Chapter 408: New home and warm meal
What Wang Weimin said was really tempting!
Literati in ancient times gave each other gifts, which was a good news that would last forever. Zhao Hongyi did not dare to expect that it would last forever, but it sounded really beautiful!
At this time, any missed treasures or merit medals are no longer important.

Zhao Hongyi made up his mind: "Where are you, I will deliver the bloodstone with my own hands!"

He must have sent it personally, to the calligraphy master, otherwise if it was borrowed from Wang Weimin, wouldn't it be all his credit?

Wang Weimin didn't care, he had already completed the matchmaking anyway.

"I'm at the Siheyuan in XC area. Come over quickly and bring a set of seal engraving tools."

Zhao Hongyi had been here before, and Wang Weimin was not worried that he would not be able to find the way. At the same time, he also remembered to emphasize that he should bring a set of carving tools.

"Carving tool?? What do you want this for?"

Zhao Hongyi was confused. It was enough to bring chicken blood stone, but carving tools?Is this going to be carved on site?Is there a master sculptor over there?
"Master Zhou Guangquan is there too?"

He knew that Wang Weimin had a relationship with Zhou Guangquan, a master sculptor. His top-quality chicken-blood stone could be completed by a master sculptor like Zhou Guangquan and become the seal of the calligraphy master. This was not a waste, and it was equivalent to finding a good family.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Just come here quickly and remember to bring tools!"

Wang Weimin did not answer Zhao Hongyi's question and hung up the phone after speaking.

"Old man Wang, you...!"

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone after being hung up, Zhao Hong felt extremely angry.

Today he was tortured to a great extent by Wang Weimin. First, he was so greedy for the copybook he sent, and then he was tempted to give up his beloved chicken blood stone. Now he has to work as an errand boy for him.

"Old man Wang, just wait for me...!"

Zhao Hongyi cursed and walked to his collection room. After tedious verification, he opened the safe door. There were a dazzling array of treasures on the wooden shelves, all of which he had collected over the years.

He came to a shelf and picked up a piece of soapstone that was as big as the fists of two or three grown men.

After leaving the collection room, I called the driver and went straight to the courtyard in XC area that Wang Weimin mentioned.


Wang Weimin hung up the phone and returned to the crowd.

"Mr. Lu, I have sent someone to bring the bloodstone and carving tools. They will arrive soon."

Lu Ming nodded. If this was the case, he could start carving later. But obviously the environment in the study was not suitable for carving, and the waste stones produced would stain the study.

So he proposed to go for a walk outside and look for a suitable place for carving.

"There is still some time, let's go out and visit."

Wang Weimin happily led the way, starting from the study, and took everyone to visit other places in the courtyard.

Although the courtyard is large, it is actually composed of many squares, including the main room, the east and west wing rooms and the reverse side room. The courtyard is surrounded from all sides in the middle, so that the courtyard becomes a small world of its own.

Under Wang Weimin's decoration plan, each of these square shapes has been given different meanings and formed various functional areas.

For example, this area is used for sleeping and living, and this area is used for entertainment and leisure.

A group of people casually strolled to a courtyard, where the sun just shined.

"This is for drinking tea and resting, and the lighting is often very good!" Wang Weimin introduced in time.

"Then let's wait here and take a rest."

Naturally, everyone did not refute Lu Ming's suggestion, and immediately sat down on the stone tables and chairs in the courtyard.

Wang Ziqiang started making tea for everyone. Only then did Lu Ming remember another thing and asked.

"Mr. Wang, you should be able to cook here, right? Are there any kitchen utensils, seasonings, etc.?"

He planned to cook with his own hands in the courtyard tonight to warm up the house for moving to a new house, but he almost forgot about it.Wang Weimin was stunned by Lu Ming's sudden question.

He wasn't quite sure about this. In the later period, he was busy treating illnesses and almost didn't pay attention to the courtyard.

On the contrary, Wang Junjie hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Lu! All of these are available. I purchased them all myself. They are all the best things."

He had been preparing to move in, and he had already prepared all of this.

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Wang Ziqiang was also very discerning: "I can have Wang's private kitchen deliver the ingredients.

Mr. Lu, shall we have dinner here tonight? "

"Yes, let's all have dinner together here tonight."

"Okay! Mr. Lu wants to have something to eat. I'll prepare it tonight."

Wang Ziqiang thought that dinner was another good opportunity for him to show off his skills. His field was in the kitchen, so he was confident in this aspect.

I don't know.

Lu Ming shook his head: "Mr. Wang, just take a rest tonight.

Today is considered a move into a new house, so Wan'er and I will prepare dinner for everyone. "

As soon as the words came out.

"How can it be done?!"

"Mr. Lu, let me do it."

"Brother, you..."


Everyone was surprised and said that they could not condescend to let Lu Ming take action.

But Lu Ming has already made up his mind: "It's okay. It's the greenhouse. It's up to me and Wan'er to come in person. Are you still worried that the food I cook is not delicious?"

Seeing that they could not be persuaded, everyone had no choice but to let Lu Ming go. Then Lu Ming reported the required materials to Wang Ziqiang and asked him to ask the people from Wang's private kitchen to deliver them.

After drinking tea for a while in the courtyard.

Wang Weimin's cell phone vibrated, and he knew it was Zhao Hongyi who was here.

Then he answered the phone: "Old Zhao, I opened the door for you. You can come directly to the tea room."

On the phone, Zhao Hongyi cursed, saying that Wang Weimin was unkind and did not come out to lead him, allowing him to come in alone with such a heavy stone.

Wang Weimin didn't care either. Zhao Hongyi had been here several times before the courtyard and was very familiar with it.

It didn't take long.

Zhao Hongyi's figure holding the stone appeared in everyone's sight.

His first sentence was to complain about Wang Weimin: "Old Wang, you old boy didn't even come out to pick me up. It's easy for me to carry such a heavy stone!"
The renovation of your courtyard house is getting better and better!It has been completely improved, and you will have to save a room for me when the time comes! "

Zhao Hongyi walked in and visited all the way. The current courtyard is more complete and smart than when he came here before. Even if he has a lot of houses, he has to think that this courtyard is really good.

Wang Weimin listened to his complaints and took a few steps to greet him.

The movements of his hands did not stop, and he wanted to help Zhao Hongyi hold the stone: "Yes, this courtyard is good, but there is nothing we can do about leaving a room for you!"

 Sorry, the title is wrong, but it can’t be modified.../(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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