chapter 502

The voice just fell.

A big bag was thrown towards Pang Yu with lightning speed.

Pang Yu tried his best to twist his head, but the slap still hit him in the face with great accuracy.


A crisp slap sound sounded, and a red, swollen and clear slap mark suddenly appeared on Pang Yu's face.

"I am from the Pang family!! Have you heard of the Pang family??! The Pang family in Xinga Island?!

Believe it or not, I will have you killed when I go back! ! "

Pang Yu was still tough and kept talking.


The same face was slapped again.

"Have you never heard of the Pang family?!..."

Seeing that the name of the Pang family had no effect at all, Pang Yu thought that a small person like Lu Ming had no access to such a high-level class.

He tried to describe the strength of the Pang family, which made Lu Ming feel scared, but no matter what he said, Lu Ming still kept talking about Dabi and didn't even say a word to him.


"Can you stop fighting on one side all the time!!"

Pang Yu was extremely aggrieved and said this, and Lu Ming only slapped him in the face.

Now the left side of his face had been slapped no less than ten times, and it was already burning with pain, but the right side of his face was unharmed.

If possible, he would like to switch to the other side and be spanked. At least it would be less painful than continuing to be spanked on the left cheek!

When Pang Yu said this, Lu Ming was stunned for a moment before reacting.

"Oh, sorry."

He controlled Pang Yu with one hand and hit people with the other hand. Due to posture problems, he could only hit Pang Yu on the left side of his face.

So Dabi Douzi kept greeting Pang Yu on the left side of his face.


Why did Lu Ming feel a little weird? Why would someone make such a request when being beaten? ?
Pang Yu seemed to be aware of the problem and quickly changed his tune.

"I knelt down and apologized, and I was beaten by you. Can you let me go?"

Although his tone was normal, how could he be convinced in his heart? He was just talking like this to escape the immediate disaster.

I must be thinking about how to use the power of the Pang family to take revenge on Lu Ming, Wang Lingling and the others when I go back.

Xiao Jiujiu couldn't hide this from Lu Ming, and Lu Ming didn't care.

The reason why he doesn't want to let Pang Yu go is because he hasn't played enough yet and is enjoying himself.

Pang Yu had many people to apologize to, not only Wang Lingling, but also Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Lin Ruyin who he had involved.

How could Lu Ming let him go so easily?

"..." Pang Yu continued to speak.

Lu Ming was already impatient. He kept saying that he knew his mistake and would not pursue it. The matter ended here.

Regardless of whether he really doesn't want to pursue the case, even if Pang Yu goes back and uses the power of the Pang family to pursue it, Lu Ming is not afraid.

Lu Ming glanced at Pang Yu. The high-end suit he was wearing when he came was already wrinkled. There was sand and dust on him because he knelt on the ground and kowtowed. His whole body was gray and gray, and he didn't look like an elite at all when he came.

But what Lu Ming liked was his tie, which was very useful.

In a few moments, Lu Ming took off Pang Yu's tie, crumpled it into a ball, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

This time there was finally no more noise and it was quiet.

Pang Yu, whose mouth was stuffed full of ties, could only make a whining sound and looked at Lu Ming in disbelief.

You may be thinking, why isn’t it over yet?What else is this person going to do?
After Lu Ming finished tucking in his tie, he changed his posture thoughtfully.

Pang Yu said, change his face.

He accepted this "reasonable" request and changed his position so that he could slap the right cheek. "Snapped!"

Lu Ming first tested the waters with a slap. This slap proved that it was a good idea to stuff Pang Yu with a tie so that he couldn't chatter. It would make the beating much more comfortable.

"Pah! This slap is for Lingling!"

"Pa! This slap is for Chu Yue!"

"Pah! This slap is for Pan Xiaoman!"

"Pah! This slap is for Yinyin!"


"This palm is"

Lu Ming slapped him one slap after another. He could give a reason at first, but after the slap he couldn't think of any.

Just don't think about it anymore, you can fight without any reason!

By this time, Pang Yu's head was hanging down, and his whole body was as numb as a dead fish.

He didn't even make a whimpering sound and let Lu Ming slap him in the face.

That would be too boring.

Lu Ming let go of him, and Pang Yu stumbled to the ground.

He was motionless, not even taking off the tie in his mouth.

Lu Ming had finished venting his anger and ignored him, turned around and left with Wang Lingling.

After Lu Ming completely disappeared, a figure ran towards Pang Yu.

"Mr. Pang! Mr. Pang!"

It was Man Wenlin. He came over later, but he saw Pang Yu being beaten as soon as he came, so he didn't dare to come out.

It was only now that Lu Ming left that he just ran over.

Man Wenlin took off the tie from Pang Yu's mouth and saw his exaggeratedly red and swollen cheeks and bleeding corners of his mouth.

His face wrinkled up in fear, the injury looked very painful.

But hitting someone doesn't mean hitting someone in the face. Now Pang Yu's face was swollen. Compared with the injury to his face, it was more serious than the injury to his heart!

"How did you come……"

Pang Yu slowly regained consciousness and raised his eyes to see Man Wenlin next to him.

"I just came here, I just came here! What's wrong with you, Mr. Pang? How could this happen?!"

Man Wenlin said that when he arrived, he saw Pang Yu sitting on the ground. He did not dare to say that he had been here a long time ago, otherwise Pang Yu would think that he did not come out to help him save him.

Even at this time, Man Wenlin regretted why he ran out.

Wouldn't it be better to pretend that you've never been here and haven't seen anything? ?If he had to run out, Tianyu Media would soon go bankrupt, and Pang Yu would soon no longer be his boss.He could just run away.

It was he who came up with Pang Yu's idea to come to Shanghai University. If Pang Yu pursues the investigation...

But it's useless to regret now. He is already by Pang Yu's side, so I can only try my best to please him.

"Mr. Pang, let me help you get back to the car..."

Pang Yu returned to his car with the help of Man Wenlin.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Pang Yu left Shanghai Magic University. When he left the school, Pang Yu glanced at the gate.

The aura of malaise on his body began to fade away, and then a fierce light appeared in his eyes, and a raging anger arose in his heart.

At this time.Just then his cell phone rang.

After the call was connected, his eldest brother Pang Jinghuan's voice came over the phone.

"Xiaoyu, have you returned to Xinga Island? Come back quickly, be careful of anything happening!"

After hearing this, Pang Yu squeezed the phone tightly. It was too late, something had happened to him...

He has never suffered such great humiliation in his life!
"Okay, I'll go back right away." Pang Yu said word for word. He made up his mind to go back and use the power of the Pang family.

If this revenge is not repaid, I swear not to be human!
 Fried chicken, fried chicken, fried chicken. Thanks and regrets are normal. 20230124150-eE’s reward! !Crab crab crab!
  I am also very grateful to Wuyan, Popsicle to Ice, Decadey2012, 20230124150-eE, 20230227685941 for their monthly ticket support. Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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