Chapter 422 Tips

After answering the phone.

Wang Weimin looked embarrassed as he looked at the people drinking tea leisurely.

He had indeed forgotten about this matter, but now that Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing were at the door, it was impossible for him to send them back.

After all, they are all long-established master sculptors, so they still came to apologize, so they couldn't just stay behind closed doors.

So Wang Weimin had no choice but to speak out.

"Well... Zhou Guangquan and Master Li Yuanqing came from the southwest to apologize. They are already at the door..."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Wang Weimin.

Wang Weimin saw the meaning in their eyes: "Isn't this matter in the past? Didn't you make it clear to others?"

In the end, Lu Ming spoke up and gave Wang Weimin a hand.

"Forget it, everyone has come. Even though we are thousands of miles away, we have to let people in."

With Lu Ming's signal, Wang Weimin seemed to have heard the imperial edict.

"Then I'll go out and pick them up."

After saying that, he quickly stood up and left the tea room to pick up people outside.

After a while.

Wang Weimin came back with two figures, obviously the two people he mentioned were Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing.

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing walked into the tea room, each holding a small box in their hands. As soon as they entered, they quickly glanced at everyone in the tea room.

But they couldn't recognize who among them was the Mr. Lu mentioned by Wang Weimin.

None of them have the temperament of a carver, or some of the young people don't seem to be proficient in carving.

"Old Zhou, do you see it?"

Li Yuanqing secretly asked Li Yuanqing something in private. Zhou Guangquan was a northern sculptor in Kyoto, and he knew many people in Kyoto better than him.

Zhou Guangquan shook his head slightly. In fact, he couldn't see why.

"The older and thin one is Zhao Hongyi, Mr. Zhao, who is also one of the top rich men in Kyoto. The other one with some white hair but big hands is Mr. Wang Ziqiang, the famous private chef of Wang's private kitchen in Kyoto.

I don’t recognize anyone else’s, but they don’t look alike. "

Zhou Guangquan was a little confused. They came to apologize to Mr. Lu. If Mr. Lu was not here, Wang Weimin would not have brought them here.

As the two of them got closer and closer, they didn't dare to speak anymore when they reached the crowd.

Li Yuanqing indicated with his eyes: "Just wait and see."

Just like that, Wang Weimin brought Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing to the tea table.

"Mr. Lu, Master Zhou and Master Li are here..."

Lu Ming took out two more teacups from the small shelf next to him, added tea calmly and stretched out his hand.

"Well, we are guests. Master Zhou, Master Li, please have tea!"

After Lu Ming finished speaking, Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing were both stunned!
Is he Master Lu? !So young, looks like he's in his early twenties, right? !
Is he really the Mr. Lu in the video who carves extremely fast, uses many innovative carving techniques, and has reached the pinnacle of carving? !
Is this what a young man in his early twenties can do? !

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing were both shocked and confused, and they couldn't react in the same way. They stood there stunned for a while.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have ignored Lu Ming's kindness in asking for tea.


Wang Weimin gave a serious reminder.

The two of them came to their senses, and Zhou Guangquan quickly apologized: "Sorry, sorry!
Seeing that Mr. Lu was so young, he was a little distracted for a while. "The two of them quickly took their seats. At this time, the attentive Li Yuanqing also noticed Lu Ming's hand.

These hands were indeed exactly the same as the ones they saw in the video, the hands that carved the unicorn seal!


After drinking a cup of tea, Zhou Guangquan also began to explain the purpose of their visit.

"Mr. Lu, hello."

A master is a teacher. Even if Lu Ming is so young, Zhou Guangquan would not dare to ignore him, not to mention that they feel guilty at this time.

Lu Ming nodded to show that he was listening.

Zhou Guangquan continued: "I believe Mr. Wang also told you that we are here to apologize to you in person.

Although it happened for a reason, after all, we watched your video and learned your innovative carving technology from it. Yuan Qing and I are very sorry. "

Li Yuanqing also echoed: "Yes, Mr. Lu, we were so shocked at that time that we were completely immersed in it, absorbing it as hard as a sponge, completely forgetting the rules.

So I secretly learned your carving skills, but we guarantee that the video will not be spread and no more people will see it again!"

Each master sculptor has his or her own carving techniques that have been painstakingly studied. These techniques are the unique skills that they rely on to survive. They are like the secret books at the bottom of the box in ancient sects. They can only be passed down to close disciples and must not be passed on. .

And their behavior is like secretly learning martial arts from other sects, which is why Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing are so frightened.

"This is the apology we bring you."

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing each opened the boxes they brought.

Lu Ming took a look and saw that it was a piece of warm Hetian jade and a piece of jade grown from glutinous rice. They were both good stones suitable for carving ornaments. They must have been their treasures.

"Didn't Mr. Wang tell Master Zhou and Master Li on the way?"

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing didn't understand Lu Ming's words for a while and looked at Wang Weimin.

Wang Weimin pursed his lips and did not respond.

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing were already here, how dare he casually replace Lu Ming and let them go and be such a good person.

Lu Ming still had to do this favor in person.

When Lu Ming saw this, he suddenly understood Wang Weimin's thoughts.

Although Wang Weimin did this for his own good, he honestly didn't need the favor of the two master sculptors. He just didn't want to be so troublesome.

Master sculptors, after all, why do others ask them for help? They just ask for sculpting. Your own sculpting is better than them, so why do you still need their favor?

But Wang Weimin didn't explain it clearly to others, and they had already arrived.

So Lu Ming had to repeat it.

"Master Zhou, Master Li, I have heard everything from Mr. Wang! I will just express my opinion directly!

Regarding the engraving techniques in the video, I don’t care at all. It doesn’t matter if you can learn as many engraving techniques as you can.

In my opinion, those are just some ordinary and practical tips, and there is nothing to make a fuss about if they are spread out.

And I'm just an ordinary carving enthusiast. If I don't rely on carving for a living, it doesn't matter.

So you don’t need to apologize to me or send me any gifts. "

"You don't care? Skills?! It doesn't matter?"

Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing were stunned by Lu Ming's words. Every word he said was unexpected and corrupted their Taoism.

They thought they were stealing from others and breaking the rules, but Lu Ming didn't care at all? !
They thought those innovative carving techniques were very powerful, but Lu Ming said they were just tricks? !

So they don't need to apologize? !
(End of this chapter)

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