Chapter 494 True Purpose
After listening to Pan Xiaoman's explanation, Lu Ming fell into deep thought for a while and said nothing.

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling thought Lu Ming was angry.

After all, Lu Ming said that he had handed over the matter to the lawyer, but they still came to see Pang Yu without saying a word.

If the negotiation really succeeds, then they can feel more confident, but now... they are really shameless to say it!
Everyone looked at Lu Ming nervously.

Pan Xiaoman stood up and wanted to take the blame: "Uncle Lu, I'm sorry, we took it too naturally.

Thinking that this would be a free gift of two to three million to Pang Yu, he might be satisfied.

I didn't expect him to be so greedy. No matter what we said, even Lingling said she would insist on terminating the contract, he still refused to let go.

Not even interested in discussing the amount of compensation..."


Lu Ming waved his hand and was about to explain that he was just thinking about something.

But Wang Lingling spoke faster than him: "No, no, this is my problem, everyone just goes with me.

I originally thought of this method, and I thought that if I didn’t expose him, I would have a chance to trick him into terminating the contract..."

Wang Lingling knew that Pan Xiaoman was helping her, but she couldn't let Pan Xiaoman take the blame, so she quickly came out to explain.


Chu Yue and Lin Ruyin also wanted to say something. As expected of good sisters, they both took the blame and thought about each other.

But this time Lu Ming got the right to speak.

"Don't worry! I didn't say anything! Am I that scary? Look, I scare you all."

Lu Ming smiled and comforted them, and then explained.

"I was just thinking...

What you said does make sense. Pang Yu doesn't know that you have discovered his true identity, and you are willing to let him earn two to three million for nothing. This is already very good.

But why wouldn't he? ? "

Lu Ming analyzed step by step.

"Unless for him, the benefits Lingling brings him are far more than the two to three million! What he wants is more!"

Combined with the first time he heard Wang Lingling say that she and Pang Yu got to know each other, Lu Ming had some guesses.

"Actually, I was thinking before that Pang Yu's original or most fundamental purpose was not Lingling at all...

He didn't want to pursue Lingling as his girlfriend, this was just a way for him to get close to and paralyze Lingling.

The ultimate goal should be to sign a contract with Lingling! "

Lu Ming expressed his guess.

After hearing this, Chu Yue was so excited that she slapped her thigh: "Senior Lu said it is very possible!!

This can also explain why Lingling clearly made an appointment that day, but ended up going out and fooling around!

Because he didn't take Lingling seriously at all, and he wasn't the type to pursue a girlfriend. "

Pan Xiaoman also nodded thoughtfully, feeling that what Lu Ming said made sense.

"So Pang Yu came here for Lingling's contract from the beginning. No matter what we said, he would never agree to peacefully terminate the contract with us."

At this moment, everyone's minds were instantly opened, and many of their doubts were answered.

"No wonder..."

Lin Ruyin murmured quietly, but Chu Yue sat next to her and heard it clearly.

"No wonder, Yin Yin??"

Lin Ruyin was stunned for a moment, and finally explained with a frown.

"When we went to Tianyu Media, Pang Yu looked at me in a very wrong way... that's..." As a cold and beautiful school beauty, she has received a lot of looks in her life, and she is very sensitive to these looks. That day Lin Ruyin couldn't bear it anymore, so her attitude became worse and worse, and she was the first to stand up and leave.

Lin Ruyin said this.

Lu Ming, Lin Wan's face turned dark immediately.

They discovered Pang Yu's true nature. What the hell is this? ?How dare you covet their daughter? ? !
Sorry, I don’t deserve even a glance!

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of anger in each other's eyes!

"Ah?! Yin Yin, why did you just say it now!
too disgusting!Fortunately we ran fast! "

Chu Yue exclaimed and quickly hugged Lin Ruyin.

"Negotiations were still going on at the time and we couldn't expose his face, so I couldn't say anything, just in case the negotiations were successful.

Later, the negotiation failed and we left immediately, so there was no need to talk about it. It just happened that it was not too late to talk about it now! "

Lin Ruyin said, gently pushing Chu Yue away.

Although it was big, it felt a little warm when I held it.

"Lingling, what are you thinking about? You've been in a daze."

When everyone was talking just now, Wang Lingling remained blank and did not speak. Lin Ruyin called her.

She just came back to her senses.

"I'm just thinking, I'm not as good as a Lingling account?? People are here for the account, not me?!"

Everyone understood what Wang Lingling meant. Her appearance and self-esteem were frustrated!
Suddenly I couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, my silly Lingling, why are you thinking about these things!
If she was really here for you, you would have been eaten by the scumbag to the point where no bones are left, so you should be happy now!"

When Wang Lingling heard this, she was enlightened.

"Yes, yes! It's better if it's not directed at me!"

Now she doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Comparing the endings and consequences, she knows which one is better without even thinking about it.

"But... is my account really that valuable?"

Wang Lingling couldn't understand that her account was worth Pang Yu's deliberate efforts to get close to her and lie to her?Don’t even give him 300 million.

So her account is worth more than a million? ? ?
Lu Ming gave her the answer. He had already discovered Wang Lingling's potential.

"That's not the case. To be precise, you should be valuable.

The last time I watched Lingling’s video, I discovered that Lingling has great potential in the short video food track.

Not to mention the real store visit, everyone can do this. The important thing is that when Lingling eats, it makes people look appetizing, and even watching her eat makes them happy.

This quality is very rare, so this is why Lingling can have so many fans just by making videos. "

"Yes, yes!! My husband is right, I really like watching Lingling eat!
I have reviewed all the historical videos in Lingling’s account! "

Lin Wan clapped her hands in agreement. This was probably one of the reasons why she cooked for Wang Lingling and brought it over in person.


Pang Yu probably saw Lingling's potential, so he wanted to sign her.

Because if there is a professional team and operation, Lingling will be more popular and more profitable than it is now. "

"Okay! It turns out that Pang Yu regards Lingling as his money-making tool!"

Wang Lingling looked confused when she heard this, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Am I that powerful???"

(End of this chapter)

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