Chapter 448
"Contact me more when you have time and see if you feel like it. If not, just treat it as an ordinary friend..."

"Okay, okay, Sister Wan'er, I'll report the situation to you at any time."

Before leaving, Wang Yingying and Lin Wan were still talking about this matter.

During this meal, Lu Ming was a guest or a tool, accompanying Lin Wan to meet the sisters. Lin Wan and Wang Yingying chatted non-stop around Zhao Haifeng.

After the meal was finished, we were still talking about separation.

Lu Ming stood aside and took out his mobile phone, and saw that Zhao Haifeng had sent him many messages asking questions.

"Brother!? Why don't you speak?"

"Why are you asking this suddenly??"

"I really want to fall in love, but I don't like it either..."

"Being fed dog food all day long, I also want to try to show affection and feed others dog food."


Lu Ming read them one by one, thinking that he had already pushed Zhao Haifeng's business card and introduced him, so he should at least inform him.

So he replied: "Your sister-in-law has introduced you to a friend who is quite nice. You can get along."

After sending it, Lu Ming emphasized it again.

"If we get along, we'll be together. If we don't get along, just be friends. Don't embarrass me and your sister-in-law by messing around!"

After all, Zhao Haifeng is a second-generation rich man. Although he is now a prodigal son and has become mature and stable, Lu Ming feels that he still needs to be pushed.

Otherwise, if this guy has some tricks up his sleeve and does something bad to Wang Yingying, he will be embarrassed as the eldest brother and will not be able to explain to Lin Wan...

"Husband, what are you doing??"

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Yingying and Lin Wan had finished talking and came back to look for him.

Lu Ming put away his phone: "It's okay, I just want to talk to that guy Zhao Haifeng."

Lin Wan nodded. She was so busy analyzing Zhao Haifeng's information with Wang Yingying that she even forgot to ask Zhao Haifeng about his wishes to see if he wanted to have a girlfriend.

Fortunately, Lu Ming thought more carefully and asked in advance.

"How did he say??"

Lin Wan looked up at Lu Ming, and Lu Ming smiled: "Of course he wants to fall in love, and I also told that boy.

If he really wants to come, let’s have a good talk. If he’s just playing tricks, I’ll..."

Lu Ming clenched his fists and pretended to be fierce and wanted to destroy him.

"Hahahaha...thank you, husband."

Lin Wan knew that Lu Ming was helping her. Although she only briefly introduced Wang Yingying and Zhao Haifeng to each other, whether they would be together or not would ultimately depend on their getting along.

It seems that no matter whether they are good or bad in the end, they can't blame Lin Wan in the end, but after all, she introduced them, and there is some cause and effect on her. Lu Ming did this to protect Wang Yingying and her.

"What are we going to do next?? Go home..."

They only went out for one thing today, to meet Wang Yingying for a meal. They had no other extra plans. Now that the meal was over, Lu Ming didn't know what to do.

"I thought of a place, let's go..."

Lin Wan suddenly thought of something, took Lu Ming's hand and walked forward.

"Hey, where are you going? Aren't you driving? The car is still here."

"No, it's not far. You'll be there in a short walk."

Lu Ming didn't know where Lin Wan wanted to go. After listening to her words, he was pulled by her and followed.

The two walked for a few minutes, and before Lu Ming paid attention, Lin Wan suddenly stopped.


Lu Ming looked up and saw some antique door plaques, such as Yuxuan.

This is……

"Don't you like to drink some tea after dinner? Then let's come to the tea room!" Lin Wan had a sly smile on her face, and there was something in her words.

Obviously I am revisiting my old place, so I have to come to the teahouse for tea.

This was their first official meeting at the Yuxuan Teahouse where they had a blind date. Lu Ming did not expect that Lin Wan would bring him here.

The two of them walked into the Ruyuxuan Tea Room. The environment and decoration here did not change much.

"Do you remember which room it is?"

Of course Lu Ming remembered it. The memory of that time was still vivid in his mind. It was the most critical and important moment when his life took a turn. How could he not remember it.

Without hesitation, Lu Ming pulled Lin Wan to the private room.

Yunwu Pavilion.

Opening the door to the private room, Lu Ming had a dreamy feeling at this moment, as if the past and present scenes were intertwined.

In front of the tea table, Lin Wan was brewing tea indifferently, and a light green water line drew in the air.

Beside him, Lin Wan stood hand in hand with him with a happy face.

It seems that two figures of Lin Wan appeared in a space in Yunwu Pavilion...

After coming back to his senses, Lu Ming recalled with emotion the feeling of meeting Lin Wan for the first time.

"I still remember, when I came in, you sat here making tea, and I was stunned.

There is only one idea in my mind..."


Lu Ming did not hide anything and said truthfully: "There is a beautiful woman in the southern country, as beautiful as a peach and a plum..."

These words directly sweetened Lin Wan's heart, which meant that Lu Ming was amazed by her when he saw her for the first time.

Lin Wan suppressed a happy smile: "It's so exaggerated."

"Yeah, I was really stunned at that time. You were wearing a long black dress that day, and you looked cold and cool."

Lu Ming accurately described what Lin Wan was wearing that day to strengthen the credibility of his words.

"But at that time, you had a cold face and kept away from strangers, which scared me and made me very nervous..."

"Ah?! Where can I have it!"

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan reacted greatly: "I was very nervous that day too! It was our first blind date, and my heart was pounding. How can I be so cold!"

She was obviously very nervous that day, and she was also trying very hard to talk to Lu Ming. How could she be so scary!
Lin Wan gave Lu Ming a blow in dissatisfaction, but Lu Ming didn't pay attention. Looking at Lin Wan, who was now cheerful and lively, he really changed a lot from before.

"Okay, okay, no. My Lin Wan is the most beautiful and cutest."

Lu Ming said kind words, pulled Lin Wan to the tea table, and made tea for her.

In the past, Lin Wan was sitting on the tea-making seat, and Lu Ming was sitting opposite, one on each side, but now they are crowded together.

The place is still the same, the people are still the same, but the relationship is different.

Lin Wan put her hands on the tea table and turned her head to watch Lu Ming carefully making tea.

His face, his body, and every move he made were so perfect in Lin Wan's heart.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you, can't you look at my husband?"

Lu Ming simply moved closer to Lin Wan's face, and his face was very close to each other, with only a few centimeters of gap.

Both of them can feel each other's hot breath sliding over their faces...

Revisiting the old place, Lu Ming and Lin Wan had many memories...

 Thanks to book friends 20230305154-aA, Wuyan, 22230314254-, Le-eB for the monthly ticket reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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