Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 412: Longquan Red Mud. Please vote for recommendations.

Chapter 412: Longquan Red Mud. Please vote for recommendations.


Wang Weimin couldn't help but exclaimed, the unicorn in front of him was so eye-catching!

In the quiet scene, his voice suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and they all noticed the soapstone in Lu Ming's hand.

For a short while, everyone was distracted and didn't pay attention. The bumpy bloodstone turned around and turned into a bright, flexible and vivid blood-red unicorn.

Generally, a bright red unicorn would make people feel coquettish and weird, as if it was something bad. However, thanks to Lu Ming's skills, this unicorn did not make people feel that way at all. Instead, it looked majestic and auspicious.

This is naturally the result of Lu Ming's skills. He designed the color distribution and blood veins of chicken blood stone, and flexibly used round carving, openwork carving, relief and other techniques to carve out the Kirin's look.


Others also took a breath after seeing the unicorn that suddenly formed on the chicken blood stone.

They were just distracted for a little while!
How did the originally uneven bloodstone turn into this appearance? It’s simply amazing!
Luo Ziqian was the first to be unable to hold himself back: "Fuck! Lao Lu!

You are doing magic!After I left my eyes for a short while, the unicorn came out! "

Everyone also agreed: "Yes! This is amazing!"

"I didn't even see how this was carved!"

"This unicorn looks too vivid, its eyes are so vivid!"

"Mr. Lu is so awesome! The level of carving seems to be very high!"

If the previous actions made them think that Lu Ming was good at carving and was familiar with carving, now the Kirin beast on the seal has taken shape. Even if they are novices in carving, they should know and appreciate Lu Ming's extraordinary carving skills after seeing this Kirin. Got it!
Lu Ming did not respond to their compliments, and the movements of his hands never stopped. The most complicated beast unicorn carving was completed, and the text on the bottom was even easier.

The carving knife kept brushing, and the word "Lu Ming" appeared on it.

This is the end.

The name badge is complete!

Lu Ming placed the Qilin badge beside him. Under the sunlight, the bright red Qilin looked even more agile and ready to leap out!
Wang Weimin came up immediately and took some photos from several angles.

Luo Ziqian started to use it without any courtesy. The moment he started using it, he could feel the cool, warm and delicate feel of the soapstone in his hand.

By observing and playing at a closer distance, Luo Ziqian can also experience the exquisiteness and wonder of the Kirin beast.

"This unicorn! It looks like a real unicorn! This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful unicorn!"

After Luo Ziqian sighed, he thought about it and suddenly realized that he seemed to have said a lot of nonsense, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Of course Qilin is Qilin!How does it look like a real unicorn? He said it as if he had seen a real live unicorn, but he also spoke from the bottom of his heart. Compared with the unicorns he had seen on TV and in movies, the unicorn carved by Lu Ming Really the most beautiful!
Of course, what looks good and looks good can only be described by Luo Ziqian, a novice sculptor and with his limited vocabulary, using such poor adjectives.

This is actually only the first level of Qilin, which has both form and beauty, that is, carving its shape and possessing its beauty. Luo Ziqian can only appreciate so much.

After Luo Ziqian was embarrassed, he handed the Qilin to Wang Junjie beside him, and they took turns admiring it.

Wang Junjie happily took over. No one present wanted to pick it up and play with it, but they didn't dare to do such a move rashly.Now Luo Ziqian stuffs it for himself after reading it, so that he can watch it well, which is very reasonable.

Just when he wanted to take a closer look, he looked up and found his father, Wang Weimin, staring at him.

Wang Junjie immediately understood what Wang Weimin meant, and reluctantly handed over the Qilin seal in his hand.

My son has no human rights!

Wang Weimin couldn't wait to take it from Wang Junjie's hand. Zhao Hongyi beside him also quickly approached and the two of them watched it together.

"Okay! The carving is so good, with both shape and beauty, and a sense of agility!"

Obviously Wang Weimin and Wang Junjie have experience in collecting. Although they are not familiar with the art of carving, their appreciation skills are still there, and they can see more things than Luo Ziqian that they cannot.

That is the agility of Qilin, the second realm of sculpture!
Carving is not just about carving its shape, but more importantly, it is about giving life to the spirit.In the art of sculpture, through the processing of lines, three-dimensional interpretation, and expression of expressions, the lines have a unique rhythm and the seal has a soul.

Seeking flying in silence, overflowing transcendence from normalcy, dancing wildly, pursuing the clear flow of life, the change of movement and stillness, becoming the most smooth presentation of life.

After the two played with it for a while, they gave it to others to watch, and finally it was returned to Lin Wan for her safekeeping.

During the time they were watching, Lu Ming was not idle, and continued to make the second leisure seal.

There are not many restrictions in the leisure chapter. It depends on the user's hobbies. Lu Ming moved his hand and used the flexible carving knife to outline the bloodstone. Not long after, a bright red deer appeared.

The fawn is not as complicated as the unicorn. Its smooth lines and dotted eyes and ears are enough to reflect its vividness.

As for the text at the bottom, Lu Ming thought for a while and carved the word Changle.


This is what he and Lin Wan have been pursuing all their lives, to always be happy and joyful.

The two seals, one large and one small, a personal seal and an idle seal, have been engraved and it is time to use them for verification.

Lu Ming gave instructions: "Try it with red clay and white paper. If there is no problem, I will stamp your copybook and it will be considered complete."

After receiving the instructions, Wang Junjie, who was used to running errands, subconsciously went directly to the study, but was stopped by Wang Weimin: "Wait a minute, just take the piece of Longquan red mud I collected!"

Do you know where it is? "

Before Wang Junjie could respond, Wang Weimin said to himself: "Forget it, I'll go get it with you. You'll get it wrong later!"

Lu Ming wanted to go to the red mud, so Wang Weimin naturally had to take out the most precious one. He happened to have a piece of Longquan red mud in his collection, but he had never used it.

Longquan ink pad is delicate, thick, and calm. It does not solidify in winter or seep oil in summer. It is fragrant and does not fade for a long time. A seal stamped with Longquan ink pad on rice paper can reflect the lines of the seal carving more clearly.

Longquan red clay, which has been made through complicated processes, can even be left in water for several days and still look as red as new when picked up and used.

Wang Weimin felt that such red clay was worthy of Lu Ming's copybook and seal!

 Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyao Marmot for the two monthly passes, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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