Chapter 406 Bloodstone

Wang Weimin immediately thought carefully about Lu Ming and felt that he must give Lu Ming a special seal!

No. 1 in calligraphy does not have a seal, and even after finishing writing the copybook, it does not have to be stamped. This is unreasonable!
So Wang Weimin immediately suggested: "Mr. Lu, what Mr. Luo said makes sense, it is not difficult to get a seal.

It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Why don't I prepare a seal for you?

This is also a thank you for the gift of copybooks! "

Wang Weimin said, already thinking about what kind of jade is suitable for making seals.

Shoushan stone, Qingtian stone, Balin stone, chicken blood stone, Hetian jade?
These are all famous seal stones, but he doesn't have any...

He has only been collecting for a short time, and his collection is not very rich. Some precious treasures cannot be obtained immediately if you have money. They require time to accumulate.

But Wang Weimin is not worried. He doesn't have it, but he knows who does!
His old friend, Zhao Hongyi, has been collecting for a longer time than him. Among his collections is a very high-quality soapstone, which is perfect for making seals.

Who is not a collector?Of course I want to meet my old friends!Just ask him for that piece of bloodstone!

Wang Weimin didn't have to think about whether Zhao Hongyi was willing to give it to him. He believed that as long as he revealed a little bit and said that the calligraphy master who wrote the copybook wanted it, his old friend would definitely give it to him with both hands. .

After listening to Wang Weimin's words, Lu Ming also felt that it made some sense. Although he didn't use it very much, he could still have what he should have.

But he thought for a moment and realized that he did not have a stone suitable for making a seal.

In his hand, he had the imperial green glass obtained from gambling stones, as well as the fantasy star sea stone, but these were used to make jewelry and were not suitable for seals.

"In the future, I don't have any stone suitable for making a seal. I will look for materials and make another seal later."

Lu Ming declined Wang Weimin's proposal to prepare a seal for him, thinking that he would find materials and make his own seal by himself in the future.

Who knows.

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Wang Weimin immediately said: "Mr. Lu, I have a very good quality chicken blood stone! It is most suitable for making seals!

Let me help you prepare!I will immediately have the stone sent to Master Zhou Guangquan and ask him to hurry up. It will only take three to five days to carve it! "

In order to increase his persuasiveness, Wang Weimin also emphasized it.

"Master Zhou Guangquan is a famous northern sculptor in Kyoto. I have some friendship with him. If I talk to him, he should be able to sculpt as soon as possible."

He has the stone materials and the master sculptor, and he can even expedite it. It will only take a few days to complete. Wang Weimin thinks that Lu Ming will not refuse now.

after all.

Stones suitable for making seals are hard to find, but famous carving masters are even harder to find.

Carving is a skill that requires hard work and years of experience before you can get started. Few people are willing to learn this. In addition, with the advanced science and technology and the popularity of machine carving, hand carving has become even more difficult.

But there is no doubt that machine-carved seals are soulless, and only hand-carved seals can be worthy of Lu Ming.

However, Lu Ming's answer was beyond Wang Weimin's expectation.

"Hmm...Okay. You bring the bloodstone here, and by the way, let someone bring a set of tools for hand-carving jade."


Wang Weimin was stunned for a while. If he didn't send the chicken blood stone to Zhou Guangquan, the master sculptor, why would he bring it to the courtyard? !
He also brought a set of hand-carving tools. Could it be that Mr. Lu knew other carving masters and wanted to invite others to come to the courtyard to carve?
"Is there any problem?" Lu Ming did not explain.

"No problem, no problem! I'll get ready!" Since Lu Ming gave the order, Wang Weimin stopped thinking about it, walked aside, and took out the cell phone that was turned off before.

After turning on the phone, he called Zhao Hongyi.Zhao Hongyi's side.

He was still admiring the printed photo of the copybook obsessively, muttering something to himself.

"This copybook was taken into a photo and printed out, so it is somewhat distorted... but even so, it is still better than other people's original works!"

Zhao Hongyi admired and regretted at the same time.

It is best to observe calligraphy works in person, so that you can feel the charm of calligraphy most directly. Looking at the printed photos like this, he is undoubtedly looking at the plum blossoms to quench his thirst.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Just when he was appreciating it, the ringtone of his cell phone suddenly rang, destroying his indulging appreciation mood, and Zhao Hongyi couldn't help but feel a little angry.

When I picked up the phone and looked at it, I became even more angry.

After connecting, he said immediately.

"Old Wang! Didn't you turn off your phone? Do you still have the nerve to hit me?!


Which calligraphy did your copybook come from? ?
Where are you?I'll go over and have a look! "

Zhao Hongyi first scolded Wang Weimin for valuing his words over his friends. After turning his face ruthlessly, he began to question him again and again.

I can't wait to know Wang Weimin's current location. I can go and see the copybook in the photo with my own eyes. It would be better if I could bring that copybook back by the way.

"Brother Zhao! Listen to me, I didn't turn off my phone!

My phone ran out of battery just now. I will contact you right away after charging it!
But this is also my negligence, my fault, I apologize to you! "

In normal times, Wang Weimin and Zhao Hongyi would not talk so kindly, and they must be at each other's throats. But this is different from the past. Now that Wang Weimin wants to grab the top-quality chicken blood stone from Zhao Hongyi's hand, of course he must talk nicely and tell a white lie.

"What you said is easy to explain. I can tell you where I am. You can come over as a guest later!"

Zhao Hongyi suddenly sensed Wang Weimin's attitude, felt something was wrong, and immediately exposed it.

"It's not right! It's not right!

Since when did you become so easy to talk to? !What do you want to do? ! "

Zhao Hongyi knew Wang Weimin very well. Logically speaking, he was anxious to read the copybook. Wang Weimin would definitely use this to tease him and make him agree to some innocuous conditions.

But now he speaks so nicely and his attitude is extremely abnormal!

After being exposed like this by Zhao Hongyi, Wang Weimin stopped covering up.

"Brother Zhao, I remember I visited your collection room last time and saw a top-quality chicken blood stone. That one should still be there, right?!"

After hearing Wang Weimin's words, Zhao Hongyi jumped immediately.

He knew that Wang Weimin was coveting the top-quality chicken blood stone in his collection!

"I knew it! You, Old Man Wang, are so evil! You are after my baby!
impossible!Even if you beat me to death, I won't be able to give it to you!
That's a big treasure I missed, it's my medal of merit!Don’t even think about it! "

 Thanks to book friend Liu, 001473 for the monthly ticket reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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