Chapter 423 Leisurely Days

Siheyuan Garden.

There is a small pond in the garden, and several fat koi carp are gathering together to grab food in the pond.

Lu Ming was leisurely spreading fish food beside them, playing with the golden, red, white, and colorful koi.

Each of these koi fish is long and round, and they are very pure ornamental fish. They are valuable, and each one is worth tens of thousands or more.

But it is just a microcosm of the garden. There are also many precious flowers and trees in the garden, and their value is even higher than that of koi.

"Honey, stop sweeping, come and sit for a while."

Lu Ming asked Lin Wan next to him to take a rest. She was cleaning the fallen leaves on the ground with a tool.

There is currently no professional team stationed in such a large courtyard to maintain it. When Lu Ming and Lin Wan came over to browse the garden early in the morning, Lin Wan took a quick glance at it.

In fact, Wang Weimin also proposed that he would hire a professional team to perform daily maintenance and cleaning of the courtyard, but Lu Ming rejected it.

Lu Ming felt that they wouldn't be able to stay in Kyoto for long. They would just leave it like this for the time being. They could still live a leisurely life for two people for a few days.

After they leave, a dedicated person will take care of the courtyard.

In this way, Lu Ming and Lin Wan had lived a quiet life comfortably in the courtyard for a few days.

Get up every day and make some breakfast together, and then walk around the courtyard to relax your body and mind without going outside at all.

Living like this is much better than staying in a hotel. Even in the presidential suite, the rooms are only as big as a few. When you don't want to go out and play, staying in a hotel room is boring.

But the courtyard is different. Just like now, you can feed the fish and look at the flowers...

This day is very comfortable.

And since the matter of the two master sculptors Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing was made clear, they seem to have stayed in Kyoto recently.

When Lu Ming wanted to invite people to come over for tea and dinner, these two people would come with Wang Weimin. The group would drink tea and chat about everything. Occasionally they would also talk about some topics about sculpture, so the two of them would People are pleasantly surprised.

On the other hand, Zhao Haifeng and Luo Ziqian have been having fun somewhere recently and haven't seen much of them. They seem to hang out with Wang Junjie and Miao Ziyi all day long, but rarely come to participate in tea and chat games.

As a result, Lu Ming always drank tea with a group of old men in their 60s and [-]s. He and Lin Wan were the only two young men.

However, Lu Ming could also understand that every time they drank tea, they, the juniors with low status, came like puppets, sitting there blankly and drinking tea without saying anything.

I sit there for several hours, with nothing to do, and I want to walk but I can't. If I can be asked to do something and run an errand, it's like I've picked up some benefit, and I'll go there happily.

"Husband, share some with me too."

After being greeted by Lu Ming, Lin Wan put down her tools and came to his side. Seeing Lu Ming teasing the big fat fish, she found it quite interesting, so she asked Lu Ming for some fish food.

"Hee hee hee……"

Seeing the koi carps rushing to gather and grab food according to her guidance, Lin Wan also felt a bit of fun in feeding the fish.

"This is my first time feeding fish, it's so fun!"

Although Lin Wan had a great time, Lu Ming had to remind her out loud when he saw how she fed the fish, otherwise she was afraid that this would be Lin Wan's first and last time feeding the fish!

If you keep feeding like this, I'm afraid the fat fish will be starved to death!

Lu Ming grabbed Lin Wan's hand feeding the fish food: "Honey, be gentle, don't spread too much fish food at one time...

Slowly, just a little bit at a time is enough, otherwise they will be overwhelmed. "

"Ah? I saw they were so fat, and I was worried that they wouldn't have enough food, so I dropped a lot..."

Lu Ming burst into laughter. If you are fat, do you eat more? !The fish's stomach wasn't that big, so Lin Wan always grabbed a full hand to feed the fish, which was probably more than what Lu Ming had just played with.

After what Lu Ming said, maybe Lin Wan was worried that the koi would be fed to death by her, so she simply stopped playing.The two returned to the small pavilion in the garden.

The small stove in the pavilion was burning brightly, and the boiling water was gurgling.

Lin Wan moved her hands and brewed a cup of tea for Lu Ming: "Husband, we should almost go back to the Magic City, or should we go back to the seaside to see our parents?"

Lu Ming drank it all in one gulp and nodded.

"It's all right..."

Lu Ming is not just perfunctory. They have free time, financial freedom, private jets, and villas to live in wherever they go.

You can't leave Kyoto whenever you want, you can go wherever you want, there are no restrictions at all.

"Missing home?" Lu Ming asked.

"No, when I was chatting with my mother, she asked where we were..."

Lu Ming was not surprised. Lin Wan had a very good relationship with his mother's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, even closer than with his son.

He usually doesn't chat with his mother at all. He only makes phone calls occasionally. However, Lin Wan and her don't know what to talk about. Sometimes Lu Ming wants to take a look at Lin Wan but won't let her.

"Oh, does she have anything to do with us?"

"I didn't say that."

Lu Ming thought for a while and finally made a decision.

"Then let's just play for a few more days. You can't even say that the Great Wall is not a hero. We have been in Kyoto for so long and have been to many places, but we haven't climbed the Great Wall yet."

When he and Lin Wan were in Kyoto, they visited the Forbidden City, former residences of celebrities, scenic spots, etc., but because the Great Wall was too far from the city, it was on the other side of Badaling.

It takes more than an hour to drive there, so I haven’t been there yet.

"Yeah, okay!"

Lin Wan happily agreed. She didn't know if she was happy to go to the Great Wall tomorrow or because she was going back soon.

"Let's go, let's make lunch."

The two of them no longer stayed in the garden pavilion. Lin Wan took Lu Ming to make lunch together.


At this moment, Lu Ming's cell phone suddenly rang.

I took it out and saw that it was a notification from the front door that a visitor was coming.

"Huh?" Lu Ming thought about who would come over at this time, and opened the surveillance conversation at the door.

At first glance, it turned out to be Zhao Haifeng, Luo Ziqian, Miao Ziyi, and Wang Junjie. They were the only young ones, not the old men.

"Lao Lu, open the door quickly, we are coming for you." Luo Ziqian shouted to the surveillance camera.

Lu Ming controlled the door through his mobile phone and said, "Come in, the living room."

Then he stood up and turned to Lin Wan and said, "Let's go, let's go to the living room first.

Luo Ziqian, Zhao Haifeng and the others are here. They haven't seen anyone for several days, and I don't know why they suddenly came to the door this time.

It's really rare. I guess I finally came back after being tired from playing. "

Lin Wan nodded, obediently put her arm around Lu Ming, and the two of them walked towards the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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