Chapter 417 Carving Secrets
"I do not know!!!"

Li Yuanqing shouted in his heart, his eyes were blank, and it was obvious that he couldn't understand the scene in the video.

Both hands?How do you achieve carving speed and accuracy comparable to that of a machine? ?

This is not the most outrageous thing. No matter how fast the carving speed is, it is useless. The machine is fast, but can it carve the charm of hand carving? ?

But in this video!
The owner of these hands is not only as fast as a machine, but also has this charm that is vividly displayed!
So both Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing couldn't believe it. Is this something that could really happen? ?Can anyone really do this?The video is not processed, is it? !

Maybe it's accelerated several times? !

However, even if it is accelerated several times, the speed is still beyond their reach.

You know, when the sculptor is carving, he already has a rough idea of ​​the carving work in mind and knows roughly what shape it will be carved into.

But we also need to think about how to use the knife based on the texture distribution and lines of the stone. We must be stone-based and follow nature to the greatest extent, so that we can carve works with rich charm.

So this means that every time the engraver uses a knife, he needs time to think about where to put the knife and what technique is most suitable.

Often, for an excellent piece of work, they would have to spend three to five days at the earliest, devoting themselves wholeheartedly to it.

If they only pursue speed, they can carve the work quickly, but this will lose the meaning of hand carving. If you have speed but not charm, it is better to use a machine to carve directly.

"Look again! Look again!"

The two of them decided to continue watching the video with shock, confusion and many complicated emotions, maybe they would get the answer next.

The pair of jade hands in the video are still carving quickly.

Different techniques such as round carving, relief carving, deep carving, shallow carving, hollow carving and line carving are superbly displayed by these hands.

"Hey... Yuan Qing, can I go back a little bit? I didn't understand something just now, and I want to read it again."

Zhou Guangquan anxiously asked Li Yuanqing for his opinion. The hands sculpted in the video were too fast. When a certain technique appeared, his eyes were so sore that he couldn't help but blink, and it was already over.

He felt that this technique was very important and worth learning, so he couldn't wait to watch it again.

"Well, I can't see clearly, and I want to see it again! It seems to be an innovative technique of shallow carving. If you carve it like this, it will not only be beautiful but also faster..."

Li Yuanqing knew what Zhou Guangquan was concerned about. He had also seen the technique just now, but he didn't fully understand it.

After getting Li Yuanqing's consent, Zhou Guangquan quickly stepped back and read it again intently.

After reading it, Zhou Guangquan breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to relax at all. God knew there were many surprises waiting for him to discover and learn, but he did not dare to miss it again.

However, they watched...

"Gone?! Why is it gone?!"

The video on the phone stopped abruptly. It was clear that the Qilin seal had not been carved yet, but the video ended.

Zhou Guangquan was also confused. He didn’t know, and he wanted to continue watching!
In the few minutes they watched the video, they learned at least five or six carving techniques, some of which were advanced and innovative techniques based on the currently used carving techniques, both from the North and the South, and even brand-new ones they had never seen before. Engraving technology!
Now this video is not just a simple video, but also a learning guide for these two master sculptors!
They are one in the south and one in the north. They are two long-famous carving masters. Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing are both well-known figures in today's carving world.

The two have been immersed in the art of sculpture for more than thirty years. While mastering the sculpture techniques of their respective schools, they have also learned to communicate with each other in other styles of techniques, in order to continue to master their own techniques and open up further paths.

This is why the two of them got together.

Both of them have benefited a lot from long-term communication and learning, but the benefit they have gained from three to five months of communication is not even as great as the progress they have made by watching videos for a few minutes!
But now this learning guide and technical secret book is broken? !
One can imagine the mentality of Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing. They were completely shattered!

"Seeing this, I dare to say that if I can learn all those techniques, my works can be taken to a higher level!" Li Yuanqing summarized his gains. He has memorized all the techniques in the video, although he has not yet It was a hands-on experiment, but he knew clearly that after learning those techniques, his carving speed and technique would be greatly improved.

"Well, me too!"

Zhou Guangquan agreed. He is still recalling the exquisiteness of those carving techniques.

"Lao Zhou, please send me a copy of the video. Although I have written it down, it is worth studying again and again. Maybe you can see new technologies after careful consideration!"

Li Yuanqing asked Zhou Guangquan to share this "carving secret book".

"By the way! How do you have these videos and photos?" Li Yuanqing suddenly remembered and asked.

Li Yuanqing asked this question.

Zhou Guangquan seemed to have thought of something, suddenly enlightened, and shouted excitedly.

"Ah!! Yes! Mr. Wang sent it to me! I'll find out if I ask him!!"

He finally remembered that the video photos were sent to him by Wang Weimin. He had some friendship with Wang Weimin and had personal contact information.

After opening the photo sent by Wang Weimin just now, he had been in a state of shock and other emotions, completely forgetting about it.

Hearing what Zhou Guangquan said, Li Yuanqing also thought about it.

"Then you should ask Mr. Wang quickly!!"

Zhou Guangquan didn't waste a moment and immediately sent a message to Wang Weimin: "Mr. Wang! Where did the video you sent come from?! Why is it only half?! Is there any follow-up later?!"

Three consecutive questions were thrown away.

Wang Weimin did not reply immediately.

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing waited for a while. For a while, the two of them were restless and on pins and needles. They felt that the time waiting for a response was very painful.

Although the sound on the phone was turned on and no message notification was received, Zhou Guangquan still picked up the phone to check it from time to time.

"Are you back? What should I say?"

Li Yuanqing also asked frequently.

After a while, Li Yuanqing finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Otherwise, let's call Mr. Wang directly and ask!"

"Okay, call and ask."

Zhou Guangquan couldn't wait any longer.

Just when Zhou Guangquan was about to call Wang Weimin.

"Ding dong..."

The phone rang.

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing looked at each other and quickly turned on their phones...

(End of this chapter)

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