back, I wouldn't have bothered to come over. "

"Huh?? Ouch?!"

Only then did Lu Ming and Lin Wan realize that Lin Ruyin and the others were following the private jet crew who were delivering Kyoto snack gift boxes.

It was Lu Ming's idea to ask the private jet crew to deliver Kyoto snack gift boxes, but Lin Ruyin was the one he provoked himself.

Fortunately, Lu Ming heard that Lin Ruyin would have to go back tomorrow afternoon, and he would only be able to stay for less than one day.

"Oh, then just go back and let the private jet crew take you back."

Lu Ming took the initiative and suggested that these were all trivial matters. As long as Lin Ruyin could go back and not disturb their world, she could do anything.What's more, this would allow her to go to the airport with the private jet crew, without even having to send her there herself.

"Thank you Senior Lu!"

"Thank you Uncle Lu..."

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling expressed their gratitude after hearing Lu Ming's words.

After everyone chatted for a while, the waiter reappeared at the door.

"Sir, can we serve the food?"

Lu Ming nodded and the waiter clapped his hand.

Another waiter pushing a cart emerged from behind, and the two of them worked together to place seven dishes and one soup on the table.

With quick hands and feet, he opened all the covers above and said, "The dishes have been served. I wish you a pleasant meal."

The two then left the room backwards.

Watching the dishes being served at the same time, after the cover is opened, all the dishes are steaming hot.

There's...something about this.

Every minute the food cools down, it may taste a little worse.

When ordinary people cook at home, the first dish is cooked and left there. By the time the last dish is cooked, the previous dishes may have cooled down.

But now seven dishes and one soup are served at the same time, still steaming hot, as if they had just come out of the pot.

This undoubtedly reflects that the chef of Wang's private kitchen is extremely familiar with the dishes and strictly controls the production time.

It is said that the color, aroma and taste are all good. To evaluate the quality of a dish, you basically start with these three steps.

Lu Ming looked at the presentation and small embellishments of several dishes. There was nothing wrong with them.

Then he gently fanned the hot air from the front with the palm of his hand... Well, the aroma was fragrant.

Lu Ming became interested in the chef of Wang's private kitchen, and couldn't help but pay attention to his level.

"Um, why are you guys looking at me? Doing something, eating?!"

Lu Ming suddenly realized that no one was moving their chopsticks, and all their eyes were focused on him.

"The way you acted just now, you acted just like the judges, which made us afraid to use our chopsticks..."

Lin Ruyin complained, and then moved her chopsticks.

Although Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling didn't dare to say anything, their thoughts were probably similar to what Lin Ruyin said.

Lu Ming did not respond to her, but first gave Lin Wan some slices of hibiscus chicken. Her taste was relatively bland, so he ordered it for her.

Then he tasted the legendary other party's specialty dish, the Nine-turn Large Intestine.

"Hmm... it's very clean and has no peculiar smell at all. The seasoning is not too heavy and the flavor of the large intestine is not lost."

As expected of the other party's specialty, there is nothing wrong with this dish.

It does not mean that in order to preserve the original flavor of the large intestine, the taste of a part of the fecal intestine is retained during cleaning, so that people will know that what they are eating is a large intestine.

Yipin tofu, fish fillets with green onions and peppers, chicken fillets with hibiscus, and pucai in milk soup. Lu Ming then tasted each dish Yiyi. Each dish had its own characteristics and tasted very good.

Lin Ruyin, Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling and others were also feasting and eating happily.

Until, Lu Ming picked up a fried prawn and started peeling it for Lin Wan.

Lu Ming felt it the moment he got started.

This shrimp may not be good!

 Thanks to book friend 20230124212857080 for the monthly ticket reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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