Chapter 375 Acupuncture Site
The silver needle, which was like vellus hair, turned red and translucent under the burning of the alcohol lamp, making everyone present shudder when they saw it.

Especially Wang Weimin, the person waiting later, couldn't help but get goosebumps when he thought that these needles were going to be pierced into his body.

Moreover, these needles can be long or short, thick or thin. The smaller ones are fine and should be tolerated and passed. But can those needles that look a bit thick really be able to penetrate into the human body?Won't it bleed?
Wang Weimin didn't know much about acupuncture. He was frightened when he looked at these needles, but he didn't dare to say a word.

He was afraid that after he finished speaking, Lu Ming felt that he was questioning him and became angry and refused to treat himself.

While he was thinking wildly, Lu Ming had already sterilized all the needles.

"Okay, let's find another place. It's not convenient to sit on a chair."

Lu Ming then looked at the furnishings in the room, looking for a place suitable for acupuncture.

"That's it, let's clean things up."

He took a fancy to a couch inside for entertaining guests and drinking tea. It was quite nice.

"Oh, okay, okay!"

Wang Junjie and Wang Ziqiang quickly removed the small table in the middle of the couch to make room.

The group of people moved to the edge of the couch.

"Just sit down." Lu Ming ordered Wang Weimin. He also had some acupuncture points on his back that needed acupuncture, so it was not suitable for him to lie down.

After everything was ready, acupuncture officially began.

Lu Ming took out a silver needle from his tool bag, and the needle passed through the air in his hand. Everyone felt a white light flash in the air, but the next second...

The silver needle had already pierced Wang Weimin's arm.

"So fast……"

Lu Ming heard someone scream in surprise, but he didn't pay attention, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

Chu Yue, the owner of the voice, covered her mouth tightly from behind.

She was completely shocked by the speed of Lu Ming's injection, so she couldn't help but exclaimed.

But then I realized that I had disturbed the acupuncture process, and I felt very embarrassed, so I quickly covered my mouth.

But not only Chu Yue was like this, everyone else was also completely stunned.

It was obvious that all of them were staring at Lu Ming attentively, even focusing on his hands, and did not dare to blink at all.

But they still couldn't clearly see Lu Ming's hand pricking the needle. Their eyeball catching movements couldn't keep up with Lu Ming's speed. It was clear that Lu Ming had just taken the needle one second, but in less than a second, the needle pricked Wang Weimin.

As Lu Ming repeatedly inserted needles, they even felt that a phantom appeared in Lu Ming's hand.

This isn't the end yet, Lu Ming seems to be dissatisfied with the current speed of acupuncture.

Suddenly he started holding the needle with both hands and inserting the needle at the same time. The speed of inserting the needle suddenly doubled again.

To them, Lu Ming seemed to have grown six arms.


Wang Ziqiang was already standing at the front, but he couldn't help but take a step closer.

He just wanted to see clearly the speed and location of Lu Ming's injection. Fortunately, he was not overwhelmed by the shock and stayed within the range that would not affect Lu Ming's injection.

"That's right!! So fast and so accurate?!!"

Wang Ziqiang glanced at an acupuncture point on Wang Weimin's body, where Lu Ming had already given an injection. After studying for a long time, he confirmed that the location of the acupoint was correct.

If Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue and others present did not understand Chinese medicine or acupuncture points, they were shocked even after seeing Lu Ming's technique.

For Wang Ziqiang, who has studied with a master of traditional Chinese medicine for a while, this is simply astonishing!That's right, when Wang Ziqiang learned about medicinal soup, he also learned some acupoint knowledge.

In his opinion, finding acupuncture points must be very rigorous. Everyone's physical development is different, so there may be some deviations in the location of acupoints.

If the acupuncture points are wrong, it may cause some harm to the patient.

Therefore, Chinese medicine practitioners must be extremely rigorous when searching for acupoints, which often takes some time.

Even some veteran Chinese medicine doctors, relying on their rich experience, can be a little faster, but not much.

How is it like Lu Ming is like this now? !

He picked up the silver needle with his fingers, without thinking or testing, he just stuck it in without any hesitation.

And after his inspection, the acupuncture points where the needles were placed were extremely accurate!

Terrible so...

Just for a while.

Wang Weimin's body was already covered with silver needles, and the needles stood on his body in dense numbers.

Lin Ruyin and others present felt frightened when they saw it, and they couldn't help but show fear in their eyes.

Only Wang Weimin himself was completely unaware. He sat upright and looked straight ahead. He was afraid that his movements would affect Lu Ming, so he did not dare to move at all and could not see the silver needle on his body.

Although silver needles were all over his body, Wang Weimin did not feel the pain that he was worried about before. He could feel that Lu Ming was injecting needles into him, but the feeling was just like being bitten by a mosquito, neither painful nor itchy.

At this time, the big drama finally happened.

Lu Ming turned behind Wang Weimin and took out a silver needle from the acupuncture bag that was thicker than any previous needle.

It seems that the needle is going to be applied to Wang Weimin's head. The head is a very important part of the human body and is full of nerves. It is very dangerous to inject the needle. If you are not careful, you may cause harm to Wang Weimin.

So Lu Ming also slowed down the speed of needle injection, and now everyone could clearly see Lu Ming's movements.

"Such a thick needle??! Pricked in the head?!..."

Seeing Lu Ming's actions, everyone couldn't help but have this question in their minds.

The girls' faces even wrinkled up, as if they had seen something terrible.

Wang Ziqiang also frowned tightly. Although he was worried, he did not say anything. His understanding of Chinese medicine was only trivial and he had no right to speak at all.

While everyone was watching, Lu Ming stuck three thick silver needles into Wang Weimin's head.

Looking at the three silver needles on his head, everyone's hearts seemed to be pinched tightly, worried that something would go wrong.

But after a while.

Seeing that Wang Weimin was still confused, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief when there was nothing unusual.
But the next second!
Lu Ming's actions immediately frightened them so much that they almost stopped breathing and became breathless.

I see!

Lu Ming actually clamped the silver needle on Wang Weimin's head and gently started to spin it!

The silver needle is inserted into the skull and it still needs to be turned!

Is this really not going to kill anyone? ! !
Everyone felt a chill on their heads, as if the skylight was opened and the pins were inserted into their heads. A chill brushed from the top of their heads and flowed throughout their bodies from top to bottom.

It doesn't stop there!

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ming started again...

(End of this chapter)

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