Chapter 381
After hanging up the phone, Zhao Haifeng said to a man next to him.

"My eldest brother has an appointment tonight, but he said that we should go there together, and you can just cancel it. It's easy for you kid, but I can't give you a good beating!"

"Brother Zhao is joking. If you can't do it tonight, there will be plenty of opportunities tomorrow. I will definitely entertain you!"

Zhao Haifeng smiled and did not respond. Does he care about one or two meals?How much can a few meals cost?What matters is the favor and the other person's attitude.

However, Miao Ziyi did well and knew that he was coming to Kyoto.

I still remember how kind I was when I helped him put in a good word last time. Not only did I rush to the airport to pick him up, I also prepared a banquet for him to wash away his troubles.

"Okay, let's go. Go back and get ready, and follow me to eldest brother's dinner party tonight."

Zhao Haifeng got into Miao Ziyi's car. After hearing this, Miao Ziyi also started the car and sped out.

In the co-pilot, Zhao Haifeng was playing with his phone and happened to receive the address information from Lu Ming, so he couldn't help but read it out.

"Wang's private kitchen..."

The name seemed very ordinary. Zhao Haifeng thought it was one of those small fly restaurants selling dog meat but he didn't pay much attention to it. It didn't matter what he ate, the main thing was who he ate with. Besides, it was Lu Mingding's place, so he didn't care. Qualifications questionable.

However, Miao Ziyi next to him was stimulated when he heard it.

"Brother Zhao, do you know Wang's private kitchen?"

Who in Kyoto doesn’t know the name of Wang’s private kitchen?He, Miao Ziyi, had been there once or twice with his elders, and he could never forget the taste of the food there. Unfortunately, it was not a place they could go to casually.

"I don't know, what happened to Wang's private kitchen? It sounds very ordinary..."

Zhao Haifeng said this.

Miao Ziyi suddenly had a big reaction. He almost jumped up from the driver's seat and tried his best to explain to Zhao Haifeng.

“No, Brother Zhao!!!

Common name!But this Wang’s private kitchen is not ordinary!

Chef Wang inside is a national-level chef!They only serve three tables a day, and they are often closed for ten days and a half, making it extremely difficult to reserve a spot!

And they don’t care about us rich second generations at all. If we want to go there, there’s no way to eat there. Only our elders can occasionally book a table!

Let me tell you, Wang Guo’s chef’s skills are truly outstanding! "

Miao Ziyi seemed to remember his previous dining experience, and he was so excited when he talked about it, he kept praising Wang's private kitchen.

"Oh, is it?
The place where eldest brother asked us to go is the Wang family’s private kitchen you just mentioned..."

Zhao Haifeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said calmly like a pretender.

The eldest brother is the eldest brother, even if he comes to Kyoto, he can still eat well.


After hearing what Zhao Haifeng said, Miao Ziyi was stunned!

Isn't Wang's Private Kitchen closed today and not accepting reservations? !
He knew that Zhao Haifeng was coming today, so he specially begged his family elders to help order Wang's private dishes, just so that Zhao Haifeng could also invite the big boss Lu Ming to come over, and he could apologize in person at the dinner.

But it's a pity that the news from my family is that Wang's private kitchen is not doing business today and is closed.

So he settled for the next best thing and moved to a century-old restaurant.

But what is going on now? !
Boss Lu Ming's meal was served from the private kitchen of the closed Wang family? !
"Isn't this big boss taking over the entire Wang family's private kitchen?"

Miao Ziyi had this situation in his mind that he couldn't even believe.

How much power does this have?impossible……

Miao Ziyi couldn't think of any other reasons, but he couldn't believe what he thought.

But in fact, what he thought was similar to the actual situation, and the actual situation was even more outrageous than he thought, which he could never have imagined.

That was because Wang Ziqiang wanted to concentrate on entertaining Lu Ming and the others at night, so he directly announced that the restaurant was closed today and no one could make reservations.He had promised to do his best to make a feast, but he couldn't let other guests be distracted.

"What are you thinking about! Look at the road!"

Zhao Haifeng's exclamation pulled Miao Ziyi out of his wild thoughts.

Unknowingly, the car he had just been distracted had deviated from the normal road and was directly on the solid line. A car drove two lanes.

Fortunately, this is a one-way lane and there are no cars around. If it were two-way, I might have collided head-on with the car on the opposite side.

"I just arrived in Kyoto, and you have to send me off!"

Zhao Haifeng was frightened half to death. This kid didn't know what he was thinking, and he drove off the road.

I was playing with my phone and looked up to find that I was in a hearse!
"Brother Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Miao Ziyi apologized quickly, took back his thoughts and did not dare to think about it any more, and drove Zhao Haifeng towards the hotel seriously.


Night falls.

After a period of rest, Miao Ziyi took Zhao Haifeng out.

He had also been to Wang's Private Kitchen two or three times with his elders, so he was quite familiar with the road, and he quickly arrived at the door of Wang's Private Kitchen.


While still in the car, Miao Ziyi saw three figures standing at the door of Wang's private kitchen.

Take a closer look.

"Brother Jie?! Chef Wang?! Uncle Wang?! Why are they standing at the door?!"

I saw Wang Junjie, Wang Ziqiang and Wang Weimin standing at the door of Wang's Private Kitchen, looking into the distance from time to time, as if they were waiting for someone? !
As a second-generation rich man in Kyoto, Miao Ziyi naturally knew Wang Junjie and Wang Weimin.

When Wang Junjie was young and playful, he was still the big brother of their group, but later he gradually began to mature and took over the group's affairs, and stopped being so playful.

Miao Ziyi's father also had some friendship with Wang Weimin, so he had to call Wang Weimin uncle.

As for Wang Ziqiang and Wang Guochuan, he has always had the habit of chatting and consulting with guests after they have eaten, so Miao Ziyi has also seen him.

"Brother Jie! Uncle Wang! Chef Wang!"

Miao Ziyi got out of the car with Zhao Haifeng, said hello, and walked towards the three of them.

"Zi Yi?"

Wang Junjie and Wang Weimin were both surprised to see Miao Ziyi, wondering why he appeared here.

"This is a friend of mine, Zhao Haifeng from the Zhao family in the Demon City."

"This is my uncle Wang, eldest brother, and Chef Wang, the chef of Wang's private kitchen."

Miao Ziyi first introduced both parties to each other.

When Wang Junjie and Wang Weimin heard about the Zhao family in the Demon City, they also looked at Zhao Haifeng a few more times. After all, the Zhao family was quite famous.

The two sides greeted each other in a friendly manner and got to know each other.

"Brother Jie, Uncle Wang, Chef Wang, why are you all standing here?"

Miao Ziyi asked the doubts in his heart. The three of them looked like they were waiting for someone, but how could anyone make these three do this?
I’m afraid I can’t find such a person in the entire Kyoto!
But the next second, Miao Ziyi got an answer that made him explode.

"Ziyi, you go ahead, we are waiting for a distinguished guest here..."

(End of this chapter)

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