Chapter 481 Duplicate name?

In front of the Tang Palace gate.

Wang Xing'an stood at the door with a shiny black crutch, as if waiting to greet someone.

Some guests who knew his identity would bow their heads and greet Wang Xing'an before entering or leaving.

At the same time, he secretly wondered in his heart, is Wang Xingan picking up someone standing here?
How could Shen Fang actually ask Wang Xing'an to pick someone up at the door in person?
Soon, the person they suspected arrived.

Lu Ming, Lin Wan, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di got off the car and saw Wang Xingan at the door at a glance.

"Brother Wang, why did you run outside..."

Lu Ming stepped forward quickly. He only called Wang Xing'an before he came, but he didn't expect that the other party came directly to the door to greet him.

"It's okay, just think of it as exercise, ahem..."

Wang Xing'an smiled when he saw Lu Ming, coughed a few times, and then continued.

"But I can't drink with you today. I'm not feeling well lately..."

There was a hint of apology in his tone, feeling as if he failed to entertain his friends well.

Originally, Lu Ming didn't plan to drink this time, but after hearing what he said.

"We can just drink. I've become obsessed with drinking tea recently. I even brought some Maojian here."

Lu Ming knew that as Wang Xing'an, he had never tasted any good tea, and he might even have tasted the mother plant Dahongpao in Wuyi Mountain.

But etiquette is less important than affection. Ni Honghui shared Maojian with him, and he also shared it with his friends. If the tea is good, affection is more important.

"Then it's good to be kind...I...ahem..."

Before Wang Xing'an finished speaking, he started coughing again. This time the cough was quite severe and lasted for some time.

When you stop, your spirit is much weaker.

"What's going on?" Lu Ming stepped forward and offered his hand.

"It's just a minor problem, just the wind and cold."

What Wang Xingan said was indeed correct. He diagnosed it when he stepped forward to help.

It's really a small problem, but Wang Xing'an is already quite old, and a small problem on him can be torturous.

"Go ahead."

Lu Ming urged, Wang Xing'an knew clearly that he had a cold, yet he still came outside to pick him up.

If the wind blows, the wind chill will be even more serious.

The group returned to the private room prepared by Wang Xingan.

After Lu Ming made some inquiries, he was relieved to learn that Wang Xingan's personal doctor had prescribed medicine for him.

It's just a little cold, and even a doctor of Wang Xing'an's level can easily catch it.

The most important thing is that Wang Xing'an is old and his health is not as good as before. Even if Lu Ming is a miracle doctor, there is nothing he can do to save this.

"I know, but it seems that the expedition plan we agreed on before cannot be completed."

At this time, Wang Xing'an was still thinking about his previous agreement with Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

The illness comes like a mountain. He used to be able to climb mountains and wade in rivers at a young age, but now he will probably have to take a good rest even if he recovers.

In order to make Wang Xing'an feel at ease and not take the blame for the broken promise on him, Lu Ming also took the initiative.

"This doesn't matter.

In fact, we may not be able to go out for the time being. Wan'er and I plan to have a child and are getting ready. "

When it comes to having children, Wang Xingan's eyes flashed.

"Really?? Then you have to hurry up and bring it to me to see when the time comes!"

He has never been married in his life, let alone children and grandchildren, and his tone was full of surprise and expectation.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were also quite surprised. They didn't know about this yet.

It was just that Lu Ming and Wang Xing'an were chatting. Due to their seniority, they couldn't get in the conversation, so they could only make expressions there.

Lu Ming and Wang Xing'an had a lot of fun talking about their children and recent events.When it comes to people and things in Kyoto, Wang Xing'an is very familiar with many of them, such as Wang Weimin and Wang Ziqiang, Wang's private chef. He knows them all.

After all, he had been in Kyoto for most of his life, but he didn't expect that Lu Ming would get to know them when he went there.

We chatted while eating, and it was getting late.

Wang Xing'an's spirit was a little sluggish, so Lu Ming asked him to go and rest early.

After he left, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di finally had their seal lifted, and they had a place to talk.

"Brother, you have so many fun things happening in Kyoto!! If I had known I would have come to find you!

Zhao Haifeng, just feel good, don't call me for such a good thing! "

Xie Di knew that Zhao Haifeng had been on a business trip to Kyoto for a while, but he didn't know that he was with Lu Ming during that time, so he was a little bit annoyed for a while.

"I'm on a business trip! I work seriously, you think I'm just having fun."

Although I did have a great time during that time, not only did I see a lot with Lu Ming, but I also made friends.

But Zhao Haifeng couldn't say that, otherwise Xie Di's jealousy would be overturned.

Seeing the two of them bickering like enemies, Lu Ming and Lin Wan couldn't help but smile.

"Wan'er and I went out for a walk to eat."

It is their habit to take a walk after meals, and the scenery in the Tang Palace is unparalleled.

With flowers, birds, trees, corridors and pavilions, it can be called a mini version of the Imperial Garden, so naturally they wanted to take a walk.

"Okay, brother and sister-in-law, you go ahead and I'll eat some more."

The two of them had Wang Xing'an here just now, so they couldn't let go and they hadn't eaten enough yet.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan left the private room and came outside.

I walked aimlessly on the plank road. It was meal time, so there were not many people outside.

Just when passing some pavilions, you can hear the joyous sounds of people drinking and drinking inside.

After walking around, Lu Ming and Lin Wan originally planned to go back.

When passing a pavilion next to them, the pavilion suddenly opened and the guests stumbled out.

Two women and one man walked in front, smelling of alcohol.

Lu Ming subconsciously pulled Lin Wan away from them and returned to their private room without intending to pay attention.

"Pang Yu! Wait for me! Continue the stall and go sing!"

Another man chased out of the pavilion and shouted at the man in front of him.

When Lu Ming heard the name Pang Yu, he felt that it was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Lin Wan felt the same way, and she stopped.

"Lingling said that day, her reserve boyfriend seems to be named like this?!"

Lin Wan remembered.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan turned around and looked at the same time.

I saw the man also named Pang Yu hugging two women with heavy makeup.

His steps were frivolous, and he had obviously drunk a lot. He put his hands on the women on the left and right respectively.

Such a scene made Lin Wan frown.

"Could it be a coincidence? Same name?"

From Wang Lingling's description, her reserve boyfriend should be the kind of person who is polite and loves food and life.

But the Pang Yu in front of him looked like a veteran who was addicted to wine and flowers.

At this time, Lu Ming also recalled what he felt was wrong at that time and shook his head.


(End of this chapter)

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