Chapter 366 This soup is poisonous!

What's wrong with this soup?Why is there such a sudden bitter taste? !
Wang Ziqiang thought hard and racked his brains, but he couldn't figure out why this Hericium and Ginkgo Shark Bone Soup behaved like this.

In his memory, this soup clearly followed the previous method and made no mistakes.

But the taste in his mouth can't lie. The fact made Wang Ziqiang have to admit that there was something wrong with this soup, but he just couldn't figure it out.


Wang Ziqiang had no choice but to put down the spoon and looked at Lu Ming with a humbly asking for advice.

"Please ask Mr. Lu to teach me... I really can't figure out why. I hope Mr. Lu can help me figure it out."

While Wang Ziqiang was speaking, he bowed his head slightly to indicate.

When three people are together, there must be a teacher. Wang Ziqiang is not shy to ask Lu Ming for advice because of his age and status, but sincerely hopes that Lu Ming can help him figure out the reason.

see this scene.

Lin Ruyin, Pan Xiaoman and others couldn't help but open their mouths, looking incredulous.

seriously? !Lu Ming actually said there was something wrong with the medicinal soup? ? ?
They have all tasted this soup. Although it uses medicinal materials, it is mellow and delicious and not unpleasant at all. What could be the problem?
Even Wang Lingling, the golden tongue, didn't drink it.

After Wang Ziqiang, the national chef, tasted it, he really confirmed Lu Ming's statement. What's even more shocking is that even Wang Ziqiang, the chef who made it himself, couldn't figure out this problem and needed to ask Lu Ming for advice!
If a Chinese chef makes her own medicinal soup, what’s wrong with asking others for advice?
This was completely off the mark. Who would dare to believe it if it was spread, but this scene happened in front of them.

Faced with Wang Ziqiang's humbly asking for advice, Lu Ming was naturally generous with his advice.

"Actually, it's very simple, it's like this..."

Lu Ming said, picking up a spoon and scooping up a few ginkgo fruits from the medicinal soup.

"Look at..."

Not finished.

A group of people rushed into the No. [-] courtyard.

"Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang, we are here to save you!"

"Who is it? Who is so bold and dares to hit our Mr. Wang?!"

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Wang, this is your territory, we are all here!"


These people came out of the blue and with such force that they were all stunned by King Lu Ming Ziqiang.

Especially Wang Ziqiang, who looked at Lu Ming expectantly and was ready to listen to Lu Ming's answer.

But suddenly a group of people rushed in, saying something to save him? ? ?

When was he beaten?Why doesn't he even know it? !
Originally, he was about to know the answer from Lu Ming, but now he was disturbed by this group of people. Wang Ziqiang, who was eager to get the answer, ignored the purpose of these people and shouted directly.

"Give me peace!"

The old and energetic Wang Ziqiang roared angrily, and the originally crowded group of people suddenly fell silent.

Wang Ziqiang said quickly.

"Mr. Lu, please continue..."

Wang Ziqiang couldn't help but use the word "you" to Lu Ming at this time. Mr. Lu and Mr. Bi Lu also had some different intentions. After all, he was now asking Lu Ming for advice, and Lu Ming was now his temporary teacher.

People from all over Wang's private kitchen stared blankly at the scene of Wang Ziqiang asking for advice, with confused expressions on their faces.

what's the situation? !

Didn't it mean that Mr. Wang was bullied, beaten, and beaten?
Why is this happening?It seems that Mr. Wang is asking this young man a question?Everyone no longer dared to make a sound and watched quietly. For a while, the No. [-] courtyard became very quiet again, and you could even hear the sound of a pin dropping.

Although he didn't know what happened, so many people suddenly came over, but the situation was already under control. Wang Ziqiang still looked at him eagerly, and Lu Ming continued.

"The problem lies with the ginkgo..."

As Lu Ming spoke, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on the ginkgo he took out of the medicinal soup.

ginkgo? ?What happened to Ginkgo?What's wrong with ginkgo?
Whether it was Lin Ruyin and others in the private room, or the group of people who suddenly came in from behind, they were all confused and couldn't understand what Lu Ming was talking about.

I see.

Lu Ming held the spoon in his hand and gently crushed the first ginkgo, the second, and the third.

Everyone stared intently.

Until the fourth time, there were some changes. The crushed ginkgo puree had this emerald green color, which was somewhat different from the previously crushed ginkgo.

Others didn't know what this meant. Only Wang Ziqiang suddenly realized it as if he was enlightened.

I rushed to the table and picked out this green core from the ginkgo puree.

"I know, the bitter taste turns out to be the core! The core was not removed cleanly!"

Lu Ming didn't say anything more. After he showed it, Wang Ziqiang immediately figured it out.

This Hericium and Ginkgo Shark Bone Soup has no problems with the weight of the medicinal ingredients, the amount of water, etc. There is no problem with his method of making the soup. The problem lies in the raw materials. The cook below was obviously careless when handling the ginkgo. Yes, the core inside has not been cleaned.

As a result, this medicinal soup tasted unexpectedly bitter, which Wang Ziqiang did not expect.

Then, Wang Ziqiang seemed to remember something again and became furious!
The core of ginkgo cannot be eaten because it contains a small amount of ginkgo, cyanide and other substances, which may induce poisoning reactions.

"Mr. Lu, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? I..."

Lu Ming knew what Wang Ziqiang wanted to say and interrupted him.

"It's okay, I can drink it. The core content in the medicinal soup is not much, and since it has been cooked, the toxicity to the human body is almost negligible. It just changes the taste of the soup. You don't have to worry about this."

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Wang Ziqiang breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

If his Wang's private kitchen was poisoned by a customer's medicinal soup today, he would really be held accountable and lose all his face for the rest of his life.

Afterwards, Wang Ziqiang couldn't help but feel deep gratitude and admiration for Lu Ming.

Through the two dishes of oil-fried prawns and hericium and ginkgo shark bone soup, Wang Ziqiang can feel that Lu Ming is not simple, especially because he can learn the toxicity of ginkgo core by drinking the soup, which he cannot do at all!
"Mr. Lu is good at cooking?" Wang Ziqiang couldn't help but ask.

"Slightly understand."

Lu Ming responded modestly, "Yeah, I know a little bit, I just have god-level cooking skills."

"Mr. Lu also knows about Chinese medicine?"

"Slightly understand."

Uh-huh, just the master level of Chinese medicine.

Lu Ming responded calmly, but the calmer he was, the more mysterious and powerful he became in Wang Ziqiang's eyes.

If you know a little about cooking? You can't eat fried prawns!

If you know a little bit about Chinese medicine, you can’t tell the toxic content of ginkgo in the medicinal soup!
Is this what you call a little understanding? ? ! !

 Happy Monday, it’s a new week. I hope you all can support me and help vote. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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