Chapter 455 PUAs
"Xiaoyu, to be honest, I felt incredible when I found out...

Bao Beier looks like that and he has a family. What do you see in him and why are you with him? !

Are you so blinded by lard? ! "

Lin Wan was so excited that she couldn't help but say something rude. Xiaoyu was her assistant. Regardless of her appearance, status, wealth, etc., she was in good condition. Such a person should be liked by many people. How could he be picked by Yi Tuoxiang? !

Lao Wang and Lu Ming in the office couldn't help but look at Xiaoyu, waiting for her answer.

They all also had this question. Bao Beier looked like an ugly man with his bald head, sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. What did Xiaoyu like in him?

"Actually...he...doesn't look very good.
But he is a very nice person...very capable, very attentive and gentle, and often helps me and cares about me..."

Xiaoyu stumbled and tried his best to express what he thought were the good qualities of Bao Beier.

This made Lin Wan sneer.


Lin Wan seriously suspected that Xiaoyu had been brainwashed or PUA.

She didn't know anything else about Bao Beier, but in terms of abilities, she and Xiaoyu should both know.

Bao Beier's ability to reach the position of sales director today was not due to his Baojia's offline channels. How much percentage does his own ability account for?
In the past, Shuangmu Group did not have its own products and relied mainly on agents, focusing on promotion and channels.

Bao Beier is a member of the Haibin Bao family and has a natural advantage in promoting sales through offline channels, so he has made great contributions and became the sales director of Shuangmu Group.

But now, Shuangmu Group has its own excellent products, which are well-known and can attract customers. In addition, the proportion of online sales is getting higher and higher. Baojia's channels are now indispensable to Shuangmu Group. Nothing more.

There is no need to cooperate with the Bao family, there are many people willing to take their place.

It's just that Bao Beier has made some contributions to Shuangmu Group in the past and has been the director for a long time. It is impossible to get rid of him after Shuangmu Group gets better.

Lin Wan did not expect that he would become a potential hazard to Shuangmu Group.

As for being gentle, careful and caring? ?

These are probably all used to attack Xiaoyu... Lin Wan guessed.


Lin Wan suddenly remembered that Xiaoyu had never been in love.


This made her sigh and understand something.

She knew Xiaoyu. She worked part-time to earn tuition while she was in school and had no intention of falling in love. After graduation, she followed her and became a continuous work machine.

Eating and sleeping have become a kind of enjoyment, let alone having time to fall in love.

Therefore, Xiaoyu is a novice in love.

That's why after she quit management, someone like Bao Beier, who had already planned it, took advantage of her and deceived her easily.

Xiaoyu was originally a very good girl, but she was taken advantage of by a scumbag like Bao Beier when she fell in love for the first time.

Thinking of this, Lin Wan somewhat blamed herself and felt that she also had some responsibilities.

But it seems that Xiaoyu must have been deeply immersed in it and truly fell in love with that scumbag, otherwise she would not have been able to ignore that ugly face, and even planned to take it upon herself to protect him if something happened.

"Xiaoyu! He has been married a long time ago..."

Lin Wan tried to use morality to awaken Xiaoyu and make her wake up.

"I know Mr. Lin, but he said that their husband and wife have been at odds for a long time...

They will get divorced soon, and then they will marry me. "Everyone was ashamed after hearing this. Such words sounded like the words of a scumbag and could not be believed at all. But Xiaoyu really heard it and believed it.

As expected of a love novice with zero love experience, even if he is vigorous and neat at work, he is still easily deceived when it comes to love.

But looking at Xiaoyu's love-obsessed look, everyone can almost tell that Xiaoyu is just a tool and chess piece used by Bao Beier.

"It seems like this can't make Xiaoyu wake up..."

Lin Wan realized that Xiaoyu could not be swayed by just a few words.

She was in love for the first time now, and she was completely devoted to Bao Beier. It was useless to say anything.

Then she had to think of some other solutions...

In fact, there was no need for Lin Wan to go through such twists and turns. Now she already knew that the Shuangmu Group's most important and secret formula was safe and sound.

And he also found out that Bao Beier should be the culprit causing the company's chaos.

All she needed to do was clean up the company, fire Bao Beier and everyone involved in his interests, and drive them out of the company.

With the development of Shuangmu Group, Bao Beier's channels are no longer needed. Even if these channels are lost, coupled with some turmoil during the cleaning, it will not have much impact on Shuangmu Group.

But Lin Wan felt that Xiaoyu's behavior had something to do with her. For Xiaoyu, she was willing to go to some trouble and find other ways.

Although Xiaoyu also participated in it and did some things that she was sorry for, she was actually a victim. She was played and deceived by Bao Beier. All Lin Wan had to do was to pull her out of it.

After thinking for a while, Lin Wan came up with an idea.

What she has to do now is to break Xiaoyu's filter on Bao Beier and make her realize that Bao Beier is a despicable and unscrupulous person who does not really love her.

So she improvised a plan.

"Xiaoyu, hand over your phone!"

At this point, Xiaoyu didn't dare to resist and obediently handed over her mobile phone.

After Lin Wan opened it, she quickly found Bao Beier and saw the message Xiaoyu had sent him before. She couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment.

Xiaoyu also realized it. Thinking of her tip, she quickly buried her head very low.

Lin Wan typed some words, sent them to Bao Beier, and then put away her phone.

"Old Wang, immediately prepare a fake recipe and place it in my office."

Although he didn't know what Lin Wan wanted to do, Lao Wang readily accepted the instructions.

"Alright Mr. Lin!"

"Husband, can you help me find an audit team?"

"As ordered!"

Lu Ming knew that Lin Wan was worried that there was a problem with the company's financial department. He didn't know who the insider was, so it was naturally better to find an external team.

After his wife gave the order, Lu Ming quickly called Hongyan Group and asked them to send someone over.

"Bring me the sales reports, financial statements...all for the past three months to the conference room!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wan stood up, pressed Xiaoyu's head up, and looked at him: "As for you, just go into the small room, and no matter what you hear, don't make a sound or come out!"

There was a small private room for people to rest in the CEO's office. Lin Wan asked Xiaoyu to hide in it, not knowing what she wanted to do...

(End of this chapter)

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