Chapter 483 Gloomy
The two of them didn't speak for a while, both of them worried about Wang Lingling.

Lu Ming drove the car through the traffic, traveling at the highest speed allowed in the city.

Although the top speed can only reach [-] or [-], under the constant roar of the sports car and the lane changes, the car seems to be driving hundreds of times.

Anyone with a bit of discernment will choose to avoid cars when they hear the roar and cool models.

If there is a collision with such a top-notch luxury car, even if the owner of the luxury car violates the rules, he can afford to pay and not care.

But if it was their fault and this luxury car was damaged, it would probably cost more than any of their cars.

Can't be bothered.

With everyone avoiding everyone, Lu Ming felt much more comfortable driving, and he made perfect use of his driving skills to rush home.

Lin Wan naturally saw that Lu Ming was anxious about driving at this time, and she felt the same way, so she did not blame him.

She also wanted to rush home quickly.

She knew that if there was no such thing, Lu Ming would not drive like this when the traffic volume was so heavy.

of course.

There is also some evidence that Lin Wan fully believes in Lu Ming's driving skills.

Be a normal person.

Seeing Lu Ming driving like this, he was probably so frightened that he couldn't help but say something, or asked to get out of the car.

Under such extreme circumstances, Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the city garden in less than half the time it usually took.

After returning, he immediately called Lin Ruyin.


The female dormitory of Shanghai University.

Lin Ruyin looked at Wang Lingling who looked depressed, and she couldn't think of any good solution.

Wang Lingling is usually the pistachio in the dormitory. She is cheerful every day. If she is unhappy, just take her to eat and give her snacks and she will be happy.

But today I have been feeling depressed, and all the previous methods were of no use.

Lin Ruyin now knew the magic of love, and she actually made Wang Lingling like this.

Because she couldn't contact her reserve boyfriend one night, she was left thinking about all sorts of things, feeling disappointed.

No matter how they tried to comfort her, it was of no use. Wang Lingling still held her cell phone, waiting for a message from her reserve boyfriend.

"Lingling, he may be busy with work. Why don't you have dinner first? Maybe he will reply to your message later."

As the eldest sister in the dormitory, Pan Xiaoman was still trying her best to persuade.

According to what Wang Lingling said, she and Pang Yu made an appointment to have dinner together tonight. Wang Lingling was so happy that she dressed up all afternoon.

They were even sisters who ceremoniously helped her make suggestions, plan what clothes to wear, and put on makeup for her.

As a result, Pang Yu didn't come to pick her up at the appointed time.

We even lost contact with her, and Wang Lingling couldn't contact her no matter how hard she tried.

So much so that Wang Lingling kept waiting melancholy, not even having dinner yet.

"It's okay. I'm not hungry. I have no appetite."

Wang Lingling forced herself to cheer up and smiled.

But in the eyes of everyone, this description was extremely forced, not brilliant at all, and not what Wang Lingling usually looked like.

Wang Lingling actually knew that her smile must be ugly now.

She didn't want to be like this. She knew that being unhappy would also affect the mood of her sisters.

Everyone is now surrounding her and worrying about her, but Wang Lingling just can't control her loss and sadness.

This is her first time doing this.


As soon as Wang Lingling spoke, everyone looked at her.

"That's how I feel... Even though someone has been let go, it's quite uncomfortable for someone to disappear.

But more than anything, I just feel so... embarrassed.

I was so happy at first, but everyone even helped me pick out clothes and put on makeup, and I was busy all afternoon.In the end, no one came... This would be too embarrassing! "

Wang Lingling said what was in her heart. It was true that she felt sad about being let go, but more importantly, she felt too embarrassed.

The little girl was already thin-skinned, but she was so embarrassed in front of her sisters that she was so angry that she couldn't eat anymore.

So much so that no one tried to comfort her.

Wang Lingling didn't want to make the atmosphere in the dormitory like this due to her own reasons, so she had no choice but to speak her mind.

"Lingling, what are you thinking! We are good sisters!
This is all that Pang Yu's fault, none of your business! "

After hearing Wang Lingling's words, Chu Yue walked over and hugged her.

Lin Ruyin also quickly said: "Yes, why are we talking about embarrassment or not?
There have been a lot of embarrassing things between us, and everyone knows about it.

And we had no plans to go out today, so don’t delay anything, so don’t take it to heart. "

Pan Xiaoman was still concerned that Wang Lingling had not eaten yet.

"I also have Xiaoyun's eight-treasure porridge here. It's your favorite, so hurry up and eat some!"

"I have crispy potato tarts here. It's a delicious snack!"

"I have spicy strips and Coke!"

Everyone took out a lot of snacks from their stocks and contributed them one after another in order to win a smile from the beautiful foodie Wang Lingling.

It's also just the right amount of food to make for dinner.

Seeing everyone like this, Wang Lingling finally couldn't help but smile from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay! Let's eat together, you haven't eaten either!"

Only then did Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue, and Pan Xiaoman react.

Yes, they haven’t had dinner yet!

Since they had been worried about Wang Lingling just now, they stayed with her in the dormitory, so they were not in the mood to leave for dinner.

And Pan Xiaoman only remembered to care about Wang Lingling not having dinner, and even forgot about himself.

After Wang Lingling said this, everyone remembered and felt hungry.

"Then hurry up!!"

The four of them sat around and piled all the snacks and biscuits in the middle.

Everyone opened a bottle of Coke and the atmosphere became joyful.

Wang Lingling seemed to have temporarily forgotten about being released at night.

Or should I say, I put it down selectively first, so as not to affect the sisters in the dormitory.

Others in the dormitory also know that this matter will not be easy to overcome, but they are strategically diverting their attention now and at least eating dinner first.


Lin Ruyin took a big sip of the drink and just burped.

The phone rang suddenly.

When she saw Lu Ming written on the note, Lin Ruyin was still wondering why Lu Ming was calling her so late.

But he quickly pressed answer, and after the call was connected, Lu Ming's voice came from the phone.

"Where are you? Is Lingling with you??"

Lin Ruyin was even more confused. Lu Ming called her late at night and asked Lingling...

Especially something happened to Wang Lingling just now.

"The dormitory, everyone is together, Lingling is also there."

After hearing what Lin Ruyin said, Lu Ming on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment.

Lin Ruyin waited until she was about to lose her patience and spoke before she spoke again.

"Go away and answer the phone first. I have something to ask you..."

(End of this chapter)

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