Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 510 I can’t finish the cake, I’ll take it away

Chapter 510 I can’t finish the cake, I’ll take it away

at the same time.

A villa in a magical city.

This is Jiang Han's stronghold in the Magic City, but today in Baili City, Li Kaize also appeared here, and the three of them gathered together.

After all, the time for the bet is coming soon, and they come back from various places in style.

Different from Lu Ming and Ouyang Qi's side, the atmosphere when the three allies on their side met was not very good at this time, and there seemed to be some internal strife.

Jiang Han looked at Baili Cheng and Li Kaize with an unhappy expression.

"You didn't come back until the bet was close. Have you been to the company for a second time?!"

No wonder Jiang Han was so angry. He didn't expect Baili Cheng and Li Kaize to be so unreliable.

The Tianxuan Logistics Company established by the three of them. Since the three of them appeared once when it was established, Baili Cheng and Li Kaize left the city not long after, and they did not care about the company at all.

After all, he still stayed in the Magic City and often inquired about the other party's situation. Although his company could not say that he had put all his efforts into it, he still put a lot of effort into it.

This is obviously due to his greater contribution. Do Bailicheng and Li Kaize deserve to share the shares of Hang Seng Group equally with him?

Jiang Han couldn't help but have this thought in his mind.

Yes, in Jiang Han's eyes, they won this bet.

Because according to the information from his investigation, the company founded by Lu Ming has done nothing at all, while their Tianxuan Logistics is already a company with a market value of over [-] million.

So Jiang Han is already thinking about the distribution of results after victory.

Although it was previously agreed that each person would share [-]% of the Hang Seng Group shares equally.

But now Jiang Han feels that Baili Cheng and Li Kaize don't deserve so much. This victory was all due to his efforts, while the two of them did nothing.

"So what? We didn't win the bet this time. That guy Lu Ming can't beat us at all."

Baili Cheng didn't know what Jiang Han was thinking, and thought he was simply complaining that they didn't care.

"And anyway, you are here to watch. We are very relieved and trust you."

Li Kaize echoed. He was so tactful and knew that they did not do a good job, so he praised Jiang Han.

During their absence, they mainly learned about the situation at Lu Ming's side and Tianxuan Logistics Company from Jiang Han.

"That's right, in my opinion, Lu Ming is just a showman. Look at the company he founded and has done so many things, which one has been successful?

Even if you are not in Shanghai or the company, we might still be able to win! "

Regarding the bet, even if Lu Ming had found the mineral vein and was destined to win, it was impossible for him to do nothing next.

In this way, it is very likely that the other party will notice the abnormality and start to seriously investigate the truth.

So Lu Ming told Zhao Haifeng and the others that the company could not remain silent and just find some projects to work on.

He tried his best to confuse the enemy by pretending that the company was still barely breaking even.

After all, they will buy people at Tianxuan Logistics to spy on the news. Jiang Han and the others will definitely do the same. This is difficult to prevent.

Obviously, the news Jiang Han got was deliberately revealed by Lu Ming to them.

They are all small-profit or loss-making projects. Lu Ming's company's current market value is less than [-] million.

The gap is ten times, how can it compare with Tianxuan Logistics?

Even if there is a backhand, the ten-fold gap cannot be easily smoothed out by the backhand.

Jiang Han, Baili City, and Li Kaize almost all thought so.

So even though Jiang Han actually valued Lu Ming the most and was the most careful at the beginning, he still felt that Lu Ming was not that simple.

By now, his fear has been completely confused by these smoke bombs and deception methods.

They began to think that Lu Ming was nothing more than that, and that they would definitely win this bet.

However, they guessed one thing right, that is, Lu Ming had a back-up plan, but this back-up plan was beyond their imagination.It is a backhand that can overturn the situation and make the final decision as soon as it is taken out.

Even if Jiang Han agrees with Baili City now, he is too cautious. Maybe if he is not in Magic City, Tianxuan Logistics can develop well and win.

But doesn’t this deny his own merit? ?So even if he agreed in his heart, he couldn't say that.

"The result is undecided, don't underestimate Lu Ming! Without me, I don't know what Tianxuan Logistics would be like!

Maybe even worse than Lu Ming's company..."

Anyway, Jiang Han promoted Lu Ming, emphasizing his abilities and contributions, in order to pave the way for him to compete for more shares later.

“We still can’t take things too lightly in the last two days.

I am ready to make a sprint and secretly exchange my family's resources to achieve another breakthrough in Tianxuan Logistics' orders.

In this way, the valuation of Tianxuan Logistics can be raised to about [-] million, which will be more secure. "

This method is undoubtedly cheating, but their Tianxuan Logistics has been cheating, but this time it is actively cheating.

The exchange of resources from other fields and industries seems to be just normal business behavior and does not seem to have any relationship.

"Why bother?? We have already won anyway, so why waste resources?"

Baili City was the first to disagree, and Li Kaize also had opinions.

"I think so too. Then I won't participate. If you want to do it, just go ahead and do it."

"Yes, you have to provide your own money and resources, don't blame us."

If they don't need to contribute, Baili Cheng and Li Kaize will have no problem with it.

Jiang Han had expected this.

"I have no problem, but let's make an agreement first. After the bet is won, your shares will be reduced. Each of you will have 5.00%, and I will have 20.00%!"

As soon as Jiang Han said this.

Baili Cheng and Li Kaize immediately exploded.

"What did you say??!"

Baili Cheng stood up directly and pointed at Jiang Han to output.

"Why?! We made an agreement before to split it equally. Now you want 20.00%, and you're not afraid of the snake swallowing the elephant to death!"

Li Zekai naturally did not agree with Jiang Han's request, thinking that he was not as violent as Baili City.

"Impossible, our Li family has to settle for [-]%!"

Regarding their doubts, Jiang Han had already guessed that the issue of interests was not that simple.

"I have always been doing my best with Tianxuan Logistics. Have you two taken care of it? If I hadn't investigated the news, would you have known the other party's situation?

Don’t ask me anything!


Baili Cheng laughed disdainfully and retorted on the spot.

"Your management is useless. Does Tianxuan Logistics have the starting resources of my Baili family? If it weren't for our resources, what could you, Jiang Han, do on your own?"

"That's right! Some people really take themselves seriously... The results are obvious. We can win even without you!"


Jiang Han fought one-on-one with Li Kaize from Baili City to share the cake they thought was about to be won...

Before the bet was truly won, the three of them were already dissatisfied with the quota and started fighting among themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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