Chapter 472 Brother and Sister
"Stinky Lu Ming, bad Lu Ming!!!"

Lu Ming was leisurely making tea. This was Maojian he brought from Ni Honghui.

Even so, he could feel the meaning revealed in Lin Ruyin's resentful eyes.

After dinner, Lu Ming directed Lin Ruyin to wash the dishes and clean up the mess.

He was already responsible for cooking, so of course Lin Ruyin had to do the rest.

Although this was true, Lin Ruyin did not resist and went to wash the dishes, but in her heart she still resented Lu Ming for instructing her to do the work.

Lu Ming naturally ignored her resentment, and Lin Ruyin couldn't do anything to him.

After a while, Lin Ruyin finally calmed down.

He stopped staring at Lu Ming and started holding his cell phone, laughing and joking from time to time, not knowing who he was chatting with.

At this time, Lu Ming found that Lin Wan, who was sitting next to her, was looking at him.

There was a look of hesitation on his face, the kind that didn't know how to open his mouth to speak.

Lu Ming immediately understood that Lin Wan was planning to show off to Lin Ruyin, but she couldn't say it out loud, implying that she was breaking the point.

So immediately.

"Ahem..." A voice drew Lin Ruyin's attention back.


Lin Ruyin raised her head and glanced at Lu Ming.

"Your mother and I went for a physical examination today!"

Lu Ming quickly said it.

"Huh??! What happened to my mother?"

After Lin Ruyin heard this, she was so shocked that she dropped her phone and asked quickly.

He added: “What’s wrong with you??”

When Lu Ming said it so directly, Lin Ruyin was caught off guard and was not mentally prepared at all. She thought one of them was sick.

She asked and worried not only Lin Wan, but also Lu Ming.

Although she usually seemed to be fighting back and forth with Lu Ming, after so long, she had actually already accepted it.

Just because of his reputation and strong will, he still doesn't deal with Lu Ming on the surface, but in fact he still cares about Lu Ming.

At this moment, she was really worried that something would happen to either Lu Ming or Lin Wan.

"What's wrong with you? Let's talk about it first, and I'll take care of you."

Lin Ruyin picked up her phone again, waiting for Lu Ming's answer, pretending to wait for Lu Ming to say it, and then immediately check it with Du Niang for them.

Originally, Lu Ming was very happy that Lin Ruyin was still worried about her, but when he heard that she was going to use Du Niang to check, he got a dark clue.

They didn't feel uncomfortable at all and didn't say anything.

Who uses Du Niang to check for illness? !

The chairman of Maria Hospital, who owns one of the top hospitals in the country, needs to use Du Niang to check the disease?
Du Niang does a medical check-up and can find out if there is nothing wrong with her. The average cancer rate per capita is the same.

"No, no... we don't feel uncomfortable at all."

Lin Wan reached out and patted Lin Ruyin to tell her not to panic.

"That is……?"

After Lin Wan said this, Lin Ruyin was no longer so flustered, but she was not completely calm either.

"Then why did you suddenly go for a physical examination, and now you are still hesitating?"

Lu Ming didn't feel like he was hesitating. It was Lin Ruyin who had been making a fuss. After he finished speaking, he couldn't get in any more words.

It was Lin Ruyin who kept talking, not giving him a chance to speak. If only he could finish what he said just now...

"Your mother and I wanted to give you a younger brother or sister, so we went for a physical examination!!!"

When he found the opportunity to speak, Lu Ming showed off his cards straight away. His words were clear and easy to understand.

"..." After Lu Ming finished speaking, the living room fell into silence.

Lin Ruyin had an incredible expression on her face, her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly, as if the news was too shocking for her.

She looked like this and said nothing.

Lin Wan looked at her sideways, paying attention to her actions.

"Isn't it too direct to say so...Yinyin seems to be a little bit unable to accept it..."

Lin Wan began to regret that she had shown her cards directly. She seemed to have hurt her daughter by doing this? ? ?
The idea just emerged.

next moment.

"Great!!! I'm going to have a younger brother and sister!!!"

Lin Ruyin, who was dumbfounded and didn't speak, jumped up from the sofa, her whole body swaying like a spring.

"what's the situation??"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were both frightened by Lin Ruyin's move.

Either they would stay silent, or they would jump up and dance.

Are you happy or unhappy? Do you agree or disagree?
"I'm going to have a younger brother and sister!!! Right??!"

Lin Ruyin repeated it.

"I have long wanted to have younger brothers and sisters. They are pink and fleshy, and they can be as cute as each other. I feel so happy just thinking about it!"

After saying this, Lu Ming and Lin Wan finally understood.

It turns out that Lin Ruyin is happy. She said that she has always wanted to have younger siblings?

"Yinyin...don't you mind?"

"I don't mind! Why do I mind?! I hope you guys hurry up!"

Lin Ruyin's reaction was completely unexpected by Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

What they thought was that Lin Ruyin might object strongly, just like she did against Lu Ming, or she might protest quietly... But they didn't expect it to be like this...

Lin Ruyin couldn't agree more and was looking forward to it.

"I wanted younger siblings when I was very young. When Mom was busy, I was always alone. I was envious when others had siblings.

Although I have grown up now, this thought is still there. Originally, I was worried when I saw that there was no movement between you two after being married for so long! ! "

Lin Ruyin's explanation made Lu Ming and Lin Wan understand why she reacted like this. It turned out that she had always wanted to have brothers and sisters.

"You're finally going to have a baby! This is such great news!"

After hearing Lin Ruyin's words, Lu Ming couldn't help but feel ashamed.

It turned out that their whole family, including his parents, Lin Wan's father and daughter, including Lin Wan, were all looking forward to their child, and he was the only one who was not in a hurry.

If they hadn't decided to have a baby now, it might have been delayed for a while, and even Lin Ruyin would have come to induce the baby.

Now that Lin Wan finally relaxed, Lin Ruyin did not resist as they imagined, but stood by her side. This way, a piece of her heart was relieved, and the pressure was less.

But at the same time, after listening to Lin Ruyin's words, I realized that I was busy with work and neglected Lin Ruyin to make her feel so lonely.

"Mom, when can I hold my younger siblings? Next year?"

Lin Ruyin couldn't wait any longer.

How could Lin Wan know about this kind of thing, not to mention that the physical examination report hadn't been released yet, so she didn't know if there was anything wrong.

Otherwise, why would I never be able to get pregnant?
"I don't know...actually..."

Lin Wan and Lin Ruyin tactfully explained the reasons why they wanted to have a physical examination.

After listening, Lin Ruyin immediately looked at Lu Ming with a very strange look, which meant...

"You can't do it, can you??!"

 Thanks to book friends Super Tyrannosaurus, 20230211743-BA, Nostalgia, 20230224577-AE, Kaoru Nagisa, tdum, 807005, Naisha, and Kaohang for their monthly ticket rewards. Thank you for your support!

  Thanks to book friend Fan Weiping for the tip, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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