Chapter 427 Tour Guide Xiao Lu
"I just walked away for a while! You can make him look like this if you look at Ozawa?! What's the use of you!"

The little chubby guy's little stimulation made the middle-aged woman scold the girl like crazy, as if he had hurt his treasure and his heart.

"Aunt Peng, I'm sorry, I...

Ozawa wants to run out to play. There are so many people here, how can I dare to let him go, so I have to hold on tighter..."

The girl who was severely criticized tried her best to explain, her eyes were already red, and tears were rolling inside.

"I was also worried that Xiaoze would get lost. I didn't expect that I would scratch Xiaoze. I really didn't mean it..."

But her explanation was not listened to by the middle-aged woman at all. She still only focused on the red mark after her child was injured, and did not think about if the little fat guy really ran away, they would be looking for the child all over the world by now.

"Don't tell me whether you have these or not!"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan witnessed the whole thing, and naturally knew that it was not the girl's fault, it was the problem of an uneducated naughty child and an over-indulgent, overbearing and unreasonable mother.

Seeing the little girl being scolded so badly, they couldn't stand it anymore.



Lu Ming knew what Lin Wan meant, and the two stepped forward, intending to serve as "eyewitnesses" to prove that the girl was innocent.

Although Lu Ming knew in his heart that in the face of such an arrogant and unreasonable middle-aged woman, their proof might not be useful. The middle-aged woman would not consider that the girl was just for the sake of the chubby boy.

But there are some things that they have to do even if they know they may fail, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable.

Just as they were about to step forward.

The noise in front stopped, and the middle-aged woman looked around and found that they had attracted countless tourists to watch and point at them.

Some people have witnessed the truth of the matter, and some people can clearly discern the truth even if they only saw the middle-aged woman's aggressiveness and the girl's explanation later, and know that the girl is right to do what she did, so the onlookers are almost on the girl's side.

"Why does this woman speak so harshly?!"

"Obviously, the little girl did something right. There are so many people, and the child will get lost as soon as he lets go..."

"This little chubby guy looks very naughty and not obedient at all. He must be a spoiled brat."

"The little girl must be too angry. I definitely wouldn't be able to bear it if it were me!"

All the pointing fingers are only directed at middle-aged women and chubby little ones.

Maybe she didn’t want to be watched and pointed out anymore, and the middle-aged woman didn’t want to stay here anymore, so she quickly said something.

"Why are you standing there in a daze! I'll let you go this time! And next time, I'll definitely deduct your salary and fire you!"

Then he pulled Little Fatty and got out of the crowd.

"Go away, go away, what's there to see?"

The girl sniffed, wiped the tears off her face, regrouped, and then followed the middle-aged woman.

They all left.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan also lost their goals and could not help much.

"Husband, how old do you think that girl is? She looks very young...why did she come out to be a nanny?"

Later, after hearing the middle-aged woman's words, Lu Ming and Lin Wan also knew the girl's identity. She should be the nanny hired by the middle-aged woman to take care of the little chubby boy.But Lin Wan was surprised to see the girl at such a young age and didn't quite understand.

Judging from the girl's simple clothes and the fact that she was working at a young age, Lu Ming and Lin Wan could guess that the girl must have a difficult family situation. What surprised Lin Wan and did not understand was that the girl was an adult?Why become a nanny?
Lu Ming shook his head and said that he was not sure.

"I don't know. She looks like she may have just grown up. It's really uncommon to be a nanny at this age."

Generally, those who work as nannies are over 30 years old, so Lu Ming and Lin Wan find it strange.

"But she should go to school at this age." After Lin Wan finished speaking, she immediately realized that she had no idea about the girl's situation and wishes.

If she wants to study but has to work because of family difficulties, their Liming Charity Foundation can help her. But what if she hates going to school and drops out to work?Then there is nothing they can do.

At this time, Lin Wannao secretly made a decision in her heart.

If you meet this girl again later, be sure to ask her about her situation!

"Still thinking about what happened just now?"

Lu Ming pulled Lin Wan toward the entrance of the Great Wall. He could feel that Lin Wan seemed to be distracted and thinking about something.

"It's okay, let's go in."

The Great Wall is so big and there are so many people. Lin Wan doesn't know if it is possible to meet a girl again, so she doesn't say anything yet.

Putting aside what had happened just now, Lu Ming and Lin Wan regained their composure and prepared to check in. When checking in, the team next door was also checking in. Lin Wan couldn't help but think of two interesting experiences and joked.

"Husband, are we still messing with the tour guide today?? Hahahaha."

After Lu Ming heard this, he pretended to be disdainful.

"No, no, no, we don't need to bother with the tour guide today, I will be your tour guide!"

Lu Ming consulted a lot of information before setting off, and he did his homework this time.


Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan immediately became interested: "My tour guide, what can you introduce to me?"

Lu Ming immediately cleared his throat and acted like a professional tour guide.

"Ahem, dear super VVVIP customer Ms. Lin Wan, hello, Xiao Lu is happy to serve you...

The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World, a world cultural heritage, and one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units in my country.

What we are visiting today is a representative section of the Great Wall, the Badaling Great Wall, located in Yanqing District, Kyoto City. It is the most representative section of the Great Wall and the outpost of Juyongguan. "

"Who doesn't know what you're talking about! Who hasn't learned it in textbooks? Replace people! Otherwise, the money will be refunded! The money will be refunded!"

Dear super VVVIP customer Lin Wan was not satisfied with Lu Ming's tour guide explanation and decided to change the tour guide or refund the money.

The tour guide Xiao Lu entered the role state, not daring to offend this big customer, and quickly comforted him: "Ms. Lin, please be patient and patient, that is just a preface, the main point has not been explained yet.

The Great Wall was built by various countries before the Qin Dynasty to defend each other. Later, the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries and connected and repaired the Great Wall during the Warring States Period. This is why it is called the Great Wall. Did you know?
The Ming Dynasty was the last dynasty to overhaul the Great Wall, so most of the Great Wall we see now was built in the Ming Dynasty, also called the Ming Great Wall. Did you know? "

The tour guide Xiao Lu quickly gave some more in-depth information. Only then did the super VVVIP customer feel satisfied, and Xiao Lu’s job as a tour guide was saved.

(End of this chapter)

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