Chapter 495 Banned
Wang Lingling lowered her head slightly, her face flushed.

What Lu Ming said just now and everyone's praise made her a little shy.

She had never known that people spoke so loudly about her, as if they were not talking about her, but someone else.

"Of course Lingling, this is what Senior Lu said, how could it be wrong??
Otherwise, why would Pang Yu lie to you?Otherwise, how could you make so much money? "

Chu Yue was so envious that she poked Wang Lingling with her hand, but there was Pan Xiaoman between her and Wang Lingling, so she had to stretch her hand very long.

The large movements lifted up her short T-shirt, revealing the whiteness of her waist. She was indeed a small waist, and her waist was so thin.

Even if the waist is small, the fruit hanging on it is still big, which makes it even more impactful. It is simply a foul.

See no evil. See no evil.

Lu Ming silently looked away. After sitting down for a while, he realized that Chu Yue and the others were all wearing cool clothes...

It was as if he had entered a daughter's kingdom or a pansi cave.

There are all the warblers and swallows around, and every time you take a breath, your nose is filled with fragrance.

The key is that everyone doesn't treat him as an outsider. Even though he is dressed so coolly, he doesn't care about his own actions at all, and he shows off his beauty from time to time.

This place is not suitable for staying for a long time. Perhaps this scene seems very envious and happy to others.

But it was like a kind of torture to Lu Ming. Lu Ming felt that he had to go home quickly.

"Wan'er, it's getting late, we should go back."

Lin Wan was still watching everyone having fun, but when she heard what Lu Ming said, she turned around in shock.

"Are you going back now???"

It seemed like she was enjoying herself and didn't really want to go home.

When Lin Ruyin saw this, she quickly said: "It's early, why are you going home!"

"We can't go home and take a nap!"

"What are you in a hurry for? If you want to take a nap in our dormitory, you can take a nap too!"

"You only have four beds here, and you want me to sleep on the floor??"

"Who asked you to sleep on the floor! Didn't you say there are four beds? You can sleep on whichever one you want, right?"

I don't know what Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling thought, but they actually agreed with what Lin Ruyin said and agreed to let Lu Ming take a nap in their bed.

Lu Ming was speechless now.

Lin Wan didn't want to leave, and his excuse was broken again, so he could only stay.

In the following time, Lu Ming fully played the role of audience.

Quietly watching these five women perform a show, talking about everything from cosmetics to clothes, small gossip to big gossip, the five of them had a great time chatting.

After a long time.

"Ring bell bell."

Lu Ming's phone rang. After seeing the note, Lu Ming stood up and spoke to everyone.

"I'm going to take a call." Then he came to the small balcony and answered the phone.

"Hey, He Lu. I just have a new situation today that I want to tell you."

Lu Ming originally wanted to tell Lawyer He what happened today, so that the lawyer would have a clearer understanding, which would be beneficial to their judgment. Unexpectedly, Lawyer He took the initiative to call.

"Wait a minute, Chairman, I have an urgent situation."

Lawyer He sounded very anxious.

"I originally planned to go to Tianyu Media today to go through the contract termination and compensation process, but just now a lot of so-called black material about Wang Lingling suddenly appeared on the Internet.

The opening picture is all made up, and there are many trolls who are making it popular. This is undoubtedly someone throwing dirty water!

By the way, the other party mainly attacked Wang Lingling, but the people close to her, including her roommates, were also affected to some extent. "As soon as Lu Ming heard this, he knew what was going on. In the morning, Wang Lingling and the others were going to terminate the contract, and in the afternoon, someone poured dirty water and exposed dirt.

You can tell with your toes that this must have been done by Tianyu Media.

And from what He Lu said, Chu Yue, Lin Ruyin, and Pan Xiaoman were also implicated? ?
"He Lu, please send me the so-called dirty information!"

"it is good!"

Lu Ming opened the video sent by He Lu and watched it from beginning to end.

Pang Yu's method of spreading dirt was nothing more than creating pornographic rumors. He put a few screenshots from Wang Lingling's videos and put a thin layer of mosaic on them, so it was easy to see who it was.

Then he started making up things, including insider revelations, big revelations, and all kinds of things to attract attention.

By the way, the entire dormitory was told that she was different from what she appeared to be, and what kind of person she was secretly.

A large number of trolls left a lot of vicious and unpleasant remarks under the video, and some unknown trolls also started to follow suit.

Wang Lingling was already somewhat famous, but with the help of the black hands, public opinion became more and more fermented, and the popularity became higher and higher.

Seeing that Lu Ming was furious, he held the phone tightly.

"I know, I'll take care of it!" Lu Ming said coldly and hung up the phone.

He must handle this matter quickly and prevent Wang Lingling and the others from finding out.

But what Lu Ming didn't see was...

In fact, while he was going out to make a phone call, Lin Ruyin and the others had already received a reminder from their friends in school.

Someone saw the videos online and quickly informed them.

After seeing those dirty videos and the comments below, Chu Yue was so angry that she jumped up and down.

"This is completely made up!! How can anyone believe it! Are these people just stupid?!"

"This should be done by Pang Yu, there is no one else but him."

Pan Xiaoman also pointed out the source at a glance.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that I've caused trouble to everyone..."

Wang Lingling lowered her head with tears in her eyes. She didn't care much about what she had done, but was more sad because everyone was implicated by her.

At this time, they all understood that this was Pang Yu's revenge after Wang Lingling insisted on terminating the contract.

"Lingling, don't say that, it's not your fault.

It's all Pang Yu, so disgusting and despicable! "

Lin Wan also quickly spoke out to comfort Wang Lingling.

"Lingling, don't worry, Lu Ming will take action, he should know it."

When Lin Wan said this, everyone couldn't help but look at Lu Ming on the balcony.

Everyone suddenly seemed to have a backbone and felt at ease, believing that Lu Ming would be able to solve it.

Lu Ming was seen talking on the phone with a cold face.

Tianyu Media’s main business is short videos and live broadcasts, and the largest short video live broadcast platform is Douyin.

So these people who are throwing dirty water are all marketing accounts printed on dither.

But Lu Ming is the director of Douyin!

Lu Ming made a call and gave an unceremonious order to the person in charge.

“I don’t care what you do, immediately delete everything about slandering Wang Lingling, and ban all marketing accounts that posted relevant videos!
In addition, all accounts of Tianyu Media on the platform have also been banned!Regardless of whether they are involved or not, as long as they are from Tianyu Media, they will be banned! "

(End of this chapter)

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