Chapter 469 Physical Exam
Magic City, Maria Hospital.

"Chairman, madam, everything is ready."

Lu Ming had already made arrangements with Ma Zhixin, the director of Maria Hospital, on the day he came back.

He and Lin Wan would come over for physical examination, but Lu Ming did not emphasize that what they wanted to examine was about fertility.

They only explained that it must be the most comprehensive and detailed body examination, and every item must be completed, so that what they want to know will naturally be included.

"Well, fortunately."

Lu Ming nodded in response and said that he personally took charge of Ma Zhixin's reception this time.

No matter for whatever reason, Lu Ming and Lin Wan did not want to follow the normal examination procedures. He was a shareholder of Maria Hospital, so he naturally enjoyed the greatest power.

As long as he wants, the entire hospital must run for him alone.

Just like now, the yard receives people in person, and all inspection procedures are waiting for them to do at any time, without queuing at all.

Responsible doctors and nurses are also elites in the medical industry.

"Chairman, all doctors and nurses have signed confidentiality agreements, and no information today will be spread."

Dean Ma Zhixin gave Lu Ming a guarantee, and he was not surprised by Lu Ming's request.

Many super-rich people who come to Maria Hospital will have this requirement. After all, the status of people who come to Maria Hospital is extraordinary, and their physical health can easily be used to make a fuss.

Once leaked, it may have serious consequences, so most people don't want their situation to be leaked.

After giving Lu Ming his assurance, Ma Zhixin showed a hint of worry and cautiously asked Lu Ming.

"Dean, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?
You can talk to me first, I can make a rough judgment, and we will prioritize some inspection items..."

Ma Zhixin was worried that his words might offend Lu Ming, so he spoke in a low voice, and it seemed that if he saw any signs of anger in Lu Ming, he would immediately apologize.

After Lu Ming heard this, he glanced at Ma Zhixin, who immediately shrank his neck like a quail.

"I don't feel uncomfortable at all, I just want to do a detailed and comprehensive examination.

To prevent the future, it is also a good habit to have regular physical examinations...

let's go..."

Hearing that Lu Ming's tone was normal and showed no signs of anger, Ma Zhixin breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Step forward and lead the way for Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

After a while, they came to a tall building.

"Chairman, this is our physical examination building... We have postponed all today's customers..."

In order to achieve a complete absence of idlers, Ma Zhixin made a decision immediately after receiving Lu Ming's call.

All customers who have scheduled physical examinations today will be called to inform them of the rescheduling.

Although many of these people are rich and powerful, there is no way, who is Lu Ming as their chairman.

They must put the chairman's requests first and give them the most noble treatment.

As for the other guests, they could only say sorry, the instrument was broken, what could they say?

Lu Ming led Lin Wan into the physical examination department building and saw that the spacious and bright building was indeed empty.

"Well done."

He was very satisfied with Ma Zhixin's approach. He had indeed fully implemented his will and even done it better.

Although Maria Hospital suddenly changes the time of physical examination for customers, it may cause certain losses to its reputation and money.

But Lu Ming didn't care.

How could Maria's reputation and some money be more important than herself and Lin Wan?

After receiving Lu Ming's praise, Ma Zhixin couldn't help but smile.What he did was indeed a bit of a gamble, even though Lu Ming told him to keep it secret.

But he could clear a floor specifically to serve Lu Ming and Lin Wan, and other floors could still receive today's other physical examination customers.

However, Ma Zhixin directly stopped the operation of the entire Maria Hospital Physical Examination Department building.

If Lu Ming paid more attention to reputation and money, his behavior would undoubtedly make Lu Ming angry.

Fortunately, his bet was successful.

"This is what I should do...

Chairman, madam, let’s draw blood first, and then do other projects one by one. "

Ma Zhixin supervised the physical examination process, but Lu Ming did not respond to him, nor did he move towards the blood drawing window.

Instead, he turned to look at Lin Wan and asked with concern.

"is it okay……?"

He knew that Lin Wan was very afraid of blood draws. She was very scared when she had blood drawn in the hospital last time.

There are many items in this physical examination, and the amount of blood drawn may be larger. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Lin Wan.

"Of course you can!"

There was a trace of hesitation on Lin Wan's face, but it was immediately replaced by perseverance, and what she said was also to cheer herself up.

A child is what she dreams of, and in front of this, even if she is afraid of having blood drawn, she will face it bravely.

Even though Lin Wanhua said so, Lu Ming could still feel her nervousness.

Lu Ming held her hand with a little force and transferred his power to her.

"Chairman, madam, today's blood drawing nurse is definitely the most experienced one in our hospital...!"

Ma Zhixin seemed to have noticed something.

After receiving encouragement from Lu Ming, the group came to the blood drawing window.


When the nurse who drew blood saw Ma Zhixin, she immediately stood up and said hello.

At the same time, her eyes drifted towards Lu Ming and Lin Wan. She didn't know them and didn't know how to address them.

But yesterday Ma Zhixin had already greeted them, saying that a very distinguished client was coming for a physical examination, and everyone must be prepared.

Although I was mentally prepared, the nurse was still shocked when she came to work today.

She had been working in Maria Hospital for so long, and it was not like she had never seen someone with a distinguished status, but this was the first time she saw it, and she knew that the physical examination department of Maria Hospital could actually close down operations and completely empty out the business just to serve one person.

So who are today’s customers? !The nurse couldn't help but become a little nervous.

"Hello, my wife and I are here for a physical examination, and I would like to ask you to draw our blood.


Lu Ming didn't know why the nurse opposite was nervous, but it wasn't conducive to them drawing blood, so he started to chat with her for a few words.

After a few words of communication and being exposed to Lu Ming's kindness, the nurse's mood became much more stable.

"Smoke mine first."

Lu Ming proposed that he should be the first to draw blood, so that he could stay with Lin Wan after the drawing was done, and he could also give the nurse a try first.

Let her be more stable when drawing Lin Wan's blood later.

It can be said that Lin Wan was extremely thoughtful and careful...

(End of this chapter)

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