Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 490: Wang Lingling was poached?

Chapter 490: Wang Lingling was poached?

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Lin Ruyin felt a chill and felt very uncomfortable from Pang Yu's eyes.

They came to terminate the contract with Pang Yu, but they didn't expect that Pang Yu wanted to sign the three of them as well.

It's just idiotic dreams.

They had all heard Lu Ming talk about the traps in Pang Yu's contract on the phone.

That is a naked blood-sucking contract. Once signed, if you can't pay the compensation, you can only be at the mercy of others.

Even if they didn't know there was a problem with the contract and thought Pang Yu was a scumbag who deceived their sister Wang Lingling, they wouldn't have agreed.

"Sorry, Mr. Pang, we are not very interested in this and have no ideas."

Pan Xiaoman dealt with Pang Yu politely.

"It's okay. This is my business card. If you have any ideas, please contact me."

Of course, Pang Yu couldn't just give up. He was already thinking of other ways.

Just as he was thinking about how to deceive Lin Ruyin, Pan Xiaoman, and Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman spoke.

"Mr. Pang, actually we came with Lingling today because we have something to discuss with you."

"Oh? You are Lingling's friend, and that's my friend too. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Pang Yu still doesn't know the purpose of their visit this time. After all, Pan Xiaoman has been pretending well.

“Lingling is still a college student, and the most important thing right now is her studies, so she doesn’t want to invest too much energy in short videos.

She signed a contract with you on impulse before. We hope you can understand and we can communicate with each other and terminate the contract peacefully.

Of course, Lingling will pay part of the compensation.

Mr. Pang hasn't invested much financial resources in Lingling yet, so it's not bad to get a compensation for nothing in such a short period of time, isn't it?

We can discuss the specific amount of compensation. "

Pan Xiaoman told them their purpose in one breath, but Pang Yu's expression became uglier as he listened.

He was just planning how to sign the other three people besides Wang Lingling, but what he heard now was that Wang Lingling wanted to terminate the contract with him? ? !
Pang Yu's face turned completely black, and his eyes turned cold as he looked at the four people.

Ordinary female college students may not be able to stand it and feel pressured when they see this kind of battle and momentum.

But who are Lin Ruyin and the others? They are not ordinary female college students. They have seen many big scenes, and most importantly, they are confident!

They know they have a backer behind them. Even if the contract cannot be terminated peacefully, there is still Lu Ming who can help them!

Therefore, the four of them faced Pang Yu's cold gaze and looked at him without fear.

After a short while, Pang Yu's face began to return to normal.

"Lingling, you are making it very difficult for me!!"

Pang Yu lamented, and then started to behave miserably.

“Didn’t we agree to let me help you and join forces to create better content and make the audience happier?

And the most important thing in doing business is integrity. We have signed the contract, how can you break the contract temporarily...

I don’t think you are this kind of person?Is something wrong? "

Pang Yu played the emotional card and faced Wang Lingling directly, trying to make her change her mind using the same method he used to coax Wang Lingling before.

After all, this is Wang Lingling's own matter. As long as she is firm, it will be useless what others say.

But Wang Lingling already knew his true identity, so how could she be fooled.

"Sorry Pang Yu, I was too impulsive before and didn't think too much.

This is a decision I made after thinking it through. Xiaoman is right, isn't she?Isn't it good that you can get liquidated damages for doing nothing?" At the critical moment, Wang Lingling was still tough and stood up to express her position and answer.

But how could Pang Yu agree?Wang Lingling is an important part of his plan to support the listing of Tianyu Media.

How could he be willing to terminate the contract with Wang Lingling!A little termination compensation?Compared with Tianyu Media after its listing, it is simply not worth mentioning!
"Lingling, can you tell me the truth? Is there another company looking for you?

You just tell me what conditions they give you, and I can give you better, and we are still friends..."

Pang Yu subconsciously thought that because Wang Lingling suddenly regretted his actions in such a short period of time, another company must have taken advantage of the situation and offered Wang Lingling better conditions, so Wang Lingling suddenly wanted to terminate the contract and switch to another company. .

"No other companies are looking for me, it's just that I don't want to do it."

Pang Yu didn't believe Wang Lingling's explanation at all.

"Mr. Pang, since you said you are Lingling's friend, you should be able to understand Lingling and respect Lingling's wishes, right?"

Pan Xiaoman continued to attack.

"I am doing this for Lingling's own good. She is the most suitable for this path and will soon become popular and make a lot of money.

If she misses it, Lingling will regret it for the rest of her life. As Lingling's friend, I will naturally help her.

She may not understand it now, but she will understand it later! "

Pang Yu was eloquent and said that he was doing it for Wang Lingling's benefit. Anyway, he just revealed one meaning.

He would not agree to let him go.

Even though Pan Xiaoman thought of various ways, the initiative lies with Pang Yu after all, and Pang Yu has more experience, so Pan Xiaoman still can't defeat Pang Yu.

At the end of the sentence, Pan Xiaoman was speechless.

The momentum of Chu Yue and Wang Lingling also weakened. Knowing that this time the compensation was reduced, the idea of ​​​​peacefully terminating the contract must have failed.

"Drink some water, please." Pang Yu said with a fake smile.

After sitting and talking for so long, Pan Xiaoman and the others didn't take a sip of water.

Who knows if Pang Yu will do anything in the water.

At this time.

Lin Ruyin stood up abruptly with a cold face.

"Let's go back. His attitude is obvious. The liquidated damages in the contract are only 1000 million.

If he directly compensates 1000 million yuan, the contract will be terminated. It is useless to talk to him here. "

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling also stood up one after another. Lin Ruyin was right, and they also realized this.

They met Pang Yu in a friendly manner before to terminate the contract. Now that the contract cannot be terminated, they don't have to pretend.

After getting up, he didn't even say hello to Pang Yu and walked away from Pang Yu.

"Lingling! That's not what I meant. I really do it for your own good. Please think about it again!"

Before leaving, Pang Yu said these words.

But after they left the office, Pang Yu suddenly became dark-faced.

He quickly made a phone call: "Please investigate immediately which company has contacted Wang Lingling recently!"

Pang Yu still feels that Wang Lingling was poached by other media companies.

Especially when Lin Ruyin said that she would be compensated directly according to the contract's liquidated damages of 1000 million.

It's more like some company made a big deal and even covered Wang Lingling's liquidated damages!
(End of this chapter)

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