Chapter 511 I Disagree
"Old Zhao, your life has been good recently!"

In the Zhao family teahouse, the heads of the three major families in the magic city, Zhao Jianzhong, Xie Guanghui, and Sun Yongfeng, gathered together.

"Who isn't? After becoming attached to the Hongyan Group, didn't you get any benefits??"

Zhao Jianzhong rolled his eyes at Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng. In the past, the three established families in the Magic City were overwhelmed by new families and outsiders.

Since they attached themselves to Lu Ming and became one of the three affiliated families, all the pressure has disappeared and the family has begun to get on the right track of rapid development.

Although most of the benefits need to be shared with Lu Ming, the advantage is stability. They don't have to worry about the family being squeezed all day long. And with development, the cake gets bigger, and the part of the cake they get will be bigger than the entire cake before. .

So the three heads of the family can now have nothing to do and drink tea leisurely.

"I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about your Zhao Haifeng. I heard that he has done a good job recently. He is finally mature and stable and will help you share your worries.

But my Xie Di... Although he is much better than before, he still does not do his job and plays all day long.

Pity me, I still have to handle the work by myself, no one can help me. "

Xie Guanghui looked at Zhao Jianzhong with envy. This old boy, most of the work is now handled by Zhao Haifeng. Among the three family heads, he has the most leisure time.

After hearing this, Zhao Jianzhong smiled proudly. Xie Guanghui was indeed right. This guy was obviously sour.

"I am not training Haifeng. He is not experienced enough and I have to keep an eye on him. It is also very troublesome.

Xie Di is a few years younger than Haifeng, so it is normal that his playfulness has not subsided. If you stay busy for a few more years, he will mature when he is about the same age as Haifeng. "

Xie Guanghui thought about it and felt that Zhao Jianzhong was right.

Like them, as well as the rich second generation like Zhao Haifeng, all of them probably had to play until they were nearly 30 years old before their fun gradually faded away and they were able to think about work.

Then he can only hold on for a few more years...

At this time, Xie Guanghui couldn't help but think: "If I had known, I would have given birth to a child earlier. Zhao Jianzhong would have given birth a few years earlier, and he could retire now."

If he had been born earlier, he might have had grandchildren. "

While Zhao Jianzhong and Xie Guanghui were talking, Sun Yongfeng hardly spoke.

"Old Sun, why don't you speak?"

After being hit by Zhao Jianzhong, Sun Yongfeng sighed heavily and shook his head again with a heavy expression.

"Why are you looking like this? What happened? I remember that your Mingxu is very hardworking, even more serious than Haifeng."

Having said this, Sun Yongfeng finally spoke up.

"Seriously? Work hard? What's the use of working hard...

Lao Xie, although your Xie Di loves to play, he is at least the little brother who can follow our big boss Lu Ming.

Not to mention Haifeng, given time, the future is boundless.

But my Mingxu is not so lucky. He was only introduced once and could not get close to the big boss at all..."

Zhao Jianzhong and Xie Guanghui looked at each other. Sun Yongfeng was telling the truth, but they could only comfort him.

"Old Sun, we are all affiliated families, so we don't need to worry about this. The company will definitely treat us equally.

Besides, there is still time, maybe Mingxu can get into the eyes of the big boss in the future. "


The two of them quickly comforted Sun Yongfeng, and finally the conversation was over.

Xie Guanghui suddenly thought of something: "Hey, Lao Zhao, where did your Haifeng go?"

His sudden question caught Zhao Jianzhong off guard.

He did know what Zhao Haifeng was doing, but it was hard to say at this time.

They finally comforted Sun Yongfeng.But when he looked up, Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng were looking at him, obviously waiting for his answer.

Then he had to say it.

"The big boss told him something last night. He was busy early in the morning and hasn't come back yet..."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhao Jianzhong could immediately feel that the eyes of the two people opposite him were about to turn into reality.

He is really proud and stressed at the same time

Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng only have one idea now.

Damn it!Not only was your Haifeng able to stay with the big boss, he also started working for the big boss!

And their little brat...

"Hey, why did you suddenly ask about Haifeng?"

Zhao Jianzhong couldn't bear it anymore and quickly changed the topic.

"I heard from Xie Di that Haifeng is going to hold a car show soon and is collecting luxury cars from all over the city, borrowing cars from everywhere.

I still have a few nice ones in the garage that he can drive away if he needs to.Just support him. "

Zhao Jianzhong was confused. His son wanted to hold a car show?How come he didn't hear anything about it?

But the Zhao family has never had this type of business, so why did it suddenly happen?

"I don't know. Why is he doing a car show? He has nothing to do?!"

"You do not know?"

"I do not know!"

Judging from Zhao Jianzhong's expression, it seemed that he was indeed unaware.

But Xie Guanghui already knew a lot of information from Xie Di.

"He wants to open a luxury car shop! Let's hold a car show to expand his reputation, right at your No. [-] store on Jinxing Street."

"The No. [-] store on Jinxing Street?!"

Zhao Jianzhong's voice became louder. It was a good store location, with a great location, a large area and a large flow of people.

Isn’t it already leased to a foreign luxury brand?You can collect tens of millions in rent every year!
How come you want to open a luxury car shop?Just now everyone was praising him for being mature and stable, but where is his maturity? Isn't this just a waste of money? !
"No, no, to be precise, his girlfriend is going to open a luxury car shop, and Haifeng is helping him plan it."

Xie Guanghui continued to talk about the news he knew: "Old Zhao, your Haifeng family has a girlfriend. Maybe you can have a grandson soon. I have to say, you old boy has a good life!"

Xie Guanghui also wants to have a grandson, but according to Xie Di's progress, his wish may not be realized so quickly.

The first news just now was enough to stimulate Zhao Jianzhong, but this second news made Zhao Jianzhong stand up even more.

"What??! Girlfriend? When did he have a girlfriend? A luxury car shop opened for his girlfriend?!"

"Huh? You don't even know he has a girlfriend! I heard he would announce the news at the car show. I thought you had already met her."

Zhao Jianzhong became angrier the more he listened!Zhao Haifeng has a girlfriend and is about to announce it. Even everyone else knows about it, but he, the father, is kept in the dark and has no idea at all.

And he also spent a huge amount of money to build connections to organize a car show for his girlfriend and open a luxury car shop? !

"Hmph!! This little brat really doesn't take me seriously anymore."

Zhao Jianzhong snorted coldly and took out his mobile phone.

"No! I don't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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