Chapter 415 Metamorphosis
"Old Zhao, let me see, let me see!"

When Zhao Hongyi was admiring the black turtle seal, Wang Weimin on the side couldn't help but stretched out his hand and looked at Zhao Hongyi with eyes full of envy. He didn't expect that the third seal carved by Lu Ming was actually for Zhao Hongyi.

He also wants to have a seal like this!
Although it seems that he is very greedy, who wouldn't want this kind of treasure? If they can have it, of course they want it all!
"Go as you go!"

Zhao Hongyi ignored Wang Weimin and pushed him away with his body, not letting him get close to his black turtle seal and not even giving him a chance to touch it.

He has not forgotten how Wang Weimin acted rogue just now, and naturally he will not look good to Wang Weimin now.

After ignoring Wang Weimin, Zhao Hongyi began to appreciate the black turtle seal again.

This was specially customized for him by Lu Ming. For an old man like him who is old and has money and leisure, the black turtle representing longevity and the blessing and longevity message are indeed the most suitable for him.

"Thank you, Master Lu! Thank you so much! This seal is great."

Zhao Hongyi sincerely thanked Lu Ming. He really felt that he had made a lot of money. He just provided a piece of bloodstone, but Lu Ming actually gave him such a precious seal in return.

Although he originally came here for the calligraphy master's copybook, now this seal is no worse than the copybook. It not only includes calligraphy, but also engraving!

This made Zhao Hongyi begin to feel that there was some injustice. His contribution to providing the chicken blood stone was not enough in exchange for this seal, and he was thinking about what else he could use to repay Lu Ming.

He didn't know about Wang Weimin's illness before, and naturally he didn't know the inside story of Lu Ming helping Wang Weimin treat his illness.

So after thinking about the relationship between the courtyard house and the copybook, Zhao Hongyi couldn't help but have some guesses. He felt that Wang Weimin gave the courtyard house to Lu Ming, so he got the copybook in exchange for it.

Zhao Hongyi knew the value of the courtyard, but if he were the owner of the courtyard, he would be willing to change it to a copybook. Therefore, Zhao Hongyi felt even more that providing the chicken blood stone was too unworthy of publicity.

Originally, he had planned to give away this piece of chicken blood stone for free, as a way to establish a good relationship first, and then ask for copybooks when he had the opportunity to do so.

Unexpectedly, he got a treasure seal that was no less than a copybook today, which made him surprised, happy and worried at the same time!
After playing with it for a while, Zhao Hongyi also passed the black turtle seal to everyone in turn, but he did not give it to Wang Weimin first and ignored him.

Wang Weimin next to him was so angry that he fiddled with his mobile phone. While playing with his mobile phone, Wang Weimin looked at the photos and videos he had taken. He didn't know what to think, so he sent these to someone in his address book. .

The other party didn't respond immediately, and Wang Weimin didn't mind, so he put away his phone, because after the black turtle seal went around for a while, it finally came to the last person's hand, and he could start to play with it and appreciate it.

Now that the seal has been engraved, Wang Junjie and the others brought the copybook just now, so Lu Ming greeted.

"Then come on and stamp the copybook."

Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi quickly got busy, cleaning the table, laying out the copybooks, and then placing the Longquan ink pad on the right side of Lu Ming.

After everything is ready.

Lu Ming copied the name and Xianzhang in turn and stamped the signature on the copybook.

The black ink stains and the red ink pad are intertwined, but they are not covered up or appear messy. Instead, there is an indescribable harmonious beauty.


The first copybook that was spread out happened to be Wang Weimin's copybook. He was willing to give it up. Seeing his copybook actually stamped with a seal, Wang Weimin's heart surged. He felt that some kind of final ceremony had been completed, and his whole person was sublimated. Same.Lu Ming was also satisfied when he looked at the truly complete copybook in front of him.

This seal was not carved in vain. After adding the seal, the copybook seemed to have undergone a mysterious transformation, and its aura reached a new level.

Not only Lu Ming and Wang Weimin felt this way, but even calligraphy novices like Luo Ziqian thought it was more beautiful than the original copybook.

"That's right, Lao Lu! I just said, it's weird without a seal, but it's still so pleasing to the eye!"

Luo Ziqian said happily, and couldn't wait to help take away Wang Weimin's copybook and put Wang Ziqiang's copybook on it. The elders were in order. After the elder's stamping was completed, it was his turn.

Although he was closer to Lu Ming, he still understood the basic principles and had to do them.

Lu Ming repeated the stamping action, but he was thinking in his heart about the profoundness of Chinese culture. Although he has god-level calligraphy and can write top-notch calligraphy, he has never cared about this problem. The copybooks he wrote are all It is not customary to sign and stamp.

However, even masters of calligraphy such as Wang Yizhu and collectors such as Wang Weimin and Zhao Hongyi never cared about the details of their copybooks at first, because the more they learned about them, the more they were shocked by their own copybooks.

There was no other thought to care about, or they didn't dare to say anything. Only novices like Luo Ziqian didn't understand anything but dared to speak out and put forward real opinions.

This not only transformed the copybook, but also gave Lu Ming a spiritual baptism, and he became more respectful and awed towards the profound Chinese culture.

"Yes, thank you! Now you are satisfied!"

“Satisfied satisfied!”

Luo Ziqian happily packed away his copybooks, and Lu Ming had already stamped them all.

The people present, Wang Weimin, Wang Ziqiang, Zhao Hongyi, and Luo Ziqian, all gained something and were happy, but Wang Junjie, Miao Ziyi, and Zhao Haifeng felt uncomfortable.

They worked as spectators, errand boys, and waiters for a day, but got nothing.

But Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi felt uncomfortable and did not dare to have any opinions. They had known Lu Ming for a short time. Lu Ming was a person that their elders needed to respect and treat with care. How could they have the right to ask for anything.

But Zhao Haifeng is different. He can be regarded as Lu Ming's younger brother. Although his status is not high, he can still speak well.

Zhao Haifeng held it in for a day and finally got the courage to ask Lu Ming.

"Big brother!"

"Huh?" Lu Ming turned his head and looked at Zhao Haifeng when he called him like that.

"If I do something successful in the future and contribute to the company... Big brother... you can reward me with a copybook or engraving, okay?"

Although he was a little nervous when Lu Ming looked at him, Zhao Haifeng still mustered up the courage to speak out.

He had no knowledge or interest in calligraphy and sculpture before, but after Lu Ming's influence, he could vaguely appreciate the beauty of these arts, and gradually became interested and eager to own them!
(End of this chapter)

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