Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 473 Do you need to master knowledge to prepare for pregnancy?

Chapter 473 Do you need to master knowledge to prepare for pregnancy?

"You can't do it, can you?"

After seeing Lin Ruyin's look, Lu Ming couldn't help but get angry!
How dare this little girl look down on him so much? Could it be that it has been too long since she has taught this little girl a lesson?

This little girl is beginning to be confused again!
Lin Wan also noticed Lin Ruyin's eyes.

He had to clear up Lu Ming's name, so he had to speak tactfully.

"Lu Ming is very powerful..."

Lin Wan mustered up her courage and finally said this indirect and powerful proof.

The parties involved have said so, but they don't know the truth better than she, a bystander, who can't even be called a bystander.

Lin Ruyin understood immediately and her face began to turn red.

"Can you believe it? You don't know if you are protecting him..."

Lin Ruyin murmured softly. Although she was embarrassed, she was still so stubborn.

Although she spoke in a low voice, Lu Ming heard everything because of his sensitive ears.

What the hell? !Your wife said this and you still don’t believe it? ?
Do you have to prove it yourself? ?

Men can’t let others say no!
"Yinyin, what did you say??"

Lin Ruyin spoke very quietly, and Lu Ming heard it, but Lin Wan didn't hear it clearly and asked more questions.

"Nothing, nothing, she just talks about it."

Lu Ming quickly interrupted Lin Wan's questioning, if she knew what Lin Ruyin said.

I wonder what kind of bad words Lin Wan will say in order to help him prove and defend him.

So this part was quickly skipped. Lu Ming didn't want to let Lin Ruyin know how powerful she was.

Anyway, it is enough for his wife to know about this matter, and there is no use letting Lin Ruyin know about it.

"Hmm, it's alright."

Lin Ruyin couldn't bear to repeat it again. She had indeed said something harsh just now out of habit, and Lin Wan was too embarrassed to say it again when asked.

After Lu Ming said this, she quickly cooperated and changed the topic.

"Then why is this happening?"

"I don't know! That's why I need to go for a physical examination!"

Lu Ming didn't know how Lin Ruyin asked such an idiotic question, when they all made it so clear.

Forget it, since she doesn't mind this matter, I won't attack her.

"I think it might be my problem..."

It came, it came again, Lin Wan's pressure came up again.

Lu Ming quickly winked at Lin Ruyin, maybe they really had some tacit understanding.

Even without speaking, Lin Ruyin understood with her eyes and expressions, and understood the reason why Lu Ming took the initiative to call her.

She was just a tool person who came to accompany, comfort and comfort Lin Wan. Lin Ruyin quickly played the role that a tool person should play.

He quickly hugged Lin Wan: "Mom, what are you talking about?! You are fine, the results haven't come out yet, don't think nonsense."

After a pause.

"Being awesome doesn't mean anything. Who said being awesome means there's nothing wrong with it?"

As an old hermaphrodite, Lin Ruyin's level cannot be overemphasized, she can think of all these.

Lu Ming secretly gave him a thumbs up, and he accepted it. This was the only time he didn't get angry or retaliate after being tricked by Lin Ruyin.

Anyway, as long as he can relieve Lin Wan and stop her from taking all the pressure on herself, it doesn't matter what Lu Ming does to Lin Ruyin.

"Don't say that..."

Lin Wanjiao scolded Lin Ruyin.

"What I said makes sense. Come on, I'll check it out with you Du Niang Du Niang." "Ahem, Du Niang said above that if you don't succeed in this area, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a problem between the couple...

This is a matter of chance. Maybe you are unlucky. I suggest you, if you are not lucky, just make up the number and work harder! "

Lin Ruyin changed the topic and suggested using Du Niang to check.

However, she is still very witty. She only looks at it with her mobile phone, and she picks out some things to say and says them in a comforting way.

Otherwise, if you watch it with Lin Wan, you will see many more disturbing speculations.

Fortunately, her strategy had some effect. Lin Wan's face looked better and she asked with some suspicion.

"Really? Is what is said above correct?"

"It definitely makes sense! These are all certified and masters of obstetrics! And there are many netizens’ personal experiences!

Some healthy people have been trying to conceive for several years before they succeeded. These are all summed up experiences. "

Lu Ming didn't care whether Lin Ruyin was making things up out of thin air or just making them up. Anyway, she really worked.

Lin Wan couldn't help but wonder at first if they were just unlucky and missed the chance.

With this thought, her attention began to shift and the pressure became less intense.

"Have you done any homework to prepare for pregnancy?? For example, you should quit smoking and drinking, get enough sleep, eat foods rich in zinc, and supplement folic acid. The timing of this must also be mastered!"

Lin Ruyin read out the information she searched online.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check it out, but when you check it out, you’ll be shocked to find out that there are so many knowledge points about preparing for pregnancy.

Not to mention Lin Ruyin didn't know, even Lu Ming and Lin Wan had never heard of this.

"Ah??! Do you still need to do this to prepare for pregnancy??"

Lin Wan expressed surprise.

"Yes, this is what the obstetrician said."

"Does time also have an impact?"

"Yes, everything depends on auspicious timing.

But look, this is really based on science. It says that the ovulation period is the easiest time to get pregnant..."

Lin Ruyin and Lin Wan started to discuss each other with great interest and no longer looked unhappy at all.

Lin Wan began to carefully write down the knowledge points to see what needed to be done.

"Get enough sleep...well, that's no problem." She and Lu Ming slept until they woke up naturally every day.

"Quit smoking and drinking...Husband, you can't drink anymore."

Lin Wan raised her head and warned Lu Ming that he didn't smoke but he had a lot of drinks with friends in Kyoto a while ago.

"Okay! I won't drink any more. I will only drink tea and not alcohol if anyone comes to me from now on."

Lu Ming nodded obediently and agreed. As long as Lin Wan is happy, he now has the right to choose whether to drink or not.

As long as he doesn't want to drink, no one can force him. He will only drink a little if the interest among friends arises.

Lin Wan also wrote down foods rich in folic acid and zinc.

The more knowledge she heard, the more Lin Wan felt that maybe their pregnancy preparation methods were not scientific enough and they had not done enough homework to prepare for pregnancy.

Lu Ming felt it was very inconsistent when he saw Lin Ruyin and Lin Wan discussing pregnancy preparation knowledge.

Although the two look equally young and beautiful, like sisters, they are actually mother and daughter.

Does the daughter provide her mother with information on pregnancy preparation? ?I always feel like something is weird...

But he can't control that much, as long as it works.

Sure enough, his decision to call Lin Ruyin over was right!

(End of this chapter)

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