Chapter 374 Getting Ready
The vermilion courtyard door and the gilded animal-face door knocker show that the owner here is either rich or noble.

Wang Ziqiang grabbed the door knocker and slammed it several times, making a "dang-dang" sound, and the door was opened.

"Mr. Lu, please..."

Although his pace was not fast, Lu Ming could feel that Wang Ziqiang was anxious at this moment and wanted to carry Lu Ming on his back and run to the house.

We walked all the way through the courtyard and came to the hanging flower gate.

Standing in the second courtyard, the east and west wing rooms and the main room on the north side appear in front of everyone.

"Mr. Lu, Weimin will rest in the main room in front."

Wang Ziqiang said, and just as he was about to lead everyone inside, the east wing suddenly opened with a creak.

"Uncle Wang, you are here..."

A man in his early thirties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, walked out of the side room and looked a little calm.

While saying hello to Wang Ziqiang, he looked at Lu Ming and his group with doubts.

He seemed to be wondering why Wang Ziqiang brought so many people here, but Lu Ming and the others were guests, and out of upbringing he did not ask directly.

"Junjie, you are here too." Wang Ziqiang was a little surprised to see Wang Junjie.

Then he introduced to Lu Ming and Lin Wan, "This is Weimin's son, Wang Junjie."

"These are your father and my distinguished guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lu, and their friends."

Wang Junjie was slightly stunned after hearing Wang Ziqiang's introduction.


Distinguished guests of my two elders?So young?

And Uncle Wang also respectfully calls him Mr. Lu? !

For a moment, Wang Junjie looked at Lu Ming, Lin Wan, and others a little unpredictable.

In fact, Wang Ziqiang was a little surprised to see Wang Junjie here today. They did not tell Wang Junjie that Wang Weimin was ill, but they just said that they would move to the small courtyard here to rest for a while.

Wang Ziqiang helped Wang Weimin cover up and had been hiding very well. Unexpectedly, on the day when Lu Ming came to give Wang Weimin acupuncture, Wang Junjie happened to come to see Wang Weimin, and they happened to bump into him.

But now that we have met, we can no longer hide it. We can't invite Lu Ming back just to hide it from Wang Junjie, right? !

So Wang Ziqiang could only greet Wang Junjie.

"Come in together."

Wang Junjie didn't know why, so the group entered the main room.

Wang Weimin had already gotten up. After Lu Ming's acupuncture and decoction, although his appearance was still the same, his energy and energy had obviously improved.

Wang Ziqiang has the most intuitive feeling as someone who has been by Wang Weimin's side.

"Mr. Lu, you're here. I'm sorry to trouble you."

At this moment, Wang Weimin also imitated Wang Ziqiang in speaking, instead of asking Mr. Lu to address him as Mr. Lu to show his respect.

Not for anything else, just because Lu Ming was the only person who could save his life.

Wang Junjie's brows furrowed as he listened to his old father's words. He was the only one present who was confused.

"You're welcome, Mr. Wang, let me check your pulse first."

Lu Ming sat down on another chair next to Wang Weimin and took his position to check his pulse.

This made Wang Junjie even more confused. Just as he was about to speak, Wang Ziqiang, who was watching him from the side, immediately stopped him.


Don't disturb Mr. Lu!I know you have many questions, let me explain them to you. "He was afraid that Wang Junjie would disturb Lu Ming's pulse, so he quickly explained.

"Actually, your dad and I didn't tell you because we didn't want you to worry.

Your dad suffered from a very strange disease a while ago, and even after seeing famous doctors at home and abroad, he couldn't find anything good about it. "

"What?! Why is this happening?!" Wang Junjie exclaimed in a low voice, and then remembered Wang Weimin's mysterious travel behavior a while ago. Only then did he realize that this was what Wang Ziqiang said, that he was visiting famous doctors.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Anyway, as long as you know that Mr. Lu is the only person who can save your father at the moment."

"how so…"

At this moment, Wang Junjie was in a very complicated mood, panicked and anxious.

He always thought that his father just wanted to rest for a while. Although there were some abnormalities, he was busy with work and didn't pay much attention to them. But now that he thinks about it, he feels that Wang Weimin's previous actions were very strange.

I started to blame myself again for why I didn't find out earlier and didn't come to see my father until today.

Only now did he understand why Wang Ziqiang and Wang Weimin respected Lu Ming so much.

As for Lu Ming's age and whether he had the ability to cure Wang Weimin, these were temporarily forgotten by him and he had no time to think about them.

My uncle Wang said that Mr. Lu is the only person who can cure his father at present.

Wang Junjie suddenly became the most worried person in the room, rubbing his hands nervously.

In the midst of everyone's expectations, Lu Ming took his pulse and said calmly.

"not bad."

Although it was just a simple sentence, Wang Ziqiang and Wang Junjie felt relieved after hearing it.

Lu Ming retracted his hand. Wang Weimin's condition did improve after a night.

"Although the problem of loss of vitality still exists, it has slowed down a bit. Waiting for the acupuncture to be completed before continuing to take medicine, the situation will get better."

Lu Ming continued to explain.

"I also feel that I feel much more comfortable when I wake up, thanks to Mr. Lu."

Wang Weimin sighed: "When I was young, I wished I could stay up late and work every day without sleeping. Now I know how valuable it is to be able to sleep."

It is estimated that only an old man, Wang Ziqiang, could understand his words. People generally feel less mature when they get older.

None of the other young people had experienced this, especially Lu Ming, who was in great health. Usually after a few battles, the two of them would fall asleep comfortably.

"Are the acupuncture tools ready?"

Lu Ming was going to prepare for acupuncture. He didn't bring any tools with him, but he had already said that he believed Wang Ziqiang would make good arrangements.

"Okay, okay, here it is."

Wang Ziqiang quickly took out several acupuncture tools he had prepared earlier.

Because they didn't know which one Lu Ming was going to use, they had a lot of money and prepared several pairs.

Gold needles, antique silver needles, ordinary medical silver needles.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Ming unexpectedly chose the most common medical silver needle instead of the golden needle or the antique needle that had been handed down.

“Actually, after so many years of scientific development of acupuncture, modern common medical silver needles have become very well developed and can better stimulate acupuncture points without causing any harm to the human body.

Moreover, the current needles are made of stainless steel, which is not easy to break and is much easier to use than those fancy gold and silver needles.”

Seemingly sensing everyone's doubts, Lu Ming explained casually.

Then carefully use an alcohol lamp to burn the needle to sterilize it until the needle is red and translucent...

 Let me ask you, does everyone want to watch giving birth to a baby and raising a baby as a dad? ?
(End of this chapter)

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