Chapter 380 Dinner
Wang Ziqiang went back.

Lu Ming and his party also returned to the hotel upstairs.

As for what Wang Ziqiang said, Duan Laofei came to see him, but Lu Ming didn't say anything.

It's not that you can't see it, and it doesn't mean that you have to see it. I can only say that it depends on fate.

Such an elderly master of traditional Chinese medicine is always a guest wherever he goes, and even comes to his door in person. But now he has flown all the way to see him, and he really doesn't have a suitable reason to refuse.

But so what if you meet him, he has god-level medical skills and does not need to be friends with the masters of Chinese medicine to prevent illness and death. He only needs others to ask for his help.

Moreover, Lu Ming didn't want to make money by becoming famous for his god-level medical skills. All things considered, there was no need for him to meet this elder Duan.

This is the reason why Lu Ming didn't express his stance to Wang Ziqiang.

If there is a chance to meet someone by fate, then he will meet him. If there is no chance, Lu Ming will not go out of his way to meet someone.

After returning to the hotel.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to their room, and Lin Ruyin and the four of them also followed in.

They woke up very early every morning. The trip out seemed to have consumed all their energy, and they all collapsed on the sofa.

"When you are tired, go back to your room and rest. After a rest, you can prepare to pack your luggage and go back to class."

Lu Ming glanced at them. The four of them occupied the soft sofa, and he could only sit on the wooden chair at the dining table.

Lin Ruyin often hangs out with Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling and Lu Ming and Lin Wan. Although Lu Ming is their uncle in name, he is close in age and there is no age gap between them, so now they are all familiar with each other.

They were so familiar that they didn't pay much attention to their own protection. They fell on the sofa and didn't care if they occasionally exposed patches of snow.

Also, Lu Ming had already seen their swimsuits, so it didn't matter if they showed just a little bit to him.

But it looked good, so Lu Ming still scolded them righteously.

"Everyone sat up and the girls were all staggering around. Their shoulder straps had fallen off and were exposed!"

These words had an effect. The four of them reluctantly sat down a little better, and Lin Ruyin muttered.

"We are all our own people, what are we afraid of? We definitely can't do this outside..."

Then, unwilling to be scolded by Lu Ming unilaterally, he counterattacked: "Mom, he keeps urging us to go back and wants to drive us away. Look at him!"

The only method he can use now is to complain to Lin Wan, oh, or slander.

"But didn't you say yesterday that you have classes tomorrow and have to rush back in the afternoon?"

Lin Wan asked very sincerely, as if she was really worried that they would be too late and delay tomorrow's class.

After finishing speaking, he secretly turned around and winked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming almost laughed out loud. Sure enough, his wife was still the same biological mother. She cheated her daughter as a basic skill, so she secretly gave Lin Wan a thumbs up.


Lin Ruyin really regretted why she said she would have classes tomorrow.

If Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't know, they could have skipped school and stayed in Kyoto, but now that they know, they will definitely not agree to their doing so.

“We want to stay and have Mr. Wang’s dinner tonight!!”

Lin Ruyin finally revealed their purpose of staying in Beijing without leaving.

They had just discussed it in the car, and they all wanted to have this big meal.

After listening to her words, Lu Ming finally understood why they followed him and Lin Wan's room as soon as they came back, but did not go back to his own room. It turned out that they wanted to stay for dinner!
"Want to eat Mr. Wang's dinner tonight??"


"Yes! I want to eat!"

“I want to eat fried chicken!”

After listening to Lu Ming's words, the four of them felt that there seemed to be a turning point and that they could discuss it, and they all nodded wildly.In particular, Wang Lingling responded most positively.

Seeing how interested they were, Lu Ming thought about it and realized that it wasn't impossible.

The worst case scenario is to call the private jet crew to change the time. After dinner, fly back to Shanghai. It's your own private jet anyway, so you can fly as you please.

However, Lu Ming still wanted to tease them, and he couldn't let them succeed so quickly.

So in the expectant eyes of the four of them, Lu Ming said with a smile.

"Next time! You can eat it when you come next time..."

It was not the answer they expected. The four girls were as if they had been poured a bucket of ice water on them. They lost all interest and began to stagger around without paying attention to their movements.

Especially Lin Ruyin, who glared at Lu Ming fiercely when she fell.

The cat is fierce, like a grinning little cat, roaring and waving its claws, but it has no lethality at all.

Looking at this scene, Lu Ming also felt that he should not hit him too hard, so he said.

"Actually, it's not impossible...

You can go back after dinner, and I will notify the private jet crew to change the flight time, but you will be late and tired when you return to school..."

Lu Ming just finished speaking.


"Not too late, not too late!!! Not tired, not tired!!"

"Long live Senior Lu!! I love you so much!"

"We have a great dinner! Thank you, Senior Lu!"

The girls, who were all wilting just now, immediately changed their appearance after hearing this, filled with vitality, and shouted loudly.

He even stood up, left the sofa, and ran to Lu Ming's side. The four of them surrounded Lu Ming and celebrated.

Hiss...what a decent thing! What a decent thing!
Lu Ming quickly jumped out of their encirclement, leaving them to have fun and make trouble.

Then he called Wang Lili and informed her that the flight time had been changed and asked the aircraft crew to make arrangements, especially to arrange a special car to send the four girls back to school safely after arriving in the magic city.

As soon as the call was hung up, Lu Ming's cell phone rang again before he put it down.

At first glance, it was Zhao Haifeng's phone number.

After the connection, Zhao Haifeng's voice came: "Brother! Guess where I am??!"

There was a hint of excitement in Zhao Haifeng's tone.


Lu Ming guessed it right away without even thinking about it, otherwise why would this kid call him and let him guess.

"Brother! How do you know??! That's amazing!"

Lu Ming didn't bother to respond to him and asked directly: "Why did you suddenly come to Kyoto?"

"I'm on a business trip. Brother, let's have dinner together tonight! I haven't seen you for a long time."

Another dinner date... But Lu Ming already had a dinner at Wang's private kitchen in the evening, but Zhao Haifeng was already here, so as his younger brother, he should meet for a meal.

Lu Ming thought for a while and simply organized the two dinner parties together, which would save a lot of trouble.

So he said: "I have an appointment tonight, let's do this, you can come together tonight, and I will send you my address."

Zhao Haifeng agreed without hesitation: "Okay! Then I'll bring a friend over!"

 The data has been very poor recently. Friends who are watching, please vote. Thank you!

  Thanks to book friend Gud, thank you 2023011313 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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