Chapter 454 Guess
"Husband, stop talking nonsense."

Seeing Lao Wang trembling with fear, Lin Wan quickly came out to explain.

"This Bao Beier is interested in our company's formula..."


After hearing this, Lao Wang couldn't help but exclaimed: "Don't even think about it!! What is he going to do?!"

For Lao Wang, who is obsessed with research and development, the secret formula is not only the life of Shuangmu Group, but also his life.

"What the hell is going on, Mr. Lin?"

Lao Wang couldn't help but wanted to ask what was going on.

But after all, Lin Wan had just returned to Shuangmu Group. She only knew some things and made some guesses based on them, so she couldn't answer his question properly.

"I just came back, so I don't know much about it...but fortunately, the formula is fine."

"Do you need me..."

Before Lao Wang finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

He immediately received the signal from Lin Wan's eyes and shut up.

"Come in."

After getting Lin Wan's consent, Xiaoyu walked in with coffee and tea.

"Mr. Lin, here are the coffee and tea you asked for."

Xiaoyu said, she saw Lao Wang here as soon as she came in.

"Why is Mr. Wang from the R&D Department here? He is the first person Mr. Lin looks for when he comes back..."

Although Xiaoyu was a little surprised when she saw Lao Wang, after thinking about it, she felt it was normal.

R&D is now the top priority of Shuangmu Group. The group's rapid development is largely due to its excellent products.

Therefore, it was appropriate for Lin Wan to be the first to find Lao Wang when she came back to understand the progress of product development.

If the first person Lin Wan found was from the finance department or the sales department, she would probably be scared to death.

"Okay, sit down."

After Xiaoyu put down the tea and coffee, Lin Wan suddenly asked her to sit down.


Xiaoyu didn't react for a while.

"You, sit down!"

She caught Lin Wan's eyes, confirmed that Lin Wan was talking to her, and asked her to sit down.

Looking at the chair next to Lao Wang, Xiaoyu swallowed, already having a bad feeling in her heart.

She was just an assistant and didn't need to sit in this chair. She had almost never sat in this chair before, but now Lin Wan asked her to sit on it...

She felt as if she was about to be judged.

"Oh, well..."

Xiaoyu didn't know that her voice had become unnatural and trembling.

After shaking her head and sitting on it, Xiaoyu didn't dare to say a word, didn't ask Lin Wan why she wanted to sit on it, and avoided looking as much as possible.

A strange atmosphere filled the CEO's office, as if a huge stone was pressing on Xiaoyu, making her almost breathless...

After waiting for a long time, Xiaoyu finally couldn't help but raised her head.

This heads up.

Xiaoyu noticed that Lin Wan had been staring at her, and when she raised her head, she met Lin Wan's eyes.

She subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but Lin Wan's voice came to her ears.

"Xiaoyu, how long have you been with me..."

Lin Wan's voice was still so cold, but it seemed to have some emotion in it.

"It's been almost five years. I've been with you since I graduated...I'm grateful..."

Before you could say a word, Xiaoyu stopped talking.grateful?Is this how you thank yourself?Thinking of what she had done, she couldn't say these words.

As if recalling the past, Xiaoyu's eyes became confused.

She was originally just an ordinary girl. After being unexpectedly appreciated by Lin Wan, she learned and grew up with Lin Wan, and that's how she lived her life today.

It can be said that Lin Wan is the most important person in her life.

However, she was obsessed with it and betrayed Lin Wan for the sake of love...

"Yeah, it's been nearly five years since you went from a graduate who didn't know anything to what you are now...

Time flies so fast. I used to be so busy that I was dizzy, and the days when you were by my side to help me have passed for a long time. "

Lin Wan also recalled her previous experience with Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu was someone she trusted very much. If Bai Huanhuan hadn't told the gossip and Xiaoyu's own panic exposed herself, she really wouldn't have suspected Xiaoyu.

"Is there anything you want to say to me??"

As soon as Lin Wan said these words.

Xiaoyu's whole body stiffened, no longer shaking, as if she was frozen.

She had a premonition, but when Lin Wan said such words, her physical and psychological reaction was beyond her imagination.


Sorry Mr. Lin! !I have betrayed your trust!All this is my responsibility!I will fully compensate the company for its losses! "

Xiaoyu bit her lower lip tightly, and there was a trace of blood on her lower red lip.

Although she didn't know what Lin Wan had discovered or how far she had understood it, she just wanted to take it all down.

She thought that if she could bear it, Lin Wan might not pursue it too deeply, and she would be able to keep Bao Beier.

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Lin Wan shook her head with complicated emotions.

It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.

Xiaoyu never mentioned anyone else, and didn't even know what she was talking about, so she just decided to take matters into her own hands.

How could Lin Wan not know that she wanted to protect Bao Beier.

"Your responsibility? Can you bear this responsibility? If Shuangmu Group no longer has the secret formula, can you afford to compensate?"


Xiaoyu's eyes widened in shock, frightened by Lin Wan's words.

"We...I don't want the company's secret formula!"

Xiaoyu was in a panic at first. She was talking about us, but then she changed her name to me, and everyone could hear it clearly.

"Otherwise, why do you think I called Lao Wang from the R&D department here...?"

Xiaoyu turned to look at Lao Wang and found that Lao Wang was looking at her with a look of shock, anger and disgust.

"Mr. Lin, I really have never coveted the company's formula!"

She explained sincerely, saying that she had never had this idea, and she knew how important the formula was to Shuangmu Group.

If the Shuangmu Group loses the formula, it will be equivalent to losing both hands and feet, and it will invalidate its martial arts. There is no way she can do such a thing to the group.

Look at Xiaoyu's state and listen to her explanation.

Lin Wan had already concluded that the secret formula had nothing to do with Xiaoyu and should be Bao Beier's personal doing.

"You said, we are Bao Beier, right..."

As soon as Bao Beier's name was spoken, Xiaoyu's whole body slumped like a flat tire.

"Mr. Lin, know."

She didn't expect that Lin Wan would find out about her and Bao Beier's relationship less than half an hour after returning to the company.

Originally, she had hoped to help Bao Beier carry it off, sacrificing herself to save him.

Lin Wan nodded, she already had further guesses in her mind...

All this must be Bao Beier's fault!

(End of this chapter)

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