Chapter 468 Pregnancy

Lu Ming was very surprised when he heard it and didn't understand why Lin Wan suddenly thought of this.

She was obviously in a good mood today, she shouldn't be like this!
Could it be that my mother said something again?
Lu Ming immediately thought of Liu Yuru, who had been the most aggressive in giving birth, because even if others, such as Lin Kangtai, had this idea, they only mentioned it to Lu Ming tactfully.

But it's impossible. I have already had a serious talk with my mother once, and she promised not to mention it again.

So Lu Ming thought about it over and over, but still couldn't figure it out.

No one has mentioned this matter in the past few days. Lin Wan was busy dealing with the Shuangmu Group a while ago, and she was having so much fun outside. Lin Wan probably wouldn't think of it. Who touched it? This switch? ? !

Lu Ming repeated it in a questioning tone and then asked.

"You were obviously very happy just now, why did you suddenly think of this? Who told you something?"

Lu Ming was a little angry. He was well prepared when he came back this time. He wasted some time to remind his parents because he didn't want Lin Wan to have any pressure in this regard.

Even when Lin Kangtai suddenly mentioned it last time, he dealt with it and finally did it well. However, Lin Wan still...

"No, no one told me this..."

"then you??"

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment...

"Because I'm so happy today..."

Lu Ming was completely stunned at this time.What? ? ?This was an answer he didn't expect.

What's wrong with being too happy?Why are you thinking about the child? !

Lin Wan continued: "Traveling as a family, being happy and relaxing, this is the life I dream of, just like today.

But...the only fly in the ointment is that we don't have children, so if we bring our children, then it will be really complete. "

"..." Lu Ming was speechless after hearing this.

He never dreamed that it would be like this, that what he had worked hard to maintain for so long would be broken like this.

"I'm sorry, husband..."

Lin Wan suddenly apologized, and Lu Ming didn't know why.

Just when he was confused, Lin Wan continued.

"You must have done something. Although I don't know what it is, I can feel it...

But I still thought about it more, and I couldn't help but think of these things to myself, even though no one had mentioned it. "

In fact, Lin Wan was really stressed when she came back, but as no one mentioned it and other things happened, she gradually forgot about it.

She didn't expect to have so much fun today but she thought of this again.

This is pressure she puts on herself and has nothing to do with others.

"There's no need for this..."

Lu Ming pulled Lin Wan over and put her head on his chest.

Lin Wan could clearly feel Lu Ming's pounding heartbeat, and then Lu Ming's voice came to her ears.

"Let's go back to the Magic City tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow? So suddenly?"

"Well, let's go to Maria Hospital to see if there's something wrong with me."

Lu Ming said half-jokingly that in fact, he was not in a hurry to have a child. He and Lin Wan lived a very comfortable life together, and he felt that having a child would disturb them.

Maybe he is competing with himself for favor, so Lu Ming even thinks that it doesn't matter if he doesn't have children, since he already has a daughter anyway!
Although this daughter is as old as myself...

But all the same!Lin Ruyin is still her daughter, so she still has to call herself daddy.

But looking at the current situation, his parents, Lin Wan's father, and even Lin Wan all have demands in this regard, and they all want to have children and grandchildren.

Then he couldn't always turn a blind eye.

In fact, Lu Ming and Lin Wan have never taken protective measures. They are full of protection every time, but there is no sign.Therefore, Lu Ming couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with him.

After all, he had taken genetic medicine and his physique was extraordinary. Could it be that this was the reason why he was infertile? ?

Just like the powerful existence in the novel, the more powerful the creature is, the lower the chance of giving birth to an heir, and the more difficult it is.

So although Lu Ming's words were somewhat joking, they were more or less serious. He was really not sure about this.

"Impossible! No way!"

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan had a big reaction.

Lu Ming quickly hugged her a little harder and comforted her: "I was just saying casually.

Anyway, just treat it as a physical examination, so that you can fully prepare for pregnancy in the future! "

"Well..." Lin Wan responded softly with a nasal voice.

The little hands began to move on Lu Ming's chest.


Xiao Xiaolu's protest became more and more serious, and Lu Ming could no longer stop it.

With a turn, Lin Wan was moved to the bottom.

"Then starting from tonight, we will actively prepare for pregnancy..."

Lin Wan avoided Lu Ming's fiery eyes and nodded gently.

"Husband, I need to make up for what I did a few days ago..."

He said the boldest words with the shyest expression, which undoubtedly broke Lu Ming's rationality.

Lu Ming felt that he should have a positive attitude and performance in preparing for pregnancy and fight until dawn tonight!

the following afternoon.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan embarked on the journey back to the Magic City.

The departure was rather sudden. Before leaving, Lu Jianguo, Liu Yuru and the others were still asking questions.

Lu Ming couldn't say it directly, so he had to find an excuse for the time being, which could be regarded as a white lie.

"Husband, why are you still lying..."

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed: "There is no way, you can't tell us directly...

In short, when we have children, mom can hold her grandson in her arms, and they will be very happy. "

In this way, Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the Magic City.

As soon as they got off the plane, a car came to take them back to the City Garden. It was the housekeeper Ma Zong.

Because City Garden has a management team like Ma Zong, Lu Ming can move in as soon as he returns.

"Old Ma, why are you here in person?"

Lu Ming was a little surprised when he saw Ma Zong. He had informed Ma Zong but there was no need for him to come in person.

"I'm here to welcome Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu home."

Ma Zong responded very officially, but in fact he was not so calm inside.

"If the big guys don't come back, I feel like I'm going to lose my job! I have to take the owner of City Garden home quickly!"

That's right, because Lu Ming and Lin Wan were out for a long time, and because Lin Ruyin would hardly go there, the city garden has always been in a state where the owner is absent.

Their management team, including him as the butler, was really going bad.

Apart from basic cleaning of the city garden, there was nothing else to do all day long.

They almost thought that Lu Ming and Lin Wan would never return to the Magic City, and then they would be unemployed!

(End of this chapter)

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