Chapter 489
Pang Yu unceremoniously accepted Man Wenlin's flattery.

Because he felt this from the bottom of his heart. He was not ashamed of using any means necessary. He only knew that he had done what many media companies had failed to do and signed people they had not signed.

Doesn't that mean that he is better than others, awesome!
And what Man Wenlin said is true that Lingling will soon become the mainstay of their Tianyu Media.

They have done an assessment of their development potential, and a Lingling has such explosive power.

Even in Pang Yu's plan, the account "Yi Lingling" is an important part of supporting the listing of Tianyu Media.

So after he realized that he accidentally forgot to make an appointment with Wang Lingling last night and missed the appointment, he quickly made amends in the morning and asked Wang Lingling to have dinner and play.

If it had been anyone else, he wouldn't have cared at all. Once he signed the contract, he could start squeezing it.

Just because Wang Lingling is indeed very important, he needs to stabilize Wang Lingling and let her cooperate with Tianyu Media's development plan.

"Well, you go to work first."

Pang Yu waved his hand and asked Man Wenlin to step back.

After he left, he took out his cell phone and looked at the time, probably wondering why Wang Lingling hadn't arrived yet.

At this time.

The office phone rang.

Pang Yu walked over and picked up: "Hey, Mr. Pang, there are a few ladies who want to see you. One of them said her name is Wang Lingling and she made an appointment with you."

"Well, I made the appointment."

After putting down the phone, Pang Yu prepared to leave the office to pick up someone.

There was no way, why was Wang Lingling so important to her, so he couldn't do a better job on the surface.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Pang Yu saw four women, including Wang Lingling, whom he knew.

A trace of doubt flashed in Pang Yu's mind. He was obviously asking Wang Lingling for dinner and fun, so why did so many people come?

But he didn't show it, instead he smiled.

"Lingling, why did you come up by yourself? Tell me first and I will go down to pick you up."

Somehow, his warm smile made Wang Lingling feel a little scared and sick.

After knowing Pang Yu's true face, I really couldn't stand it when I looked back and saw his disguise.

So Wang Lingling didn't respond, but subconsciously hid next to Pan Xiaoman.

Fortunately, Pan Xiaoman took over the conversation immediately: "Mr. Pang, right? Hello, we are sisters from the same dormitory as Lingling."

After Pang Yu heard this, he looked even more happy and welcoming.

"I've heard from Lingling a long time ago that everyone is welcome."

Then he stretched out his hand to shake Pan Xiaoman's hand...

When Pan Xiaoman saw it, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes. In fact, if possible, she didn't want to shake hands with someone like Pang Yu.

But if you are so unfriendly by not shaking hands with others, Pang Yu might see something...

"Sorry to bother Mr. Pang."

Pan Xiaoman shook hands with him anyway. After all, she was a member of the Modu family. Although her family was not big, she was still familiar with this kind of thing.

There are so many annoying people at various cocktail parties and banquets, so you have to pretend to laugh and shake hands with them.

Simply put, wear a mask.

So even if she looks down on and hates Pang Yu in her heart, Pan Xiaoman can still act normal on the surface.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm so happy to see you, and I made you stand here for so long.

Come, let's go to my office. "

Pang Yu's performance continues, and I have to say that his acting skills are still very superb.

If you didn't know his true nature, it would be easy to be deceived by his sunny, warm and generous appearance.

In this way, a group of people arrived at Pang Yu's office. "Sorry for the poor reception. I didn't hear Lingling say you were coming over. Otherwise, I would definitely prepare..."

Wang Lingling and the four of them sat on the sofa, while Pang Yu carried them behind his back and poured water on the table in front, speaking politely.

But if you look at it from the front, you can see that Pang Yu's eyes flashed and he smiled very maliciously.

"Absolutely amazing!!

I didn't expect that Wang Lingling's roommates are all so beautiful and have their own characteristics. If they can get the signature, they will definitely become popular! "


Pang Yu was stunned when he saw Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Lin Ruyin for the first time.

Each of them is a top beauty, with a very outstanding temperament.

At first glance, Pang Yu thought he was a good Internet celebrity.

"Especially that guy with a cold temperament... I really want to win over her..."

While pouring water, countless conspiracies had already flashed through Pang Yu's mind.

"Come, drink water."

Pang Yu put the water glass on the table.

"Lingling, why don't you introduce your roommate to me?"

After a period of relaxation, Wang Lingling has returned to normal and can control herself.

"This is Pan Xiaoman, she is Chu Yue, and there is Lin Ruyin."

When Wang Lingling introduced everyone, Pan Xiaoman and Chu Yue would nod to Pang Yu in a casual manner.

Only Lin Ruyin was extremely cold and cold, and just glanced at Pang Yu lightly.

But Pang Yu didn't feel anything at all. Instead, he was stirred up in his heart.

It seemed that he was more interested in Lin Ruyin like this!There are many women who come to his door, and he likes this kind of aloofness, which gives him a sense of conquest.

"I'm sorry, Yin Yin's character has always been like this, and we forced her to come out."

Pan Xiaoman managed to smooth things over for Lin Ruyin in time.

"It's okay, it's okay. We are all friends."

Pang Yu smiled and waved his hand.

"Lingling, the team I formed for you has been completed.

We set a time to start working. I believe that with the help of the team, your video content will be a thousand times better.

In this way, your fans will skyrocket, and your income will be at least tens of millions a year! "

Pang Yu changed the topic and started to draw a pie, and his pie was not just for Wang Lingling alone.

His purpose in saying this in public was to catch fish and create the impression that Wang Lingling would become a multi-millionaire with her help, hoping to attract the other three people.

Hearing what Pang Yu said, Wang Lingling and Pan Xiaoman just wanted to express their purpose of coming this time.

But before he could speak, Pang Yu had already continued talking.

“Short videos and live broadcasts are the biggest hot spots right now. It’s easy to say it’s easy to get rich overnight, but it’s not easy to say it’s easy.

It depends on each person's talent. Lingling has this talent, and I think you also have it.

I wonder if the three beauties are interested in knowing more?I guarantee that you can make money like Lingling!

And when you sisters are together, you can work and play at the same time! "

Pang Yu said, his eyes scanning Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Lin Ruyin, and finally stopped at Lin Ruyin.

(End of this chapter)

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