Chapter 426

The black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was parked in the Badaling parking lot.

After more than an hour of driving time, Lu Ming and Lin Wan finally arrived at their destination today.

Because the last time Lin Ruyin and the others came over, the car that Lu Ming and the others used to travel was changed to this multi-seater commercial vehicle, and they never changed it again.

"Get out of the car and be careful."

Lu Ming thoughtfully got out of the car first, walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door for Lin Wan, and helped her get out of the car. The business car's territory was relatively high.

After the two got off the car, they walked toward the Great Wall in front of the signs on the road.

"There are so many tourists." Lin Wan sighed as she looked at the bustling crowd.

"Of course, the Great Wall is a famous attraction in Kyoto. If you travel to Kyoto, you will definitely come to the Great Wall. Moreover, the Great Wall is so far away from the city, so only tourists will come here."

Lu Ming also observed the surrounding environment. There were many tour groups led by tour guides, as well as individual young men and women, or families. It could be said that there were all types of men, women, old and young.

"Honey, let's buy tickets first." Lin Wan saw a ticket office ahead.

Lu Ming shook his phone and said, "No, I've already bought it online."

He checked it out yesterday and bought the ticket online, so now he doesn't have to queue up at the venue.

"Ah? When did you buy it? Why didn't I know?"

Although Lin Wan knew that she had to buy a ticket to climb the Great Wall, she didn't remember to buy it online in advance. Fortunately, Lu Ming was thoughtful enough and made clear arrangements for her.

"You can buy it right next to you. It's very simple. You can buy it in less than 1 minute. There is a public account in Badaling. Just click on it and fill in the information and select the date."

Lin Wan was even more surprised. She didn't even notice Lu Ming buying something beside her.

"let's go."

Lu Ming pulled Lin Wan and continued to walk forward. The further inside, the more people flowed, and the number of people in shops and stalls also increased.

"Do you want to eat something?"

Lu Ming saw many small stalls around, selling various special snacks. The candied haws they ate last time were also available here.

"Do you want candied haws?"

Hearing the candied haws, Lin Wan quickly shook her head.

Although the candied haws on a stick is delicious, she can't bear to eat too much. The candied haws on a stick that she brought back from the ancient alley last time was put in the refrigerator and took several days to finish. She was scared of eating it and didn't want to eat it again in a short time. So sweet.

"Then buy two bottles of water."

Seeing that Lin Wan didn't want to eat anything, Lu Ming held Lin Wan's hand tightly and led him to the place where the water was sold. There were too many people here, and he was worried that he and Lin Wan would get lost.

On the way to buy water, Lu Ming and Lin Wan suddenly saw an unharmonious scene ahead.

"Get away! Let me go! Get out of here! I don't want you to take me with you..."

A little chubby boy was making a fuss. Generally, chubby children look very cute, but for some reason this little chubby boy didn't look so lovable.

"Ozawa, stop making trouble. Sister will take you. Your mother just told me to keep an eye on you."

"I'm going to play! Don't catch me! Do you just listen to what my mother says? Why don't you die!"

Little Fatty used all his strength to break free from the hand holding him.

Since Lu Ming and Lin Wan were standing not far away, they could see and hear their conversation, and they frowned in confusion.This little chubby boy is young, speaks so viciously and unpleasantly, and I don’t know how his parents raised him. He is obviously a naughty child.

There was such a large flow of people at the Great Wall Entrance that he and Lin Wan, an adult like him, were afraid of getting lost, so they held him tightly. On the contrary, this little fat man didn't know how to live or die and refused to be taken away. Once he let go, he would definitely get lost.

The little chubby guy looks so unpleasant and speaks so unpleasantly, making him instantly annoying.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at the girl next to Little Fatty. She was probably only in her early twenties, wearing simple and plain clothes. She didn't know what her relationship was with Little Fatty.

However, the two of them didn't look like they were siblings, or relatives, and Xiao Pangdun looked a little arrogant.

The girl was a little helpless because of the little chubby guy, but she couldn't really let him go, so she kept saying nice things to the little chubby guy.

"Can we play again when your mother comes? There will be drinks and delicious food when your mother comes..."

"I don't want it! Get out of here, I want to play by myself!"

Little Fatty kept fussing and sat down on the ground. If he hadn't been caught, he would have rolled on the ground.

Their movements attracted the attention of many people, who all looked over.

The girl was a little embarrassed to be looked at by so many people, but the little chubby guy didn't care about it.

"Such a child..." Lin Wan frowned, obviously indifferent to the little chubby boy, even disgusted.

Lu Ming knew what he meant. This was the first time he had seen such an annoying naughty kid.

"Well, this kind of child must be spoiled, and his parents are too pampering, so he should be beaten more often!"

"I don't know what the relationship is between that girl and Little Fatty..." Lin Wan looked at the helpless girl and didn't know what to do.

If she met such a child, she would probably die from a headache, and since she was just a stranger, it seemed that she couldn't do anything to help him.

Lu Ming didn't know about this issue, but soon, they found out.

While the little fat man was making noise, a somewhat wealthy middle-aged woman squeezed in from the crowd.

"Ozawa! Ozawa!"

When the little fat man heard the sound, he immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards the middle-aged woman.

At this time, the girl also let go of Little Fatty. Little Fatty jumped on the middle-aged woman and immediately started to complain.

"Mom! She kept grabbing me when you weren't here! It hurt me so much!" She shouted while still pretending to cry, but her voice was strong and she didn't see any tears.

The middle-aged woman immediately became nervous after hearing this: "Where? Where does it hurt? Mom, look at it!"

As he said that, he pulled up Xiaopangdun's sleeves and saw a few red marks, and he suddenly became furious.

"What did you do to my Ozawa! Catch him like this! It's so painful when he's all red! I asked you here to take care of Ozawa, not to hurt him!"

The middle-aged woman cursed at the girl indiscriminately.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were both speechless. Isn't it normal for a chubby little boy to have red marks when he is grabbed by someone's hand?It will take less than a few minutes for the red marks to disappear.

And if the little fat man hadn't made a fuss on his own and struggled hard, how could this have happened?
This middle-aged woman is also strange. She didn't even think about her son's fault and directly scolded the girl.

Sure enough, it's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

It seems that Little Fatty was spoiled by such a mother...

(End of this chapter)

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