Chapter 509 Talk
Lu Ming handed over the renovation of the bathroom to Zhao Haifeng.

Therefore, Zhao Haifeng stayed in the city garden to keep an eye on the situation, so that if anything happened, he could immediately come forward.

You can't go back halfway. If the workers have any problems, they can go to their elder brother if they can't find him.

So he put all the things in the company aside for the time being. After all, his eldest brother's matters were the most important.

But this rhythm is not bad.

Nothing happened, so I leisurely drank tea with Lu Ming down there, and occasionally wandered up to supervise the work to check on the progress. It was much better than working exhaustingly in meetings at the company.

In this way, Zhao Haifeng hung out in the city garden until the afternoon, and by the way got lunch prepared by Lin Wan.

In the afternoon, Lu Ming received a notification from Ouyang Qi.

After learning that Ouyang Qi had arrived in Magic City last night, he invited him to the City Garden as a guest. Now he has arrived.

"Go outside and bring Ouyang Qi in."

Lu Ming told Zhao Haifeng that since his younger brother was present, he would naturally have to run errands.

Zhao Haifeng had participated in that unknown island banquet. Thinking of that experience, he still has lingering fears.

It can only be said that this little old man is really bad, but this is how he can get to know Lu Ming and become his eldest brother.

If possible, he didn't want to pick up the old man, but he had to do what his elder brother told him.

I had no choice but to stand up obediently and prepare to greet him outside the city garden.

As for Lu Ming, he was waiting for them at the door of the villa inside. It had nothing to do with status, but respect for the guests.

It didn't take long.

Ouyang Qi and his butler Wang Lichao appeared.

"Brother Ouyang, Butler Wang, long time no see."

Lu Ming greeted him politely, but Ouyang Qi started to complain about Lu Ming as soon as he came up.

“Brother Lu, why are you in such a hurry to return the private jet crew to me?!
I also want to give this unit to you!Is there something they didn't do well? ? "

Ouyang Qi only received the news of the return of the private jet crew this morning. This was not his intention.

He originally planned to leave the crew with Lu Ming if Lu Ming could use it smoothly.

In other words, he paid for and maintained the private jet crew for Lu Ming to use for free.

After all, this is nothing compared to the benefits gained from cooperating with Lu Ming.

"No, no, I flew to several places a while ago, thanks to them, thank you for the hard work."

Lu Ming was very satisfied with the private jet crew. He was treated as a courier delivering cakes. Naturally, he couldn't say bad things about others and misunderstand the owner Ouyang Qi.

“It’s just that I probably won’t go out recently, so there’s no point in asking for a private plane.

Besides, Brother Ouyang doesn’t have a private plane to take when he comes to Magic City this time, right?If I don't return it to you, you will have to buy a plane ticket when you go back. "

"Hahahaha, business class is pretty good too!"

As the two of them talked, they walked towards the living room under the leadership of Lu Ming.

"Mrs. Lu, long time no see."

In the living room, Lin Wan also knew that Ouyang Qi was going to be a guest today. When Lu Ming went out to pick up people at the door just now, she was in charge of making tea.

After greetings, the group sat down.

Ouyang Qi came to Lu Ming's house as a guest this time. He had no purpose or important things to talk about.

Everyone was chatting casually, joking, and doing whatever they said.After chatting for a while, Ouyang Qi saw some workers occasionally walking past the living room, and Ouyang Qi couldn't help but asked casually out of curiosity.

“Brother Lu’s house is being renovated??”

Lin Wan's expression suddenly became strange after hearing this.

"Smelly husband, what time can't be installed properly? I'm so anxious for today that I forgot that there are guests at home today?!"

She secretly complained to Lu Ming in her heart. In fact, Lin Wan also agreed to install the bathtub.

This thing was beneficial to her and Lu Ming, but the installation time was really not chosen well.

We have guests at home today, so we can only blame Lu Ming for being too anxious. It would be better to install it tomorrow if we delay it a day!

Lu Ming immediately noticed Lin Wan's expression, and he was very bright.

When a guest asks, he has to respond, but how to respond is a skill.

"Not really. Some things are not very easy to use, so just modify them."

Look, Lu Ming's response is so beautiful.

Not only did he respond to Ouyang Qi, but the content was also true and not deceptive. It was just that the bathroom was not very easy to use, so a bathtub was added!
More importantly, these words revealed nothing at all.

You could tell by looking at Lin Wan's face. When she heard Lu Ming's answer, she felt relieved.

"Oh, that's it." Ouyang Qi just asked casually when he saw the worker.

Since they were chatting, Ouyang Qi and Lu Ming would inevitably talk about mineral veins and bets on banquets.

After all, Ouyang Qi came to the Magic City just for this matter.

Even their cooperation from the beginning was to hide the mines from countless rival families and secretly obtain the mines.

Now that the matter is about to settle, the ore veins they obtained will be made public, Ouyang Qi can't help but sigh.

"Brother Lu, working with you is really the wisest decision I have ever made!
Take advantage of the opportunity at the banquet to announce that you have obtained Hang Seng Group shares and besieged by many families, and take the opportunity to make a bet with them.

Countless people's attention is focused on the bet, and all your actions become reasonable, and you can easily win the mine without anyone noticing.

This is really something I never imagined could be done. Without your cooperation, I don’t know when this mine would have been born. "

In the beginning, he cooperated with Lu Ming because he couldn't seize the mineral vein without anyone noticing. Who would have thought that Lu Ming would take care of it for him as soon as they cooperated.

Lu Ming smiled after hearing his compliment.

In fact, these are not his plans, they are just taking advantage of the situation and following the trend.

He also didn't expect that the opposition from those families at the original banquet would be so fierce. Several family members even stood up to confront him face to face, and it was also the bet they proposed.

Lu Ming immediately thought of this as a good opportunity.

"Brother Ouyang, do you still understand the other party's situation?" Lu Ming did not take any credit and turned to ask other questions.

Ouyang Qi waved his hand after hearing this.

"I was stared at, but I didn't care. No matter how well their company develops, it can't be worth more than the mine!
What you are betting on is a reasonable profit. Even if you don't open the mine after discovering the vein, its value is there! "

Lu Ming nodded.

"Well, then let me tell you, sell us the land where the mineral veins were discovered. We can sell it for one billion or eighty million, which will be enough to crush them."

"Brother Lu, you are making a lot of money this time. Don't forget that if you win, you will get [-]% of the shares of each of the three families."

Ouyang Qi is very envious. Even he covets the shares of Jiang family, Baili family and Li family.

(End of this chapter)

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