Chapter 416 Unbelievable
"see your performance."

Regarding Zhao Haifeng's request, Lu Ming neither agreed nor refused immediately.

He didn't mind Zhao Haifeng's request. Reward should be given to meritorious service. After Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di had done a lot of things for him before, didn't he also reward them with their dream car?

Now he just changes the reward into calligraphy or engraving. He can write it casually. When he is in a good mood, he can write a few words. This is even easier.

"Thank you bro!"

Although Lu Ming only gave a vague response, he finally had a glimmer of a possibility.

And based on Zhao Haifeng's understanding of Lu Ming, this may not fool people. As long as there is real merit, Lu Ming is very generous, and he understands it deeply.

So Zhao Haifeng has turned from gloomy to sunny, and he is happy and energetic.

Set a small goal, work hard to make money for your elder brother, and get a reward in the future, so you will have more goals and motivation for your work!

Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi on the side all saw this situation. They were both very envious. They also wanted to have such an opportunity!

But they don’t have this identity!

Only then did the two realize that they, the two famous young men in Kyoto, were now the lowest-ranking people here.

Although Zhao Haifeng and Luo Ziqian are the same or worse than them in terms of social status, they have already distanced themselves from them just by virtue of their closer relationship with Lu Ming.

Especially Luo Ziqian, although he is only a small data manager of the Universe Building, the richest man in Kyoto, Wang Weimin, does not dare to give him any shame and put him on an equal footing!


Engraving workshop.

Zhou Guangquan, who had been busy for a long time, finally stopped to rest for a while. He picked up his phone and received several messages at once.

When I clicked it open, it was filled with photos and videos.

Zhou Guangquan put on his glasses again and opened the photo. The moment he saw the photo.

Good guy!
The photo immediately gave him a surprise. Zhou Guangquan couldn't help but move closer to the phone, pulled it with his fingertips, and carefully looked at the bloodstone unicorn seal on the photo.

"Okay! This seal is carved so well!"

Zhou Guangquan was studying and mumbling something.

I carefully looked at the photos of the Kirin seal from several angles, inside and out, many times: "Perfect! Perfect Kirin! This carving technique! It's not simple. How come I've never seen it before?!"

Zhou Guangquan studied for a long time and passed through the names and works of several sculpting masters in his mind, but he could not find anyone who could match the technique and style of Qilin Seal.

You must know that carving masters are rare. They are not many in number and are familiar with each other. Moreover, each carving master has his own carving techniques and carving styles. This is due to their habits.

In addition, carvings are also divided into two schools, the north and the south. The south is delicate and the north is grand. Therefore, their carvings almost all have obvious personal styles, which can be recognized at a glance.

But this unicorn seal...

"Yuanqing! Yuanqing! Come and take a look!"

Zhou Guangquan quickly called for help. He was a northern carver and might not fully recognize the southern carvers.

But it doesn't matter, the person with him is none other than the southern sculptor Li Yuanqing, who happened to be his guest at this time.

Hearing Zhou Guangquan's shouting, Li Yuanqing ran over quickly: "What's wrong?" "Look!"

Zhou Guangquan opened the photo on his phone and handed it to Li Yuanqing to look at. Li Yuanqing fell silent after seeing it and began to get absorbed in it.

After he finished admiring it, Li Yuanqing asked: "Who carved this?"

Zhou Guangquan was stunned for a moment and asked: "I still want to ask you! I just couldn't figure out who the person was, so I thought you might know."

Li Yuanqing shook his head blankly. Like Zhou Guangquan, when he was admiring the Qilin seal, he subconsciously searched for a matching name, but couldn't find a match, so he asked Zhou Guangquan.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Guangquan didn’t know either.

"From the perspective of the style and skills of carving techniques, both the northern and southern techniques are very proficient. The Kirin is solemn and majestic overall, but also complex and changeable in details, exquisite and vivid, and has the characteristics of both the northern and southern ones.

I can't think of anyone who can master both northern and southern carving techniques and integrate them so well..."

Li Yuanqing analyzed the carving technique of the Qilin seal.

"Not only that, look at the back... there is a small deer leisure seal. A few strokes outline the lines of the deer, which are smooth, vivid, natural and harmonious!
This is the third level of sculpture, heaven, earth and human beings!Let people feel infinite happiness in the harmony with nature, place their feelings on mountains and rivers, imbue jade with artistic conception, use jade to carry Tao, and pursue the harmony between jade, people and Tao. "

Only then did Zhou Guangquan discover that in addition to the unicorn seal, there was also a deer seal. Although this deer seal looked simple, it was even more extraordinary!
"Let me see!"

Li Yuanqing quickly took the phone and saw the deer seal, and his expression became more solemn.

"It's not just that! It seems like it's not just that! Heaven, earth, and human beings are not the limit of these two seals, it may even be...

It’s just that we haven’t reached the realm yet, and we can’t understand it so clearly! "

After hearing what Li Yuanqing said, Zhou Guangquan was immediately shocked.

"What?! Isn't this more?! If it's not the world and the people, has it already reached the fourth level, the realm of transformation?!"

Although he was shocked and questioned, he did not question Li Yuanqing's words. Li Yuanqing was more professional and authoritative than him in this regard.

"Well, it's possible! Although the photos are clear, after all, it's not a matter of seeing it with your own eyes. You still can't understand much by playing with it."

Li Yuanqing felt a little regretful. If he could see it with his own eyes, he would definitely feel more.

At this time, Zhou Guangquan had already watched the end and found that there was another video at the back, so he quickly opened it and took a look.

The protagonist in the video was clearly carving the unicorn seal that they had been admiring. Li Yuanqing felt like he was getting close to him. The two of them were crowded in front of a small mobile phone screen, watching intently.

The pair of jade hands in the video are like gods with their swords. Each sword is extremely precise and no sword is redundant.

"Yuan Qing! Do you believe it?? This unicorn is carved like this?? This video is really not processed, is it not played in multiples??"

After watching the video a few times, Zhou Guangquan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the scenes in the video.

Is this carving? !It's not like a child playing with mud. You can start it casually and pinch it again if it breaks!

There are precious stones worth hundreds of thousands and millions in his hands. Which carver is not careful and takes his time with each cut.

But this guy in the video...!
 Thanks to book friend 391729 for the monthly ticket reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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