Chapter 391 The Taste of Candied Haws
With such a pair of golden boys and girls standing in front of them, Grandpa Tanghulu found them very eye-catching.

What's more, Lin Wan, the honeyed fruit, obediently called her grandpa, which made Grandpa Tanghu Lu even more amiable.

He clicked the big stick on his car: "Miguoer, what do you want to eat?"

Lin Wan looked at the big stick. There were not only the traditional old Kyoto candied haws, but also some common fruits, orange slices, strawberries and so on.

For a moment, she was dazzled by what she saw, many of which she wanted to try.

Lu Ming saw what she was thinking and said with a smile: "Get one of everything, she's greedy for it."

"How can I have!"

Being teased by Lu Ming in front of others, Lin Wan was so embarrassed that she slapped Lu Ming.

The two of them were laughing and playing around, and all the Tanghu Lu Grandpa saw it. He just felt that the relationship between the young couple was really good, sweet, sweet, even sweeter than the candies he made from making Tanghu Lu.

"It's normal for girls."

As the old man said, he started to use paper bags to pack the candied haws and fruit candies, and then said.

"Young man, you should treat your girlfriend well. Don't take it to heart when you are bickering... The most important thing is to communicate and understand each other... Don't lose it and regret it for the rest of your life..."

He talked a lot, as if he was inspired by his thoughts. He didn't come back to his senses until later and became a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, my old man talks too much. People become verbose when they get older..."

Lu Ming didn't mind. He could tell that this old man seemed to have some stories, and it was for their own good to say these things to them.

"No grandpa, thank you for your teaching...

Wan'er and I are married, and she is my wife now. I will treat him well all my life! "

Hearing what Lu Ming said, the Tanghulu old man smiled with surprise and joy, and even said a few good words.

"Okay, okay! Grandpa bless you!"

After listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Wan increased her strength and held Lu Ming's hand tightly.

"Thank you grandpa for your blessing! Lu Ming is so kind to me!" His happy attitude was clearly visible.

"Grandpa, how much do these cost?" Lu Ming asked after taking the bag handed over by Grandpa Tanghulu.

The Tanghulu old man waved his hand: "No, I'll treat you two as a treat."

Today he met Lu Ming and Lin Wan, who had such a loving and sweet relationship. He was very happy and had no intention of accepting any money.

"How can this be possible?!" Lu Ming could tell from the other party's appearance that Grandpa Tanghulu's life was not rich.

Perhaps the whole family's livelihood depends on selling these candied haws, and they bought a lot of them, about five or six bunches.

So before Grandpa Tanghulu could say anything else, he directly scanned the QR code on his display and paid 100 yuan.

The money arrived quickly.

But Grandpa Tanghulu was not happy: "Hey, you naughty grandson, I even asked you to treat me, but you still sweep so much!"

Lin Wan hurriedly came out to smooth things over and comforted the Tanghu Lu Grandpa: "Grandpa, we have received your thoughts, thank you! But the money still has to be given."

With Lin Wan speaking, the Tanghu Lu Grandpa's displeasure instantly disappeared. Such a good Miguo'er, he couldn't speak loudly.

His tone suddenly became kind again, as if he was coaxing his granddaughter: "Okay, come and try my craftsmanship!

After selling sugar-coated haws all my life, I can show off my craftsmanship to others. The surrounding neighbors, young and old, all like to eat it. "

"Yeah!" Lin Wan took out a candied haws from the bag, opened her mouth and bit into the first one.

"Sour and sweet! It's delicious!" The sour and sweet taste made Lin Wan's eyes turn into crescent moons.

"Husband! Try it!" Lu Ming also ate one. It tasted really good and gave Grandpa Tanghu Lu a thumbs up.After receiving praise from Lu Ming and Lin Wan, especially Lin Wan, the Tanghu Lu Grandpa grinned happily.

"That's good! If you like to eat, get more!"

The candied hawsful man started to pretend again, but Lu Ming and Lin Wan still wanted to refuse. They had already bought enough.

"Take it, keep it in the refrigerator for a long time, eat it slowly!"

In the end, I couldn't resist him, and I had another bag of candied haws in my hand.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan could only thank him: "Thank you, grandpa."

Grandpa Tanghulu laughed and said that he was going to sell somewhere else. After bidding farewell to Lu Ming and Lin Wan, he rode his bicycle away.

Seeing his back slowly disappearing from sight, Lin Wan sighed softly.

"Husband, I am so warm and happy!"

This kind of blessing from a stranger was undoubtedly a novel experience for Lin Wan. Grandpa Tanghulu's sincere blessing made her feel very warm, as if the world was full of love and kindness.

As a female CEO who has experienced intrigues in the business world, how could Lin Wan not know how dangerous the world and people's hearts are, but as long as they have experienced warmth, who would want to return to the cold world before?

So now Lin Wan is enjoying the happy life with Lu Ming and living more and more simply and comfortably.

There is no need to worry about the development of the company, the conspiracy of opponents, or busy work every day. All you need to do is sleep until you wake up naturally every day, and then think about what to eat and where to play with your husband today.

Lu Ming almost had the same mind-set with Lin Wan, so he naturally knew what she was sighing about.

"Honey, I will protect you for the rest of your life and make you feel warm for the rest of your life!"

Lu Ming was confident that he could do it and make Lin Wan happy and worry-free for the rest of her life, and enjoy a happy life to the fullest.

Although Lu Ming's tone was calm, Lin Wan could hear the sincerity and strength in it. She turned sideways and kissed Lu Ming's right cheek.

"I believe you, husband!"

Then he pulled Lu Ming and prepared to move forward: "Let's go to the front and have a look. There seem to be some small stalls!"

"Yeah, your mouth is full of candy when you eat the candied haws, and my face is sticky when you kiss it." Lu Ming said in a feigned disgust.

"You have to wipe it off for me!"

After hearing this, Lin Wan mistakenly thought it was true and was about to take out a tissue and wipe Lu Ming's face.

But he was stopped by Lu Ming. With his confused eyes, he pointed at his lips: "Just rub it here..."

Only then did Lin Wan react, and then, seeing Lu Ming's malicious eyes, she turned around and looked at her surroundings.

Well, no one.

The next second, before Lu Ming had time to prepare.

Suddenly, she felt a touch of warmth and moisture on her face, and Lin Wan was already standing on tiptoes.

One touch and it's gone.

Lin Wan said: "Okay, it's been wiped clean."

At this time, the sweetness on her tongue was the taste of candied haws...

 Thanks to book friend Lonely, hey, sadness touches youth, 20230212991881’s monthly ticket reward!Thank you for your support!

  I’ll post one chapter first, and there will be another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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