Chapter 367 Master Chef?

"Wang Ziqiang is very grateful for Mr. Lu's advice."

Wang Ziqiang ignored the presence of so many people and bent down to Lu Ming again to salute.

This great gift of his caused a big stir in the eyes of the group of people in the yard who didn't know the cause and effect.

A group of people suddenly became uproar.

"What is Mr. Wang doing?! Why are you saluting a young man?!"

"What's wrong with the chef? Could he be threatened?!"

"What's going on? Is the other party forcing Mr. Wang to apologize?"


The elderly Wang Ziqiang bowed down and saluted a young man, but there was something wrong in their eyes.

“Brother Wang, what’s going on??”

Among the crowd, Wang Weimin was a little confused, but he saw some clues. Wang Ziqiang and Lu Ming didn't seem to have conflicts, but he couldn't imagine why Wang Ziqiang saluted Lu Ming.

That's right.

Wang Weimin was also in the crowd. He was one of the three tables of guests dining at Wang's private kitchen today. The person Lu Ming saw when he first came in was him.

At the Hongyan Auction House, Lu Ming and Wang Weimin met once when the Dream Star Sea Stone was being auctioned. At that time, Wang Weimin's assistant was still aggrieved and felt that the Dream Star Sea Stone turned around and turned around to the auction house to play a trick on them.

However, Wang Weimin didn't think so at that time. He felt that Lu Ming was courageous and courageous, and finally spent 180 billion to take a picture of Lu Ming's Dream Star Sea Stone.

So when he came over just now, he recognized Lu Ming at a glance.

After thinking for a while, Wang Weimin decided to stand up and ask. After all, he had met Lu Ming once, and he had a close relationship with Wang Ziqiang, so it was perfect for him to come forward.

So, Wang Weimin walked out of the crowd, entered the private room and greeted Lu Ming and Wang Ziqiang.

"Mr. Lu! Brother Wang!"

Lu Ming and Wang Ziqiang were not surprised when they saw Wang Weimin walking in. They all knew that Wang Weimin was also cooking in Wang's private kitchen today.

"Weimin, what's going on with you? Why didn't you go to eat and everyone came here?"

Wang Ziqiang happened to ask Wang Weimin at this time. Wang Weimin was stunned and then explained a little.

"While we were having dinner, I heard that you had an argument with a guest in another courtyard and even started fighting, so I came over quickly to have a look..."

After listening to Wang Weimin's words, Wang Ziqiang had a black line in his head and was speechless.

Who said this? !Who spread the rumor? !

He was obviously asking Lu Ming for advice!Why did it turn into a quarrel, even violence, and he was beaten? !

Wang Ziqiang glanced at the people in the courtyard outside. The cooks, waiters, guests, and almost everyone involved in Wang's private kitchen had gathered in this small No. [-] courtyard.

This was simply a farce, which turned Wang's private kitchen into a mess, all the staff left their posts, and the guests couldn't have a good meal.

Wang Ziqiang had no choice but to walk out of the private room, planning to go out in person to explain and apologize to the guests to calm down the farce.

As soon as he walked out, everyone started asking him questions.

"Old Wang, are you alright?"

"Chef, where are you injured? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"Chef Wang, what happened just now? I heard from our people that the guests picked on you and started a quarrel?"

"Did Mr. Wang force you to apologize to him? We will definitely not let him go."


Wang Ziqiang only felt the chatter in his ears. It was very noisy. He waved his hand: "Please be quiet, everyone."

After shouting two or three times in succession, the people in the small courtyard slowly stopped talking.

After everyone calmed down, he continued.

"I'm sorry, I think there must have been some misunderstanding today. This misunderstanding caused everyone to not have a good meal at night. This is a problem with our Wang's private kitchen.

I'm here to apologize to everyone. "

As Wang Ziqiang said, everyone below was still confused and couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Wang, what happened just now??"

"Yeah, what's the misunderstanding?!"

"Are you okay?"


Seeing that everyone was commotion again, he kept asking what happened just now.

Wang Ziqiang had no choice but to continue explaining. It seemed that the matter would not end until he made it clear.

"Everyone, be quiet. Everything is really just a misunderstanding. Mr. Lu and I neither quarreled nor did we do anything.

Actually this is what it looks like...

There were some mistakes in the dishes I cooked tonight, some of which I didn’t even know I had, and I couldn’t figure out what went wrong.

So I asked Mr. Lu for advice, and I don’t know why it got spread like this...

Mr. Lu has been very helpful to me. How could we start fighting? ! "

After finishing speaking, Wang Ziqiang thought that he had explained everything clearly, so everyone could finally understand and calm down, right?


He just finished.

Instead, there was an even more enthusiastic uproar in the No. [-] courtyard.

"What?! No, right? Did I hear it right?!"

"Mr. Wang, are you asking a young man for cooking skills?! This is impossible!"

"Yes, Brother Wang, we all know your cooking skills, how could you need guidance from a young man?!"

"You even need to ask him for advice? How good is this young man's cooking skills?!"

"So powerful? Who is that person?!"

"Do we know each other? Can we meet for a while???"

Everyone believed Wang Ziqiang's words, some didn't, and some were curious. They all expressed their desire to see Lu Ming.

Let's see who is so awesome that he can actually give advice to Wang Ziqiang, who is the national chef.

Naturally, Wang Ziqiang could not satisfy their request. Lu Ming and the others were dining guests. He felt very sorry for Lu Ming after so many twists and turns. Why would anyone bother them?

"That's really what happened today. Age is never the only criterion for measuring skills. I admire Mr. Lu's cooking skills and I thank him for his guidance.

As for everyone's request, please forgive me for complying. Mr. Lu is just a dining guest and doesn't want to be disturbed.

Everyone, please give me some respect and leave now. The waiter will lead the guests back. I will make it up to you for disturbing your meal today. "

Wang Ziqiang simply rejected everyone and his attitude was very tough.

After he said this, everyone stopped asking to see anyone, but they were still discussing what Wang Ziqiang said on the way back.

"Who is this Mr. Lu? I just saw him from a distance outside. He seemed very young."

"You look so young, but your cooking skills are even better than Mr. Wang's??!"

"Even Brother Wang needs guidance from Mr. Lu?!"


After tonight, heavy news began to spread to Kyoto, centered on the customers of Wang's private kitchen. There was a young man named Lu who was so good at cooking that even the national chef King Ziqiang was willing to be inferior and humbly asked for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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