Chapter 482 Scumbag?

Without thinking much, Lu Ming took out his mobile phone and took a photo of what he saw in front of him.

"Whether it's the same name or something else, we'll find out after some investigation."

Lin Wan nodded and agreed with Lu Ming.

Wang Lingling is the group favorite in their eyes. In order to avoid the disaster of her being scumbag, it is not too much to be cautious.

If it's just the same name, that's naturally good.

but if……

Then they could take action in time and pull Wang Lingling back while she was still not in deep trouble.

Ignoring the next actions of the group of people, Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to their private room.

"Brother and sister-in-law are back."

Zhang Haifeng and Xie Di were already full and were waiting boredly for them to come back.

Lu Ming nodded.

"Xie Di, I sent you a photo. You go to the Tang Palace to ask someone and investigate.

They were in the pavilion next to us, and they had just left. "

Lu Ming went straight to the point and told Xie Di to do things. Xie Di often hung out in the Tang Palace and was familiar with the place.

Although the identity information of Tang Palace guests is private, for Lu Ming, if he wants to know, Wang Xing'an will definitely give it to him.

Even if Wang Xing'an has gone to rest, the people under him will still sell this face.

After hearing Lu Ming's words, Xie Di sensed a hint of trouble and immediately became excited. He was just bored.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Xie Di took over the task and went out. Zhang Haifeng stayed in the private room confused and didn't know what happened.

But he didn't ask any more questions. The eldest brother didn't take the initiative to speak, so how could he dare to talk.

However, he could still feel that Lu Ming and Lin Wan's emotions were not quite right.

"I don't know which little bastard dares to offend our big brother!"

Zhang Haifeng thought, Xie Di just came back.

"Brother, we found it. That pavilion was booked in the name of Pang Jinglong, Singapore...

But I asked the waiter and found out that there were all young people inside, probably Pang Jinglong’s son Pang Yu, and some women they had brought. "

Hearing what Xie Di said, Zhang Haifeng couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Pang Yu??"

"you recognize?"

Zhang Haifeng nodded: "Maybe we know each other and have had some dealings with him."

Xie Di quickly showed him the photo on his phone, and Zhang Haifeng enlarged the photo and looked at it carefully.

"It's him!
The second son of Pang Jinglong from Singapore took a sum of money to start a business in Shanghai and opened a media company.

To be more precise, it is an MCN organization, engaged in live broadcasting and short video business. It has many million-level internet celebrities under its umbrella.

Although the valuation of his current company is not very high, it is around tens of millions.

But it can be considered a success in starting a business, so it has been somewhat popular recently. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Haifeng added another sentence.

“The two women in the photo should be anchors under their company.

Many second-generation people in Magic City are aiming for this, wanting to invest their money in him and become shareholders, so that they can both make money and..."

The upper class of the Magic City is a circle, and people from other places want to come to the Magic City to do business.

It is inevitable to worship the mountain and integrate into the circle. When Zhang Haifeng began to care about business work, he attended various business cocktail parties and met Pang Yu a few times.

"Tsk, tsk, you really know how to do business. You can make money and have fun..."

Shady clicked his tongue in surprise.Rough words or not, Xie Di’s words also make sense.

It is said that rabbits don’t eat grass from the edge of their nest, but as a result, this anchor under Pang Yu was helping him make money, and at the same time, he was fooled by his unspoken rules.

"Brother, what's wrong with him??" Zhang Haifeng tentatively asked Lu Ming.

"Yeah, this kid provoked big brother??
No matter what his father's background is in Xinjiapo, in the territory of the Magic City, we two brothers can get him out without the eldest brother taking action! "

Zhang Haifeng and Xie Di clamored to teach Pang Yu a lesson.

Lu Ming said nothing, waved his hand to keep them quiet, and thought to himself.

Although he and Lin Wan have never seen photos of Wang Lingling's boyfriend Pang Yu, judging from the information currently available, it is very likely that he is this person, and there is no surprise about the same name.

Or it should be said that Pang Yu packaged himself up and deceived Wang Lingling by approaching with purpose.

The Pang Yu described by Wang Lingling was completely different from the Pang Yu they met. Judging from the keywords related to Wang Lingling such as media, MCN, and short videos, the other party must have known Wang Lingling beforehand.

"Don't worry about him for now. I'll tell you what needs to be done later."

Lu Ming did not intend to take action directly. He listened to Zhang Haifeng and Xie Di and said to drive the opponent out of the magic city directly.

Now he mainly has to look at the situation on Wang Lingling's side and make Wang Lingling realize the true face of the other party.

Moreover, it was related to Wang Lingling. Without her consent, Lu Ming could not fully tell Zhang Haifeng and Xie Di about the matter.

Regarding Lu Ming's instructions, Zhang Haifeng and Xie Di obeyed unconditionally, thinking that maybe the eldest brother didn't want to alert the snake yet.

"Come here today."

Lu Ming dismissed the party early, and he and Lin Wan still had to think about how to deal with it.

on the way back.

Lin Wan frowned, and she realized something.

"Husband, do you think something will happen to Lingling?"

What Wang Lingling told them last time was that the progress was not that fast yet, and he was just a reserve boyfriend.

If it's true as she said, then fortunately it shouldn't be a big problem.


Lu Ming knew what Lin Wan was worried about. Being cheated was nothing more than cheating money and sex.

If he was cheating money, Lu Ming was 100% sure that the other party would pay out the money and profits, but if he was cheated of sex, it would be a huge blow to Wang Lingling.

When you fall in love for the first time, you encounter a scumbag who carefully packages it and may even plan the meeting. Anyone else's mentality would be shattered.

"Probably not..."

Lu Ming weighed his tone and was not sure.

"Lingling is a naive person. She shouldn't tell lies. She shouldn't have reached that point yet."

Although he said that, Lu Ming was not completely sure, and he didn't understand the girl's mentality now.

Besides, the other party is still a scumbag who knows how to cheat, and he has many tricks to deal with a love novice like Wang Lingling.

You know, even Lin Wan's assistant, Xiaoyu, is a female elite who dominates the workplace.

Isn't it true that I was carried away by love and did a lot of stupid things?

"Then husband, what are you going to do??"

"I don't know... Even if we find Pang Yu's information and think he is the same person, we have to confirm it with Lingling in the end, right?
And we don’t know what the other party did... and what price he had to pay. "

Lin Wan nodded, thinking about it.

"I can only hope that this incident will not have too great an impact on Lingling..."

"It's better to cut through the mess now than to discover it later!"

Lu Ming said, slamming the accelerator under his feet, and the speed went faster.

"Anyway, let's go back and ask Yin Yin first!"

(End of this chapter)

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