Chapter 409 Dahongpao

When Zhao Hongyi heard this, he immediately raised his hand and slapped away Wang Weimin's extended hand, not intending to let him hold the chicken blood stone.

"Hey, you old man Wang, you are not willing to give me a room to live in such a big courtyard house!

We have known each other for so many years, but you still have the nerve to ask for my bloodstone. "

Zhao Hongyi turned around and blocked the soapstone with his body. He was a rich man after all, so how could he really stay in Wang Weimin's courtyard all day long?

As a result, Wang Weimin refused to let him take advantage of this, so he would not be happy.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Weimin quickly explained to Zhao Hongyi.

"Hey, it's not that I won't give you a room to live in, it's just that this courtyard is not mine now. If you want to ask, you should ask its current owner!"

As soon as the words came out.

Zhao Hongyi's eyes widened with disbelief. It was hard for him to believe Wang Weimin's words, but there was no need for Wang Weimin to lie to him.

"No, Lao Wang! Are you telling the truth?! How could such a beautiful courtyard become someone else's?

Let’s not talk about how much money you have spent on courtyard houses over the years. You know that after the policy changes, you will not be able to buy such a good courtyard house.

If you are short of money and want to sell the courtyard, you should sell it to me! "

Wang Weimin knew that Zhao Hongyi had misunderstood. His Wanjiang Group was developing well, so how could he be short of money?But he was too lazy to explain too much to Zhao Hongyi. Lu Ming and his party were watching them from the front.

They can't just stand and chat down there all the time.

"Oh, no, you come with me first."

Wang Weimin pulled Zhao Hongyi forward and came to the front of Lu Ming and others.

As he approached, Zhao Hongyi had already looked at everyone. He knew Wang Ziqiang, Wang Junjie, and Miao Ziyi, but he had never seen Lu Ming, Lin Wan, and Zhao Haifeng.

"It's just... didn't Lao Wang say that the calligraphy master was here?
These people don't look alike, do they?Did you leave temporarily? "

He secretly thought to himself that in his understanding, calligraphy masters were all old men with gray hair and a certain demeanor, which was not the case with these people present.

"Mr. Lu, this is my good friend, Zhao Hongyi.

He had a top-quality soapstone in his collection, which was perfect for making seals, so I asked him to bring it. "

Wang Weimin acted as a bridge of communication and introduced the two parties to each other.

"Old Zhao, this is the new owner of the courtyard, Lu Ming, Mr. Lu. If you want a room, you have to ask him.

At the same time, Mr. Lu is also a calligraphy master. The copybook I wrote was written by him. I asked you to get the chicken blood stone to carve a special seal for Mr. Lu. "

Following Wang Weimin's introduction, Zhao Hongyi's pupils shrank suddenly.

From Wang Weimin's words, he could tell that this courtyard was really no longer in Wang Weimin's hands and was given to Mr. Lu.

Also, Lu Ming, Master Shu introduced by Wang Weimin, is so young!

He had never thought that the calligraphy master would be such a young person before, so he was really shocked when Wang Weimin introduced him like this.

No matter how many shocks, doubts and other emotions were in his heart, Zhao Hongyi still suppressed them. After all, he certainly couldn't show too many emotions in front of everyone now.

"Mr. Lu, I have admired him for a long time. Lao Wang was just joking. Don't mind, Mr. Lu." Lu Ming also welcomed Zhao Hongyi in a friendly manner. After all, he was here to deliver stones to him.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao is welcome to come as a guest at any time. Please have tea."

Zhao Hongyi put down the soapstone in his hand and sat around the tea table. The two parties met for the first time and exchanged some polite words. Fortunately, Wang Weimin was there to smooth things over, so the atmosphere was pretty good.

During the chat, Zhao Hongyi began to feel that Lu Ming was a bit extraordinary, but he didn't look like a calligraphy master.

However, Wang Weimin and Wang Ziqiang's respect for Lu Ming was true. They put Lu Ming first in both words and deeds. He believed that Wang Weimin and Wang Ziqiang would not lie to him, and they should not be cheated.

Zhao Hongyi was trapped in this contradictory mood.

Until Wang Weimin suddenly asked him: "Old Zhao, where are the carving tools I asked you to bring? You didn't bring them, right?"

Wang Weimin suddenly remembered that Zhao Hongyi only held the chicken blood stone when he came in, and seemed to have brought nothing else.

"You didn't come to pick me up. I can't carry so many things by myself! I put them in the car!"

Zhao Hongyi rolled his eyes at Wang Weimin and responded angrily.

Wang Weimin didn't answer, and immediately ordered his son to go outside and bring it in.

"Junjie, please run an errand and go get something from your Uncle Zhao's car."

Wang Junjie naturally did not dare to refuse. After taking Zhao Hongyi's car keys, he quickly went outside to get the carving tools.

At this time.

Lu Ming moved the chicken-blood stone brought by Zhao Hongyi and placed it in front of him. He looked at the chicken-blood stone carefully and stroked it with his hands.

This piece of chicken blood stone is indeed the best chicken blood stone that Wang Weimin calls, and the quality is indeed very high.

It belongs to Changhua Bloodstone and has the six virtues of "fine, red, moist, greasy, warm and coagulant". As we all know, the most important basis for judging the bloodstone is its blood color. The higher the blood color, the better. Those with more than 30% are high-grade, and those with more than 50% are high-grade. 70% are treasures, and more than [-]% are rare.

The chicken blood stone that Zhao Hongyi brought is all red on six sides, which is the best quality. It is red and psychic and can be called the "Big Red Robe"!
At the same time, its clarity and texture are also very high. The distribution of blood in the stone is like mist, forming abstract graphics, which further increases the value of soapstone!
"It is indeed a rare and top-quality chicken blood stone!"

Lu Ming came to the conclusion that Zhao Hongyi, the owner of the chicken blood stone, couldn't help but feel proud. This was the same as others praising their children for their excellence.

At the same time, such a treasure was picked up by himself, which made Zhao Hongyi even more proud.

It's just that Zhao Hongyi was only happy for a second. The next second he thought that the chicken blood stone was no longer his own after he brought it over, and his whole body became filled with pain.

While Lu Ming was admiring the chicken blood stone, Wang Junjie had already returned with a box.

"Here, Mr. Lu, here are the carving tools you want."

Lu Ming opened the box, and the tools inside were clearly visible. Chisels, hammers, engraving knives, stacks, steel grinding bars and other tools appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Weimin looked at Lu Ming's movements in confusion, and finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Mr. Lu, what do you want these carving tools for?"

Lu Ming played with the chisel in his hand, familiar with the feel of the tool, and responded calmly.

"The carving tool is naturally used to carve my seal..."

(End of this chapter)

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