Chapter 501 Kneel down and apologize
"Senior Lu..."

Lu Ming heard Wang Lingling's voice in his ears and turned to look.

Wang Lingling came downstairs at some point and stood behind him.

"How did you get down?"

"I'll come down and have a look."

Wang Lingling came down because she couldn't hear what was going on below.

"Lingling!! You are finally willing to see me."

Pang Yu also saw Wang Lingling and suddenly became excited. He thought Wang Lingling had come down to see him.

His actions aroused Wang Lingling's guard, and she subconsciously hid behind Lu Ming and held his hand.

In her heart, Lu Ming can give her a sense of security and protection.

"Lingling, you are..."

Seeing Wang Lingling's action, Pang Yu's heart skipped a beat and he misunderstood.

If he mistakenly believed that Wang Lingling and Lu Ming were related, this would undoubtedly be very detrimental to his plan.

If Wang Lingling no longer likes him, then everything he does will be in vain.

"What's your relationship?!"

Pang Yu asked directly in desperation. This answer was very important to him.

"You can manage..."

Lu Ming hasn't finished speaking yet.A firm and powerful voice came to my ears.

"He's my boyfriend!!"

After Lu Ming heard this, he turned his head and looked at Wang Lingling in surprise. Why is this little girl talking nonsense? ?
Wang Lingling seemed a little embarrassed when Lu Ming looked at her like this, and quietly lowered her head.

She didn't know what happened just now, but when Pang Yu asked her, she suddenly blurted out. Looking back now, she felt that it was really inappropriate to say this.

"Impossible!! I don't believe it! Lingling, don't you like me? We like each other, right?

How come you have a boyfriend so soon? ? "

Pang Yu looked in disbelief and kept questioning Wang Lingling.

Wang Lingling looked embarrassed and regretful, and she kept scolding herself in her heart.

I was really blind before!Moreover, he was not very smart, yet he had even the slightest feeling of being attracted to this kind of person.

This kind of thing is a black history in life!Even if they don't actually become boyfriend and girlfriend, it's already disgusting enough.

She just hopes that Pang Yu will disappear from her life immediately and never want to see him again.

"I don't need you to believe it. Just get out and never show up in front of me again."

Wang Lingling thought that using Lu Ming as a shield and claiming that she had a boyfriend would drive Pang Yu away.

But Pang Yu believed that Wang Lingling was his only hope, so how could he give up so easily.

Even if she can't become Wang Lingling's boyfriend, at least she can be soft-hearted and let go of her company and unblock her company account.

"I'm sorry Lingling... I didn't know things would turn out like this.

I really like you, but I used some methods because I was afraid that you would leave...

I really want to keep you and don't want to hurt you. have someone you like now. I wish you all the best and hope you get better and better. "

Pang Yu sobbed, gave a touching blessing, and then began to tell his true purpose.

"Can you let me go for the sake of our past friendship?

You know, it's always been a dream of mine to produce great content. "

Although Wang Lingling is naive, she is not stupid. After listening to so many analyzes by Pan Xiaoman and Lu Ming, how could she not understand what Pang Yu said.

Now that it's time, Wang Lingling no longer needs to pretend not to know Pang Yu's true identity and expose it directly.


What relationship did we have in the past? ?Are you pretending to pursue my affection and secretly tricking me into signing the contract?
Or is it because you made a date with me but went to the Tang Palace to fool around? ? "

As soon as the words came out.

Pang Yu suddenly raised his head, his face no longer pretending to be pitiful.Instead, his eyes widened and he looked straight at Wang Lingling, his eyes full of shock as to why Wang Lingling knew this.

He figured it out all at once.

It turns out that Wang Lingling knows everything, so all his previous disguises and acting were just like a clown.

Wang Lingling could see through it, but she didn't say it.

So...even what he is doing now is in vain? ?Is Tianyu Media doomed?

Thinking of this, Pang Yu was still unwilling to give in.

"Lingling! Listen to my explanation..."

Pang Yu shouted this, but he actually couldn't explain it. Yuan couldn't come back, but he still wanted to fight to the death.

He rushed towards Wang Lingling, losing his mind and stalking her like a shrew.

It was naturally impossible for Lu Ming to let him get close to Wang Lingling.

"You go back first."

After turning around and speaking to Wang Lingling, Lu Ming strode forward.

He easily grabbed Pang Yu, put his hands behind his back, and controlled him.


Pang Yu screamed in pain, but Lu Ming didn't stop and kicked him with his foot.

After the joint was hit, Pang Yu's feet softened and he knelt down.

Wang Lingling did not leave, and the place where he knelt was facing Wang Lingling.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ming couldn't help but think: "Yes, you have to kneel down and apologize to Lingling properly."

"let me go!

Pang Yu had never been beaten and insulted like this before. No one had ever dared to treat him like this.

Feeling the physical pain on one side and the humiliation of kneeling on the other, he tried to resist with all his strength.

But Lu Ming's hands controlled him like iron pliers, preventing his body from even making the slightest movement.

The only thing that can move is this head and this mouth.

But soon, his mind was no longer under his control.

Lu Ming pressed Pang Yu to the ground with only one hand and pressed his head with the other.

After pressing down hard, Pang Yu's head came into close contact with the ground.

"Kowtow to Lingling properly and apologize, and atone for the things you have done."

As Lu Ming spoke, the movements of his hands did not stop. He was like a puppeteer controlling a puppet, playing with Pang Yu at will.

He showed no mercy to Pang Yu at all, so he used a lot of force on Pang Yu's forehead. Pang Yu's forehead was actually in contact with the concrete floor.

Although the floor is cement, there is also some roughness and gravel, which I kowtowed down several times.

Pang Yu's forehead was already red, swollen and scratched, and was studded with dense gravel.

"Cao Cao Cao!! I must kill you! Do you know who I am?? I am from the Pang family on Xinga Island!

You will definitely regret it!I'll go back and ask my brother to ask my dad..."

After being tortured and insulted by Lu Ming, Pang Yu no longer cared about Tianyu Media.

He is just willing to suffer a little grievance, but that doesn't mean he is willing to be tortured and humiliated!If he had known this would happen, he definitely wouldn't have come.

At this time, he had to use the name of the Pang family to try to scare Lu Ming and make him stop.

But Lu Ming had already investigated Pang Yu, so how could he not know this?

He didn't care about Pang Yu's cursing, but he still stopped pressing his head.

Pang Yu thought that the name of the Pang family had an effect, and hope arose in his heart.

But in a blink of an eye, Lu Ming's voice came to his ears again.

"Why does your mouth smell so bad? You should be beaten!"

(End of this chapter)

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