Chapter 470 Waiting for Results
Lu Ming's hard work was not in vain.

When the nurse was drawing Lin Wan's blood, her movements were quick and smooth, and she completed the blood draw in just a few strokes.

With experienced nurses and Lu Ming encouraging her, Lin Wan felt less uncomfortable this time during the blood test.

After completing the blood drawing project, Ma Zhixin took Lu Ming and Lin Wan to check other projects.

Although the entire physical examination department building of Maria Hospital is only open to them and there is no need to queue at all, there are many items to be checked. After all items have been checked, more than an hour has passed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dean Ma."

"Chairman of mine, the medical examination report is being processed urgently. I will report it to you as soon as it comes out!"

After the physical examination was completed, Lu Ming and Lin Wan planned to leave.

Before leaving, Ma Zhixin put them in the car and said that the hospital would produce the results as quickly as possible.

"it is good."

Without saying much, Lu Ming took Lin Wan and started the car and went home directly.

For today's physical examination, many items required fasting and no food, so he and Lin Wan were both hungry.

He was already hungry and had so much blood drawn, so he naturally became even weaker.

Lu Ming was fine, but she saw that Lin Wan's condition didn't seem to be very online.

"Honey, are you okay? We'll go home right away and I'll make you something to eat..."

While Lu Ming drove, he did not forget to care about Lin Wan.

"Husband, I'm fine.

I'm not that weak. This thing doesn't matter. I used to be hungry for a whole day without eating! "

Lin Wan cheered up and smiled at Lu Ming in order not to worry her.

Although he said this, Lu Ming couldn't help but increase the accelerator to make the car go faster and get home earlier.

Just as Lu Ming was concentrating on speeding up the car, Lin Wan's voice suddenly came to his ears.


I'm a little worried……"


Lu Ming didn't quite understand what Lin Wan meant, but he could tell that something was wrong with her mood.

Is it because of this that he is in a bad state?
"What's wrong? What's there to worry about...?"

"What if there really is a problem?"

The time of waiting for the results is always extremely difficult. Lin Wan is in this state now, worrying about gains and losses.

The thoughts in my mind are messy, I am thinking about things, and I am worried about getting a bad result.

"The results haven't come out yet, so don't think too much.

Besides, problems can only be solved after they are discovered. "

Lu Ming tried to explain to Lin Wan, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

"I think it might be my problem..."

As soon as Lin Wan said these words.

Lu Ming was really shocked.

He didn't know why Lin Wan thought so. If she thought so, she would indeed be under a lot of pressure.

But the point is.

Lu Ming felt that even if there was a problem, it was his own problem!

"Why do you think so?"

"Because hubby, you are in good health...every night...

But I just...I was always busy with work and didn't pay much attention to taking care of myself, so..."

After listening to Lin Wan's explanation, Lu Ming finally understood why she thought so.

The basis of her ideas is based on their physical condition.

Lu Ming was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't know how to explain it to Lin Wan.

The real situation will be known once the results of the specific physical examination report come out.

But he couldn't let Lin Wan continue to think so wildly.


Lu Ming suddenly thought of a way.Immediately dialed a number in the address book through the car phone.

Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming confused, wondering what he meant by calling him.

The call was answered quickly.

A pleasant female voice sounded in the car.


Lu Ming didn't wait for the other party to continue speaking, and went straight to the point.

"We are back, please come over later."

"What? Are you back? When did you come back? Is my mother with you?"

The female voice opposite suddenly became excited and said many things in succession.

"Yinyin, I'm here. We are on our way home now."

Hearing Lin Ruyin ask about herself, Lin Wan also spoke up.

That's right.

Lu Ming's call was to Lin Ruyin.

The idea he just thought of was to let Lin Ruyin accompany Lin Wan. With her making trouble next to Lin Wan, Lin Wan would have no time to think nonsense.

At least let Lin Ruyin stay with Lin Wan for one night until the physical examination report comes out tomorrow.

"Yinyin, your mother really wants you to stay here in the city garden at night."

Lu Ming said it in advance so that Lin Ruyin could prepare what she needed to bring.

"Okay! I'll go right there!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming.

"Why did you suddenly call Yinyin here and ask her to stay with me for one night?"

After she came back, it was time to meet her daughter Lin Ruyin. It had been a long time since mother and daughter slept together, but it would be a bit strange for Lu Ming to do this.

Before Lu Ming could speak, Lin Wan had already continued.

"Want her to be happy with me?"

Lu Ming nodded.


There is nothing to hide. In fact, Lin Wan herself figured it out.

This is indeed a feasible method. The few words she and Lin Ruyin had just talked about also distracted her a lot of attention.

" you want to tell Yin Yin about this?"

Lin Wan was in a dilemma. Although Lin Ruyin was not her biological child, the one she brought up was also her daughter.

Now that she and Lu Ming were preparing to conceive and have a baby, Lin Wan suddenly thought, what if Lin Ruyin would mind?

After all, children will compete for favor and worry that after their parents have younger siblings, they will no longer love them, or love them less.

Although having a child with Lu Ming was her dream, she had to consider how her eldest daughter Lin Ruyin felt. Maybe she could tell her later, or there were other ways to tell her.

I hope she won't mind or be too repelled by this.

Lu Ming didn't think for too long and said immediately.

Wan'er, you still treat Yinyin as a child!She is now an adult and has the ability to think of her own.

I know what you are worried about, but she will know about this sooner or later, sooner or later..."

Lu Ming paused for a moment and saw that Lin Wan didn't say anything, as if he was still hesitating, so he continued.

“Don’t be too pessimistic, maybe she will be happy knowing that she may have a younger sibling?

And I also understand a truth, concealing something that you think is considerate of others is not a good thing...

We hid our relationship before, trying to find a good time and a good way to tell Yin Yin so that she could better accept it.

But you's of no use. Yin Yin's attitude is still the same and she even gets even more angry because we hid it.

So, let’s tell her sincerely.

As long as it is what you want and is good to you, she will understand it. "

Lu Ming's words completely moved Lin Wan, and she finally made a decision after being wavering.

"Well! Then tell her!"

(End of this chapter)

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