Chapter 508 Mrs. Diplomacy
"Brother, I'm here.

Things and people are ready outside. "

The next day, Zhao Haifeng appeared in the city garden again.

But this time, he was called here by Lu Ming.

Judging from his high interest, it seemed that he was very concerned about what Lu Ming told him.

Lu Ming said last night that Zhao Haifeng had prepared things and people early in the morning and was waiting for Lu Ming's order.

"Haifeng, you're here."

After Lin Wan came downstairs, she saw him saying hello, and then looked at Lu Ming with a puzzled look.

"Husband, why did you get up so early today?"

Lu Ming waved to Lin Wan and asked her to come over. After she came over, he spoke in her ear.

"I called someone over to install a bathtub in the bathroom, ahem..."

The City Garden bathroom was large enough for a large tub, but the current bathroom is clearly a standing bath.

When taking a shower last night, Lu Ming and Lin Wan stood for a long time, and their legs were numb.

Especially Lin Wan, when she was accidentally hit, she almost lost her balance and slipped.

At this time, Lu Ming, who was considerate and wanted to unlock the posture, suddenly came up with the idea of ​​installing a bathtub in the bathroom.

This way you don't have to worry about these problems happening when you take a shower in the future.

You can wash it for as long as you want. You can wash it while sitting or lying down without getting tired.

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan, one of the parties involved, certainly knew what was going on.

His face immediately turned red and he glared at Lu Ming shyly.

It seems to be saying that Lu Ming is the most active in this kind of thing, and his actions are incredibly fast.

With Zhao Haifeng present, Lin Wan couldn't say anything, so she quickly made an excuse to make breakfast for Lu Ming and slipped into the kitchen.

"Okay, let's get started!

How long does it take to get it done? ?Is there enough time in a day?I'll need it tonight. "

Lu Ming gave an order, and Zhao Haifeng began to let the workers and bathtubs outside enter.

"No problem, brother! I promise to complete the mission!"

Lu Ming said that Zhao Haifeng would complete it no matter how much manpower and material resources he spent, even if he asked dozens or hundreds of people to build a bathtub.

The bathtub began to arrive, driven in by about a dozen workers.

Lu Ming looked at the shape of the bathtub and estimated its size. It should be more than enough for two people to lie in, and there would be room to stretch out.

"Brother, time is limited, so I bought the best bathroom brand on the market, Kele.

I heard that the TO brand is also quite good, but it was from my childhood, so I didn’t choose it.

If you give me a little more time, I will definitely collect some more awesome ones for you.

For example, gold bathtubs, crystal bathtubs, volcanic rock bathtubs, and gemstone bathtubs cost tens of millions each. They are luxurious, beautiful, and very stylish! "

Zhao Haifeng talked eloquently, with a hint of regret in his tone. If Lu Ming hadn't asked him to come over early in the morning to install it, he would definitely have found a better one.

Golden bathtub?Gem bathtub?
Lu Ming was a little surprised when he heard this. This really hit his knowledge blind spot.

Can we still have these bathtubs?Can these bathtubs be used?

The bathtub is for use, not for viewing. It feels a bit strange to take a bath in a golden bathtub.

I'm afraid only those with the nouveau riche mentality can do this.

"No, it's fine."

Professional matters were left to professionals. The bathroom work had already started, so he and Zhao Haifeng didn't have to keep an eye on it.

So the two sat down in the living room.

Lin Wan prepared breakfast and came over: "Haifeng, have some."

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Zhao Haifeng was not polite. He had gotten up early to do errands and hadn't eaten yet.

The emperor was not short of hungry soldiers. Lu Ming and Zhao Haifeng ate the sandwich prepared by Lin Wan.

While eating the sandwich, Zhao Haifeng kept looking at Lu Ming, as if he wanted to say something but didn't.

So neither of them spoke and finished breakfast quietly.

Lu Ming didn't speak until he drank the last bit of milk in the cup.

"What for? If you have anything to say, just say it."

He had long seen that Zhao Haifeng had something to say, but he had to finish breakfast first.

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Zhao Haifeng chuckled.

"Hey, hey, my eldest brother is wise, I can't hide anything from my eldest brother."

When Zhao Haifeng came up, he first flattered him and then talked about what he asked Lu Ming to do.

"Didn't my sister-in-law help me persuade Yingying last night to let him come to Shanghai to start a business and open a store? Yingying has already agreed!"

Lu Ming nodded as he listened. It was a good thing that Wang Yingying agreed.

"What are you doing? Do you want to borrow money? How much does it cost?"

Lu Ming thought Zhao Haifeng was trying to help Wang Yingying because she didn't have enough money to open a store. After all, to open a luxury car store in Shanghai, you first had to find a good location and a large space.

The rent for a place like this is quite high, and coupled with the high-end decoration and the upfront cost of buying a luxury car, it should be quite a lot.

"no no!"

Zhao Haifeng waved his hand quickly: "I have a store at home! Ready-made! The location and area are perfect! I will definitely leave it to Yingying.

Yingying has money. She refused even if I offered to contribute part of the money. She can open the store by herself. "

Lu Ming didn't expect that Wang Yingying was still a young rich woman, but at the same time, it was strange. What else could he help?Why is Zhao Haifeng looking for him?
Zhao Haifeng's next words answered his doubts.

“With the existing store and our resources, Yingying’s store can actually be opened very quickly.

But before that, I want to help Yingying open a car show, increase her reputation in Shanghai, and at the same time declare to everyone that she is my girlfriend. "

Lu Ming understood that Zhao Haifeng's move was not only to promote the reputation of the luxury car shop in advance, but also to allow Yingying to integrate into the upper class of Shanghai as his girlfriend.

This is actually a banquet in disguise, but the mode has changed and it is now at a car show.

By then, not all the people who can enter the auto show will be rich.

The upper-class families in the Magic City love to hold banquets at every turn, and they can hold banquets for various events.

But Zhao Haifeng knew that he didn't like to participate in such activities very much, so he didn't know how many he had refused.

Especially since there was a bet banquet in a few days. Although he was annoyed, he still had to go.

At this time, when he made such a request, his heart was filled with excitement.

"So I want to... borrow the car in the garage from my eldest brother to participate in the exhibition, and then I hope that my eldest brother and sister-in-law will be honored to participate."

"it is good!"

Lu Ming didn't even have to think about it, and simply nodded in agreement.

This response caught Zhao Haifeng off guard and he was stunned. He had been thinking about it for so long, but Lu Ming actually agreed so readily.

In order to hold the car show, he borrowed the luxury cars of all his friends. He also believed that Lu Ming would agree to his request to borrow cars.

But at the auto show, it was a bit difficult for him to say it.

"Why are you so stunned!
Yingying is Wan'er's best friend. Wan'er will definitely go. Can I not go? ? "

When Zhao Haifeng heard this, he suddenly realized!

yes!This problem that had been bothering him and made him embarrassed to speak was solved like this!

Now Zhao Haifeng finally experienced the benefits of having Wang Yingying as his girlfriend!
Madam diplomacy!The closer we get to our big brother and sister-in-law, the better!
 Please please recommend monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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