Chapter 491
After Wang Lingling and the others left, Pang Yu stood alone in front of the French window for a long time.

This time his mood was completely different from before, and he was extremely depressed and irritable.

Wang Lingling is an important supporter of Tianyu Media's listing. Judging from her attitude just now, Pang Yu must have really insisted on terminating the contract with him. What should Tianyu Media do?
Although it may not be impossible to develop to the point of listing in the future, it will undoubtedly become much more difficult and take more time.

This is a big blow to Pang Yu, who is very professional and utilitarian!

"Damn!! Forget it if the other three can't be signed! The cooked duck has just flown away like this!"

Pang Yu paced back and forth in the office. When he walked to the table, he saw the cup on it, which was very unpleasant, and he swept it away with his hand.

There were a few bangs and the glass shattered on the floor.

"No! If I can't get it, you won't be disappointed, and you won't be able to live well either!"

At this time, Pang Yu looked ferocious, and some ugly thoughts came to his mind.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed: "Man Wenlin, come to my office!"

After a while.

Man Wenlin rushed to the office and saw glass shards all over the floor as soon as he entered the door.

He immediately knew how bad Pang Yu was feeling and must not mess with him.

"Boss, I'm here..."


Pang Yu sat on the chair, his face full of chills.

"One Lingling's development plan is suspended. Wang Lingling does not intend to fulfill the contract with us..."

As soon as the words came out.

Man Wenlin immediately exclaimed: "Ah??! These... us!"

He knew how important Wang Lingling was to the company. He had just reported that the team formation was completed in the morning. Why did it become like this now?
"Mr. Pang, is there really nothing we can do? She signed the contract."

"Didn't I already ask you to check if any company has contacted her? I guess someone helped her pay the liquidated damages, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to pay so much money, and she wouldn't have had the confidence!"

Pang Yu felt that Wang Lingling could not have so much money. Someone must have helped her, so he subconsciously determined that it was another company.

"Mr. Pang, what should we do now..."

Pang Yu already had an idea, so he called Man Wenlin over.

“Since she is determined to terminate the contract with us, we can’t give other companies any advantage.

In this case, you should go find those trolls to throw dirty water on me and destroy her for me.

I wonder if other companies are willing to spend 1000 million to poach her!

Maybe in the end she will have to stay with us obediently. Although most of her will be useless, it is better than being in the hands of others! "

After listening to Pang Yu, Man Wenlin thought for a while and felt that his plan was very good.

They have done a lot of similar things together and are very familiar with it.

"Gao! Mr. Pang is high. What we Tianyu Media can't get, even if it is left to rot in the pot, no one else can get it."

If a Lingling is in their own hands, it is their greatest strength. Similarly, if it goes to another company, it is their biggest enemy of Tianyu Media.

With one decrease and one increase, wouldn't Tianyu's power be weaker than that of other companies?So Man Wenlin cannot see such a thing happening.

"I'll make arrangements now!"

Man Wenlin turned around and prepared to leave.

"and many more."

Pang Yu stopped him.

"When Wang Lingling came today, there were a few people around her. Did you see that?"

"I saw it when they were leaving." "Check it, and also check it out."

Pang Yu suddenly had a whim and added Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Lin Ruyin to the list of people who wanted to throw dirty water.

Because just now the three of them also made him very unhappy. One of them was also black, and the four of them were also black, so they might as well be black together.

"Okay! I'll ask someone to come in and help you clean up."

Man Wenlin accepted the task and left the office.

Pang Yu sat on the chair, eyes closed, and his stomach growled.

After thinking about smearing Wang Lingling and the four of them, what should I do next and whether it will be beneficial to the company.

After thinking for a long time.

"Maybe... I can stand up and help them after they are hacked, pretend to help them suppress the scandal, and gain their trust.

After this incident passes, maybe..."

Pang Yu felt that this plan was feasible, and he might be able to become his own with Wang Lingling and others, and sign them all at once.

“A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise!!”

Thinking of this, Pang Yu's mood became clear again. Although things were a little ups and downs, if he could get four people at the same time, it would be all worth it!
Things seemed to have turned around, and they just had to wait for the follow-up. Pang Yu couldn't hold it anymore and picked up his phone.

"Xiao Li, come with me to go out for dinner tonight..."

But will things really be as beautiful as Pang Yu imagined and develop according to his ideas?
Pang Yu, who does things unscrupulously and is extremely utilitarian, only for the development of the company, could never have imagined that his ever-improving methods would be of no use at all, and he would also hit an iron plate, a steel plate, or a fine steel plate.


Wang Lingling and her group left Tianyu Media and were on their way back to school.

"Lingling, Lingling...

Don't be so sad, we are just giving it a try anyway, there is nothing we can do if it doesn't work. "

Chu Yue and Wang Lingling were sitting in the back seat, holding Wang Lingling's arm and rubbing her to comfort her.

After the negotiation failed, Wang Lingling has been crying.

"Anyway, you still have Senior Lu helping you. You can make money so much, and if you work a little harder, maybe you can pay it off before graduating from college!"

Pan Xiaoman also stood up to comfort her and used his own personal experience.

"Yes, it was Uncle Lu who helped me when something happened at home.

It’s even scarier than yours, hundreds of millions!So, you don’t have to worry about this. "

Wang Lingling nodded subconsciously. If the negotiation failed, this would be the only way to go. Otherwise, where would she find so much money?

Just as he was about to speak, he turned around and heard Lin Ruyin speaking out.

"Lingling, you said you have more than 200 million, right? I have about 800 million here, and the two of us can just put it together. Is that okay?"

Lin Ruyin didn't have that much money, but didn't she help Lu Ming a lot when she went home last time and was rewarded with 500 million.

When Wang Lingling heard this, she immediately nodded like a chicken.

Borrow 800 million from Lin Ruyin, she would take out 200 million, and she would still have hundreds of thousands of small money to live on, and then slowly make money and pay it back to her. This couldn't be better!

"Yes, yes! That's great! Yinyin, I will definitely work hard to make money to pay you back."

If Lin Ruyin hadn't been driving, Wang Lingling would have wanted to rush up and hug her.

Chu Yue on the side saw Wang Lingling's mood improved and couldn't help but joked.

"Lingling, just pledge yourself to Yinyin to repay your great kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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