Chapter 471 Shrimp and Pig Heart
Magic University.

Lin Ruyin quickly packed a few clothes, and got ready to go out without even putting on makeup.

Now her roommates, Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling are not in the dormitory.

"Hey, I want you all to have your own business, leaving me alone to guard the empty room...

Okay now, I'm going home. If you're not here, don't blame me for not taking you with me! "

Lin Ruyin thought and smiled slyly.

She knew that her good sisters, like her, were looking forward to Lu Ming and Lin Wan's return every day.

After all, every time they go to the city garden, they can have a very enjoyable experience, eat a big meal and stroll around the garden.

During the days when Lu Ming and Lin Wan were away, they stayed bored in the dormitory a lot of the time, thinking that it would be great if Lu Ming and Lin Wan were here, then they could go to the city garden as guests.

But he didn't expect that when Lu Ming called Lin Ruyin today, the other three people were out on business.

After leaving the dormitory building, Lin Ruyin strode towards the parking lot.

"Ruyin, you have to go out. Why are you alone? Where are Yueyue Lingling and the others?"

I met a familiar girl on the street and said hello casually.

It should be that the four sisters from the goddess dormitory are often seen traveling together, but today they only saw Lin Ruyin, who was a little surprised.

"Yeah, I'm going home! They all have something to do..."

Lin Ruyin responded with a brisk tone, and it could be heard that she was in a very happy mood at this time.

Go home, yes go home, home is where your family is.

The city garden where Lu Ming and Lin Wan were not usually present was just the famous city garden in Shanghai. She was too lazy to go there, so she might as well stay in the dormitory.

But now that they're back, the city garden has become home.

She was so happy that she ran home.

After exchanging a few words, Lin Ruyin continued walking outside.

While walking, she suddenly took out her mobile phone.

A group of four named Dirty Wuwu... opened.

That was a group chat between four sisters in their dormitory, wuwuwuwu...

As the name suggests, when driving, the speed is extremely fast.

You would never imagine what a girl would look like when there are no men around, and the speed of the car can break through the sky.

"You little bitches!! I have bad news for you..."

Lin Ruyin tapped on the screen and sent the message, and received a reply quickly.


"What's wrong?? What's the bad news?"

"Yinyin, don't scare me!"


Countless question marks and expressions of worry and fear were posted.

Lin Ruyin was very satisfied with everyone's reaction and typed while walking.

"That is……

My mother is back! !I'm going home! ! "

This is good news for Lin Ruyin, but it is indeed bad news for Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling...

Because the three of them are outside and can't go with Lin Ruyin, they really want to go, okay? !
After a while, the group chat was filled with passionate words criticizing Lin Ruyin.

"Yin Yin!! You are going too far!!"

"Ahhhh!! I want to go too, but I'm busy..."

"Yinyin, you are playing tricks on us, you will be dead when you come back!!"

"Why is it at this time!! I can't go back either..."


Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling all had their own affairs and could not rush over. They were teased by Lin Ruyin again, and they bombarded Lin Ruyin with words and emoticons.

After reading their replies for a while, Lin Ruyin typed down a few words.


Sent it, then put away her phone and took out her car keys from her bag.

She got into her BMW mini and drove towards the city garden impatiently.More than half an hour later.

Lin Ruyin's car appeared at the gate of City Garden, and the gate system had recorded her license plate.

As soon as her car approached, the door opened automatically.

After parking the car in the garage, Lin Ruyin walked towards the villa and happened to bump into the housekeeper Ma Zong.

"Miss, you are here!"

"Well, where's my mother?"

Lin Ruyin responded to the other party's greeting and asked casually.

"Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu are in the living room..."

"Thank you."

After getting the exact answer, Lin Ruyin went straight to the living room of the villa.

Before he even entered the door, he was already shouting.

"Mom! Mom, I'm back!"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were in the living room and heard the sound before they saw anyone.

Hearing Lin Ruyin's voice, Lin Wan couldn't help but smile. She couldn't help but stand up from the sofa and walked out to greet Lin Ruyin.

"Mom, you are finally back!"

As soon as they met, mother and daughter Lin Ruyin and Lin Wan hugged each other.

Seeing the two people's happiness and non-stop chatter, Lu Ming couldn't help but smile with relief.

He made the right move. Calling Lin Ruyin over could indeed soothe Lin Wan's mood.

"You guys chat, I'll make dinner."

Lu Ming left space for the two of them while he went to prepare dinner for the night.

When the family gets together, of course they have to cook by themselves in the evening.

Go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator.

It's full of fresh ingredients, and it's really comfortable to have a butler and management team in the city garden.

The villa was still clean and tidy when they came back. When the housekeeper Ma Zong learned that they were back, he promptly purchased fresh ingredients and put them in the refrigerator.

After checking the ingredients, Lu Ming planned to make four dishes and one soup.

Four dishes and one soup were enough for the three of them.

The most important thing is Angelica Red Date Chicken Soup, which is given to Lin Wan to replenish Qi and blood.

After a meal, when the four dishes and one soup were ready, it was just time for dinner.

When Lu Ming went out to ask Lin Wan and Lin Ruyin to eat, they were still chatting.

"It's time to eat."

He is not active in eating and has a brain problem, not to mention that this is a delicacy cooked by Lu Ming himself.

This was what Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Pan Xiaoman were salivating over. Lin Ruyin immediately grabbed Lin Wan and came over.

"Crack clap."

Lin Ruyin did not start immediately, but took a few photos first.

"I'll send it to Yueyue, Lingling, Xiaoman and others to see, they will be starved for it!"

Lin Ruyin explained, and Lin Wan said something to her after hearing it.

"How could this be possible?" He asked again, "Where are Yueyue and the others? Why didn't they come with you?"

Lin Wan still liked Chu Yue, Wang Lingling and Pan Xiaoman very much.

"They all have something to do today and are not in the dormitory. Otherwise, if they knew I was coming home, they would definitely come with me."

Lin Ruyin said that the chat group had already received replies.

"Yin Yin!!! You are so abominable! I will bite you and wash you away!"

"Shrimp and pig heart, Yin Yin, forget it if you can't go, you still send photos... I'm so greedy."

"It looks delicious...I want to eat it!"

"I really regret going out today..."

(End of this chapter)

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