Chapter 411 Qilin
Who could bear to see such a beautiful treasure smashed like this?
Others may not dare to say anything, but Luo Ziqian didn't care too much: "Hey! Lao Lu!
You struck too hard, why did you smash the bloodstone? !What a pity it would be to smash such a beautiful stone! "

What Luo Ziqian said was actually the voice of the others. Lu Ming's hammer just now really scared them.

They were still admiring the chicken-blood stone intoxicated, but Lu Ming hit it with such force with a hammer. It seemed that the hammer did not hit the chicken-blood stone, but hit their hearts.

Lu Ming glanced at Luo Ziqian: "Fat man, open your eyes wide and take a look."

Before Luo Ziqian could react, Lu Ming moved his hand, and the hammered bloodstone scattered and divided into three unequal parts.

It's not like what everyone thinks, the bloodstone will turn into a pulp after being smashed, and it's hard to see it.

After receiving Lu Ming's hammer, the chicken blood stone seemed to have a miracle. It did not fall apart, but changed from one to three. If the three cracked marks are rejoined, they can still form a complete chicken blood stone.

Lu Ming wasn't doing this to sabotage, everything was as he expected.

This piece of chicken blood stone is not small, enough for him to make two seals of famous seals and leisure seals, and there is still some leftover, so Lu Ming planned to divide the stone and only take the materials that are used, and the remaining materials can be preserved. .

This is the true meaning of not wasting even a penny of the bloodstone. It is not like what everyone thinks that the bloodstone will be useless if it is smashed like this.

But it is.

Lu Ming's hammer was so unexpected. Who would have thought that with a seemingly random hammer, the chicken blood stone would explode under the impact of gravity.

But the reality is different from people's perception. It was miraculously divided into three complete bloodstones.

Luo Ziqian was greatly shocked.

"Lao Lu! Did you do this on purpose?! You're so awesome! You scared me!

Great, so great!
With such a heavy hammer, I thought you were going to smash the bloodstone!

How did you do it? ! "

Looking at the chicken blood stones scattered into three pieces on the table, the others were in a similar state to Luo Ziqian, both shocked and confused.

It is completely unimaginable why Lu Ming could do this with just one stroke.

Lu Ming picked up the three soapstones on the table and looked at them one by one. Occasionally facing the sun, he carefully studied the patterns and internal structure of the soapstones. He had to think carefully about which soapstone should be used to carve which seal.

At the same time, we should also think about the general shape of the seal, while answering Luo Ziqian's question.

"Well, there are enough materials. You can't use so much for two seals, so I divided them into three parts."

As for Luo Ziqian's question about how he did this, Lu Ming thought for a moment and said calmly: "Isn't it just a matter of having hands? Just find the right place and hammer it."

After hearing Lu Ming's answer, everyone fell into silence, and even Luo Ziqian didn't want to respond.

Do you have hands? !
Then why do they feel that if they hit the bloodstone, the stone will break into pieces of different sizes and be directly destroyed? !

Are they all useless?
Even if they are novices in carving, they know that the truth is not as easy as Lu Ming said!

Under Lu Ming, who has a god-level carving, this kind of operation can be said to be basic. There is nothing to say. In fact, when observing the chicken blood stone, it is clear about the internal structure inside, and at the same time when removing the surface impurities of the stone. Bury the "lead" first.

Finally, find the central force-bearing point of the chicken-blood stone, and the last hammer is equivalent to detonating, and you can separate the chicken-blood stone. No modern tools are needed at all, everything is done by hand.Everyone fell into silence, and Lu Ming didn't say anything more, and selected two large and small pieces from the three bloodstones.

The big ones are used for famous seals, and the small ones are used for casual seals.

Name badges are more serious, usually square or rectangular, so they will be larger.

Xianzhang is more casual. It can be round or oval, and the size is not so demanding. It mainly depends on the user's preference.

To engrave a seal, you usually need to carve the position of the upper button of the seal to decorate the seal, which is also called button carving.

The content of the button carvings is mostly animals, especially ancient mythical animals, such as: chi, lion, dragon, phoenix, tiger, glutton, unicorn, camel, ao, turtle, bear, bat, etc., so it is also called "beast button".

In ancient times, there were some taboos on the content of carvings. For example, only members of the royal family could carve dragons and phoenixes on seals, but these taboos no longer exist.

But Lu Ming still had no intention of carving a dragon shape. The dragon was a symbol of the emperor and a symbol of power, and he was not keen on these.

He planned to carve a unicorn. The unicorn is an auspicious animal that brings good luck and is good for warding off disasters and warding off evil spirits.

Lu Ming picked up the larger piece of chicken blood stone, held the carving knife in one hand, and began to carve it carefully. Little by little red stone chips fell into Lu Ming's hand.

Sculpting is a delicate job, and craftsmanship, time, patience, etc. are all indispensable.

Even if Lu Ming had god-level carving, he would not be able to make the work come out quickly with just a few brushes like machine carving. He would need to carve and polish it by hand bit by bit.

Since Lu Ming had just started, his Qilin Beast had not yet taken shape, so everyone could not see what he was doing. They could only see the pits he had made on the chicken blood stone. It would have been uncomfortable even if you didn't have an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Ten minutes passed like this, and they finally couldn't bear to watch such a boring scene.

Even the video in Wang Weimin's hand stopped, and their attention began to be distracted. They moved to other places, looking at the surrounding environment, or whispering to the people around them.

"Old Zhao, what do you think??"

Wang Weimin asked Zhao Hongyi what he thought, so naturally he asked him what he thought.

Zhao Hongyi took a deep breath and shook his head: "I don't know either, I can't understand...!"

His mood was constantly ups and downs today, and he was speaking from his heart. He really couldn't understand or see through Lu Ming.

At first he questioned, then became dubious, then shocked, then confused, and now he doesn't know what to think...

Zhao Hongyi has made a decision. Since the matter has developed to this point, he will not think about it if he can't understand it. He will wait and see and wait for the result.

"Well, even I can't understand a god like Mr. Lu!"

The two of them were whispering, and Wang Weimin glanced at Lu Ming's hand inadvertently as he spoke.

The moment he saw the bloodstone, he was stunned.

"Qilin! It's Qilin!"

(End of this chapter)

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