Chapter 496 Can't wait
"Hahaha! Now you know the consequences of disobeying me!
Let’s see if you still dare to terminate the contract with me!If something like this happens, I wonder if other companies will still want you...

In the end, you have to return to Tianyu Media obediently! "

Pang Yu browsed through the dirty news that he had concocted. The popularity was higher than he imagined, which made him feel a little proud.

This made him feel as if he could single-handedly control the life and death of others. For a person like him who values ​​power as extremely important, it was almost like an addiction.

Once you experience it, you can't stop it and start to enjoy playing with the fate of others.

"Haha, let me think about it, what conditions will be added then!
correct!Liquidated damages must be set higher! ! "

Pang Yu seemed to have seen Wang Lingling regretting coming back to beg him, and began to think about adding some additional conditions.

So Pang Yu picked up his phone and sent a message to Wang Lingling, pretending to care about her.

"Lingling, I saw the video online, are you okay? Don't think too much! I will definitely be on your side and support you!
I still have some connections in this area. Do you need me to help you? "

After sending it, Pang Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud, feeling that Wang Lingling would not be able to escape his grasp this time.

Just when he was immersed in a beautiful dream and couldn't extricate himself.

"Bang!" A sound.

The door to his office was opened, and Man Wenlin broke in.

"Oh no……!"

Man Wenlin stumbled and ran out of breath. He had something important to report to Pang Yu.

But the words haven't come out yet.


There was a loud bang, and an ashtray suddenly hit Man Wenlin in front of him.

Man Wenlin was so frightened that he hugged his head. If he ran one step faster, the ashtray would hit him.

"Do you understand the rules?! Don't you know you have to knock on the door first?!"

Pang Yu roared angrily. He was having a sweet dream just now, and Man Wenlin suddenly rushed in, which really scared him.

And usually he would occasionally provide one-on-one guidance to some anchors in the office. If someone doesn't follow the rules and comes in suddenly...

After being hit like this, Man Wenlin was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. He even forgot why he came.

He lowered his head and stayed there, listening to Pang Yu's lecture.

"You are the manager of the company. Can you stop making such a fuss? When employees see you in such a panic, they think the sky is falling!


After training for a while, Pang Yu calmed down and turned around to ask.

"So why are you so anxious to find me?"

When Pang Yu said this, Man Wenlin seemed to have thought of something terrible, and his face turned pale.

"Mr. Pang, all the Douyin accounts of our Tianyu Media have been blocked!! Regardless of the number of fans, none of them will be left out..."


Pang Yu slapped the desk hard, and he didn't have time to feel the pain on his hand.

"What did you say??!! How is that possible?!"

Then he immediately logged into the Douyin platform and checked the accounts of several companies.

"Why is this happening??! Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The situation is indeed the same as what Man Wenlin said, the accounts are all banned.

"And the marketing accounts of the trolls we are looking for have also been banned..."

Man Wenlin added a detail he noticed.

Pang Yu quickly looked up his browsing history, and found that it had indeed been banned.

"It's impossible... I could still see it just now!" "Mr. Pang, could it be because of this?"

Man Wenlin gave his own guess. They had just done this. The company account and the marketing account of the navy were blocked, and the public opinion against Wang Lingling was suppressed at once.

This really made it difficult for him to suspect that there was no connection.

"It's impossible...Wang Lingling is just a little girl, where does she get this kind of energy..."

Pang Yu murmured, Man Wenlin could think of this connection, and so could he.

It's just that he doesn't believe that Wang Lingling has this kind of energy.

"Mr. Pang, why don't you quickly ask Mr. Wang who is shaking his seal?"

After hearing Man Wenlin's words, Pang Yu realized that he had someone inside Douyin!

Tianyu Media has become big, so naturally it can make connections with official people, especially since he has opened some doors with money and beauty.

"Yes, yes, I'll ask Mr. Wang."

Pang Yu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Mr. Wang.

But the phone, which was usually answered quickly, kept beeping without anyone answering it until there was a system beep.

Pang Yu did not give up and continued to call.

It wasn't until the fifth call that the call was finally connected.

"Mr. Wang! Are you busy?"

Pang Yu forced a smile and greeted Mr. Wang with enthusiasm.

But the other party didn't look like usual at all, and his tone became very strange and polite.

"Mr. Pang? What's the matter? I have to go to a meeting."

Pang Yu didn't have time to question, so he quickly said what he wanted to ask.

“Mr. Wang, I don’t know what went wrong, but our company’s accounts have been banned.

Our company has always abided by laws and regulations, and there are no violations. "

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a long time, until Pang Yu almost couldn't hold himself back.

Mr. Wang finally spoke out, but it was a very official answer.

"It's impossible. We won't make mistakes in dithering. Otherwise, Mr. Pang should wait, or submit it to the appeal process for review."

This kind of answer is of no use to Pang Yu. This is not the answer he wants.

How could he possibly wait for this situation? !The company's large and small accounts add up to tens of millions or hundreds of millions of fans. If we don't unblock them quickly, we will lose all our fans!

Not to mention the review took so long, he couldn't wait even for one day or one hour!
What he wants is to lift the ban immediately. Any further delay will be more and more detrimental to Tianyu Media.

Don't talk about losing fans by then, the anchors and staff within the company must have known that the account they were responsible for was blocked, and people within their company would have run away first.

"50, Mr. Wang only needs to tell you why."

Pang Yu gritted his teeth and decided to buy the answer with money. He needed to know why before he could think of a solution.

After the price of 50 was given, there was silence on the phone for a while, as if the conversation was in another place.

A low voice came from the phone: "Don't forget what you said, send me money immediately after you make the call."

Mr. Wang was still impressed by the 50 yuan. After all, he could get 50 yuan just by giving an answer he knew. This money was so easy to make that it was hard not to be tempted.

“This requirement was ordered by the board of directors, and the people below us are only responsible for executing it.

But I think you’ve probably provoked a big boss you shouldn’t mess with…”

 It’s time for double monthly passes recently. Please give me a monthly pass! !

  Friends who have monthly tickets, please smash me to death!

(End of this chapter)

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