Chapter 407 Good news
Zhao Hongyi was very excited. Wang Weimin just asked and flatly refused before he proposed anything.

That resolute attitude makes people feel that there is no room for it.

Judging from the scale of Zhao Hongyi's collection, even though this top-quality chicken blood stone is worth a lot of money, it is not among the top in his collection.

The reason why Zhao Hongyi treasures chicken blood stone so much is because it has other meanings to him and can provide him with other emotional values.

For example, when I see a soapstone, I often recall the pleasure of picking it up. For example, I can brag to my old friends about how I was able to spot pearls and bought the soapstone from a pile of garbage at a glance!
You know, today’s antique market is a mixed bag, and fakes are rampant. Almost all of them are worthless and old things.

Picking up leaks has become a term for mere decoration. Almost no one can really pick up leaks. They are all fake. How can you pick up leaks? !

So this time he picked up a leak and bought millions of worth of soapstone from a pile of junk at a low price, which can make him proud for the rest of his life.

He also boasted about this matter to Wang Weimin, but now Wang Weimin actually coveted his own chicken blood stone!
Evil plot!
Its heart is awkward!

Zhao Hongyi fully suspected that Wang Weimin just wanted to take away his bloodstone so that he could no longer brag.

"Old Wang, Old Wang! Haven't I just boasted a few times with you! Don't be so petty, you are trying to hit me from the source!

Don't say anything and don't think about it. I can't give you this precious bloodstone. I won't brag to you anymore! "

When Wang Weimin heard Zhao Hongyi's reaction, he was also confused. He expected that Zhao Hongyi's reaction would be big, but he didn't expect it to be bigger than he thought.

Before he even said what he wanted to do, he rejected people thousands of miles away, and he also thought that he was so bad!You have to let someone finish what you are saying!

It was as if he wanted Zhao Hongyi's bloodstone deliberately to attack him, but he was obviously helping him!
Although Zhao Hongyi was firm, Wang Weimin didn't find it difficult and said calmly.

"Soapstone or copybook, you choose one, which one do you want?"

He didn't believe that Zhao Hongyi wouldn't take the bait. Although chicken blood stone was Zhao Hongyi's treasure and medal of merit, calligraphy was Zhao Hongyi's true love.

Wang Weimin threw out the copybook as bait, and Zhao Hongyi suddenly became excited.

"Copybook? What copybook? The one you showed me?! Are you going to trade the copybook with me for bloodstones?!"

Zhao Hongyi suddenly seemed like a different person, completely forgetting what he said, "What's impossible? This is my baby, don't think about it." His tone also changed from before.

"Change it! Old Wang, you told me earlier! Where are you? I'll bring the chicken-blood stone over right away, handing over the chicken-blood stone in one hand and the copybook in the other!"

Zhao Hongyi had been so resolute in his protection before, but now he was so happy to change it. He couldn't wait to exchange the chicken blood stone for Wang Weimin's copybook of giving and giving.

Seeing Zhao Hongyi change his face so quickly, Wang Weimin couldn't help but tease him.

"Old Zhao! Tell me, why are you so shameless!

Just now, he looked as if he was ready to die and had no need to discuss it. How come it has changed so quickly now!I’m still in a hurry to catch the duck and put it on the shelves!
You, my dear, are you willing to hand over the chicken bloodstone for your merit medal?"

The situation suddenly changed. Before, Wang Weimin asked for chicken bloodstone, so he had to speak politely, and Zhao Hongyi could be arrogant.

But now that Zhao Hongyi wanted to exchange the chicken blood stone for the copybook, the status of the two of them was reversed.

Zhao Hongyi had to say something nice: "Brother Wang, could you have made it clear earlier? If you had said earlier that you would exchange the copybook with me, would I still be like this?
But these are not important anymore. Where are you now? I will send you the bloodstone quickly. "

Zhao Hongyi just wanted to complete the deal quickly, for fear that Wang Weimin would regret it. However, he realized in the next second that Wang Weimin's words were not what he thought at all, and he was not trying to exchange copybooks with him.

"When did I say that I would exchange my copybook for soapstone?! This copybook is my treasure. I won't exchange it for anything." Zhao Hongyi was stunned when he heard Wang Weimin's words.

"Didn't you just ask me to choose between the bloodstone and the copybook?! Old man Wang, are you kidding me?!"

Wang Weimin went through the process from Old Wang, to Old Brother Wang, and then to Old Man Wang. Each title represented the change in Zhao Hongyi's attitude.

Obviously Zhao Hongyi is angry now and thinks Wang Weimin is playing tricks on him.

"That's what I said, but it doesn't mean that I have to exchange the copybook with you!" After saying this, Wang Weimin told the whole story.

"What do you think of my copybook?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's good!"

"Want it or not?"


Wang Weimin once again aroused Zhao Hongyi's lust: "It's like this, Mr. Lu, the calligraphy master who wrote this copybook, is looking for a suitable stone to carve his own exclusive seal.

Don’t you just have an excellent bloodstone?Give him to Mr. Lu!You have made friends with Mr. Lu, but are you afraid that you won’t be able to get his calligraphy works in the future?

You say, am I not helping you?This is your chance to get a copybook! "

Zhao Hongyi suddenly realized that this was what Wang Weimin meant.

That is to say, if you give away the bloodstone and make friends with the calligraphy master, you will have a chance to get his works in the future.

But there are risks in doing so. It is easy to give things away and end up with no return, and it will be wasted.

Zhao Hongyi was silent for a while, unable to make a decision.

Wang Weimin also noticed his hesitation and kept fanning the flames on the phone to pursue the victory.

"Old Zhao, don't think about it. What's there to think about? This is a good opportunity that I can help you get!

Although your bloodstone is precious, it is not impossible to find it in the market. You can buy it by raising the price and relying on your status as a calligraphy master. "

After hearing what Wang Weimin said, Zhao Hongyi had to admit that he was right. His bloodstone was not irreplaceable, but it had other meanings and made it more precious to him.

If Wang Weimin couldn't get it from himself, he could get it from others in the market. Most of his hesitations had been defeated.

"Furthermore, let me tell you, Mr. Lu, a calligraphy master with such a high level of skill, doesn't even have his own seal. You contributed your beloved chicken blood stone and carved it into the calligraphy master's seal. This is also a good news to spread. !

Maybe the story of you and the calligraphy master will spread in the circle in the future! "

Wang Weimin's next words were like a heavy hammer that directly penetrated Zhao Hongyi's hesitation.

He was moved!

(End of this chapter)

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