Chapter 447 Introducing Boyfriend

"Hello, Sister Wan'er! Long time no see!"

When Wang Yingying in the box saw Lu Ming and Lin Wan come in, she stood up immediately, came up to welcome Lin Wan, and gave her a hug.

They really haven't seen each other for a long time. Lu Ming and Lin Wan have been running around outside.

When Wang Yingying received a message from Lin Wan last night asking her to help find a big G, Wang Yingying also knew that Lin Wan had returned, so she made a special appointment to meet for dinner today.

"Yeah, how are you doing recently?"

"As usual, it's just work all day long. I'm so envious that you can play everywhere.

The photo of the Great Wall you posted last time was so spectacular..."

Accidentally, the two of them started chatting a little too much as soon as they entered the private room and stood there chattering.

After a while, Wang Yingying realized it.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, Sister Wan'er, Brother Lu, let's sit down first."

The three of them moved to the dining table and sat down.

"Sister Wan'er, Brother Lu, what do you want to eat?"

Wang Yingying handed the menu to Lu Ming and Lin Wan. Lin Wan was not polite and gave it directly to Lu Ming after taking it.

Lu Ming didn't refuse. He knew Lin Wan's eating habits. He casually asked Wang Yingying if she had any dietary restrictions and then looked at the menu.

He knew that the two sisters still had a lot to talk about, so he simply let them continue chatting while he was responsible for ordering the food.

There was no difficulty in choosing. Lu Ming quickly ordered five dishes and one soup, and called the waiter to place the order.

Then he seemed a little idle, listening quietly to Lin Wan and Wang Yingying chatting.

While listening, Lu Ming discovered that Wang Yingying was really a die-hard CP fan of him and Lin Wan. She knew their itinerary very well, and she would remember everything Lin Wan had posted on Moments.

Moreover, the look and tone of the conversation were full of envy, and it was truly an immersion in sugar and CP.

"Yingying, you haven't had a boyfriend yet?"

Lin Wan could tell from the way Wang Yingying was drinking that she was yearning for love.

"No, Sister Wan'er...

I think so, but falling in love is really not that simple nowadays.

It’s no longer like that on campus. As long as you like it and be brave...

Although my achievements are not as good as yours, I still have a lot to consider, which is very annoying.

Maybe I'm not as courageous as you, Sister Wan'er..."

Wang Yingying really admires Lin Wan. She started from scratch and became a strong woman in the business world. She can still move forward bravely when she meets the person she likes and encounters happiness.

In the past, she was worried that Lin Wan would be cheated, but later she discovered that she was really happy and started to smoke Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

Lin Wan nodded. She understood Wang Yingying's concerns. Although Wang Yingying yearned for it, she was cautious and cautious.

Wang Yingying has worked hard for so long and is considered to have a small amount of assets. If it is backward compatible, she is worried that she will be defrauded of money and sex. In the end, not only will she lose her talent, but she will also be injured.

If you climb up and hang out with people of a higher class, you may lose your initiative and become a vassal of others.

But no one can say for sure about feelings.

Even Lin Wan often feels that she is lucky to have met Lu Ming and captured happiness.

Therefore, Lin Wan cannot give effective advice to Wang Yingying in this regard. Not everyone can be as lucky as her.

"Well...there's no need to rush when it comes to relationships, take your time..."

After listening to Lin Wan's words, Wang Yingying smiled and said: "If there are good boys, sister Wan'er remember to introduce them to me, otherwise I will become a leftover girl in a short time!" Wang Yingying said casually, but Lin Wan thought seriously. got up.

Filtering through the limited number of people of the opposite sex she knew in her mind, it really made her think of someone who she thought might be suitable.

"Don't tell me, I really have a candidate here, you can get to know him."

Wang Yingying was immediately interested. She trusted Lin Wan's vision. Besides, they were just acquaintances. Whether they were suitable or not was up to her.

"Really? What does it look like? Do you have any photos?"

After hearing this, Lu Ming immediately paid attention.

Lin Wan wants to introduce someone to Wang Yingying? ?As far as he knew, Lin Wan didn't know many members of the opposite sex, let alone unmarried young men who were suitable for Wang Yingying.

"Husband, do you have a photo of Zhao Haifeng? Show it to Yingying."

Lin Wan turned around and asked Lu Ming.

When Lu Ming heard this, he was enlightened.

It turns out that Lin Wan was talking about this guy Zhao Haifeng. Don't tell me, if you think about it carefully, Zhao Haifeng is indeed a good candidate.

Although this guy used to be an idle rich second generation, he has now begun to take it easy, join a company to learn management, and even went on a business trip to Kyoto. He has become much calmer.

And Zhao Haifeng is not bad looking either. He is upright and looks a bit elite in a suit.

The most important thing is that he is Lu Ming's younger brother and he obeys Lu Ming's orders.

As Wang Yingying is Lin Wan's good sister, if the two are really together, Zhao Haifeng will not dare to bully her.

It may be because of these that Lin Wan thought of Zhao Haifeng as a candidate.

If the man is affectionate and the sister is interested, the two are indeed equal in many conditions.

But these are all things in the future, and no one can say for sure. What if the two of them just don't have the same magnetic field and can't stand each other, and it will end in vain, and there will be no need to think about so many things later.

Lu Ming turned on his phone, found a few photos in Zhao Haifeng's circle of friends, and sent them to Lin Wan.

"Honey, I sent it to you."

After talking to Lin Wan, Lu Ming sent it to Zhao Haifeng.

"Haifeng, do you want to fall in love?"


Zhao Haifeng immediately replied to Lu Ming with several question marks and exclamation points. He didn't know whether he was expressing his shock that Lu Ming would come to him on the chat software or expressing his feelings when he heard that he was in love.

Lu Ming didn't bother to ask for such a meaningless reply, so he didn't send it to him again.

At this time, Lin Wan and Wang Yingying were studying Zhao Haifeng's photos and information.

"She looks pretty good~!" Wang Yingying expressed her approval of Zhao Haifeng's appearance.

"Sports car? Is he rich? No, why does this Lamborghini look so familiar? It was last time..."

"That's it...I'm telling you..."

Wang Yingying and Lin Wan chatted and discussed passionately, not letting go of any details in the photos. Lin Wan also told her all the information she knew about Zhao Haifeng.

It seems that Wang Yingying is quite interested in Zhao Haifeng, at least she has the desire to get to know him, so that the next step is possible!
If after seeing the photo, you feel that the appearance is not in line with the aesthetics and you can't stand it, then there is really no future.


Lu Ming's cell phone rang. When he opened it, he saw that it was Zhao Haifeng who had replied to the message.

"Brother, I think so! Of course I want to fall in love!"

(End of this chapter)

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