Chapter 392 Roses

The warm and moist feeling touched his face, making Lu Ming feel as if he was suddenly shocked.

The whole person is numb and has a unique taste.

Looking at Lin Wan beside him, Lu Ming pulled her over and held her in his arms.

"Let me also try what kind of candied haws it is..."

Then they kissed her without hesitation, and there was a passionate and deep kiss. It wasn't until Lin Wan was almost out of breath that the confrontation ended.

"On the way! Just in case someone...!"

Defeated, Lin Wan complained angrily to Lu Ming, worried that others would notice her after kissing on the street for so long.

"There's no one! Besides, there was candy stuck to your mouth just now. You wiped it for me and I should wipe it for you too!"

Lu Ming is shameless and speaks righteously. He is not as shy as Lin Wan. Even if someone sees her, it doesn't matter. This is his wife, so why not kiss her!
"Hmph... Ignore you, you are such a bad guy, you will make fun of me!" Lin Wan pretended to be angry, took the lead and walked forward.

"Yeah, you were enjoying it and being cooperative just now!

Hey, wait for me..."

Lu Ming hurriedly chased after him, and within a few steps he held Lin Wan's hand again.

How could Lin Wan be really angry with Lu Ming? As soon as Lu Ming stretched out his hand, she was held by him very cooperatively, and the two of them intertwined their fingers.

After not walking far, they came to a small stall.

There are many little people made of sugar on the stall, with various shapes, including butterflies, honeys, cute animals such as cats and dogs, as well as cartoon characters such as Peppa Pig, Big Bear II, and Baby Bus.

Some even have very complicated patterns such as dragons and phoenixes in auspiciousness, double dragons playing with beads, etc. The streamlines are very natural and stretched. At first glance, it seems that a pair of skillful hands are required to make them.

"Wow, so cute. Look, honey, there are so many sweet people here!"

Lin Wan was dazzled by the many patterns: "Mother-in-law, did you make all of these? How amazing!"

The candy seller was a gray-haired mother-in-law, who in ancient times should have been called Tang Yiniang.

"Yes, the little girl is so elegant! Which one do you want?"

The elders who met Lin Wan all praised Lin Wan first. Everyone had a good attitude towards such a beautiful girl.

"Thank you, mother-in-law!
Well...I want this, this, that..."

Lin Wan selected several candy figures with different patterns and shapes at once, ranging from simple to complex ones.

Just when Lu Ming was about to ask how much he would pay back, Tang Yiniang asked again: "Little girl, do you want to try making one yourself?"

This immediately aroused Lin Wan's interest.

"is it okay?!"

"Okay, look." Tang Yiniang pointed to a load beside her. There was a small pot of maltose boiling there. After scooping some up with a spoon, Tang Yiniang started making it on the flat plate.

The maltose in the small spoon slowly flowed out with a slight tilt. Tang Yiniang then lifted her hand up and it became a line of sugar. Her wrist flew up and down, left and right, and she used her left hand to pick up the tool from time to time and pull it a little. .

After a while, a little monkey appeared on the tablet. After seeing the other party's demonstration, Lin Wan became even more interested.

"Husband, let's give it a try!"

Naturally, Lu Ming would not refuse, so Tang Yiniang gave up her position, giving Lu Ming and Lin Wan room to play.

Lin Wan came first.

She first recalled Tang Yiniang's steps with a very serious expression.

After getting ready, Lin Wan scooped a spoonful of maltose from the small pot. She seemed to think it was too much, so she poured some more.

Then he slowly poured the maltose on the flat plate, holding small shovels on the left and right, trying his best to control the direction of the flow of the maltose...

Although she looked very serious, her movements seemed very stiff, her left and right hands couldn't cooperate, and she couldn't make the pattern she imagined.


"Mother-in-law..." Lin Wan looked at Tang Yiniang pitifully. She had tried her best to make up for it, but she still made a different look.

"This is because the temperature of the sugar has dropped and it has hardened, so it cannot deform."

Tang Yiniang analyzed to her a series of reasons why she could no longer shovel.

Lin Wan had no choice but to put down her tools in frustration. She had just carefully watched Tang Yiniang's steps and remembered every step clearly. She felt that she should be able to do it.

But I didn't expect it to be so difficult to actually perform, and the left and right hands didn't cooperate at all.

"Husband..." Lin Wan asked him while holding her work.

"Can you see what I did?"

Lu Ming looked at Lin Wan's twisted work with a dark expression on his face.Isn’t this making things difficult for your husband?



Lu Ming guessed several times but failed to get it right.

"This is a flower! A flower!"

Lu Ming: "..."

This is probably the flower of modern art!Anyway, he didn't see anything like a flower at all.

Seeing that Lu Ming didn't respond, Lin Wan had no choice but to explain: "Well, this looks easy, but it's actually very difficult! I'm already pretty good at it!

If you don’t believe me, give it a try and let me see how you do! "

Lu Ming wasn't interested in this and had no intention of trying it, but Lin Wan didn't give him a chance to refuse. She stood up and pressed him on top again.

"Husband, hurry up, draw one too!"

Lin Wan urged, he actually had a bad idea.

Sugar man making is a traditional skill, and Lu Ming must have never learned it. If the work she makes is as ugly as hers, she won't have to be laughed at by Lu Ming, but can laugh at him.

Under Lin Wan's urging, Lu Ming had no choice but to take action and decide what kind of sugar queen he wanted to be.

With a move of his right hand, he scooped up a spoonful of maltose. He moved quickly without looking at the amount of sugar. He was completely different from Lin Wan just now.


Control the flow of maltose, move your wrist in coordination, and draw sugar lines on the tablet.

Super stable!
Lu Ming's physical fitness allows him to have a high degree of control over his body, and his hands are very stable without shaking at all.

As the sugar lines are formed, the head and tail are connected together, and the pattern of the sugar man he made has appeared.


In Lin Wan's exclamation, Lu Ming held the bamboo stick in his left hand and inserted it into the candy after it had cooled down a bit.


A lifelike rose candy figure appeared in Lu Ming's hand.

"Clap clap clap..."

Lin Wan on the side was already fascinated by Lu Ming, and she was so excited that she clapped her hands and applauded after seeing the roses made of maltose.

She had already forgotten that the reason she had just asked Lu Ming to try to be a candy man was to see Lu Ming embarrass himself.

"That's it? It doesn't seem to be difficult..."

Lu Ming stood up and brought the rose candy man to Lin Wan.

“Honey, I’ll give you a rose candy~”

(End of this chapter)

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