Chapter 512 I agree!
"Disagree? Disagree with what?"

"I don't agree with anything. I don't agree with him holding a car show, opening a luxury car shop, and I don't agree with him having a girlfriend!"

Zhao Jianzhong was as angry as a child and opposed everything Zhao Haifeng did.

He had never heard of these things at all. He was Zhao Haifeng's father and he didn't know anything. No wonder he was so angry.

With that said, Zhao Jianzhong was about to call Zhao Haifeng.

"Hey, hey, wait."

Xie Guanghui quickly stopped him and prevented Zhao Jianzhong from making a phone call.

"Old Zhao, this is obviously a good thing. If Haifeng does this, it means he really likes that girl.

In this way, you can have a grandchild soon! "

Like Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, there were many girls around them in the past, but none of them could be called girlfriends. In Xie Guanghui's view, since Zhao Haifeng has done so many things this time and wants to announce his girlfriend in public, it must be It really happened.

He didn't expect that Zhao Jianzhong didn't know anything about it, but if the young couple broke up because of something he said, then he would be really guilty.

If it were his son Xie Di, it would be too late for him to be happy.

"Hmph, I also want to hold a grandson!"

Despite saying this, Zhao Jianzhong still sounded very tough and did not seem to change his mind.

"But I don't even know who his girlfriend is or what her identity is! What if Haifeng was deceived?
Maybe the other party is deliberately planning for Haifeng to help him open a luxury car shop? "

"No way... This kid Haifeng has made countless friends, it's impossible not to notice."

On the contrary, Xie Guanghui's tone was softer. There would indeed be many women approaching them with purpose.

"Who said that? Who claimed to have had countless women back then, but was he deceived in the end??"

"Hey, hey, you're not going to slap someone in the face! Why did you bring it up so many years ago!"

Xie Guanghui suddenly became anxious and quickly blocked Zhao Jianzhong's mouth.

This is his dark history. At that time, he thought he had found true love, but it turned out that he was in love with his money, and he was defrauded of a large sum. It was mainly because he was embarrassed!
Now more than 20 years have passed, and Zhao Jianzhong can still use it to hack him.

Sun Yongfeng on the side was laughing and drinking tea, watching the two fighting happily.

"Forget it, forget it, this is your family's business anyway, you can handle it yourself!"

Xie Guanghui simply ignored it and let Zhao Jianzhong do whatever he wanted. Anyway, he was not his son, nor was he a grandson.

Zhao Jianzhong took out his mobile phone and was about to call Zhao Haifeng to ask him to come over and ask him what was going on.

Before the call was made, the door to the tea room was opened.

It was Zhao Haifeng who walked in.

"Dad, Uncle Xie, Uncle Sun, you are all here!"

Zhao Haifeng greeted everyone.

"Haifeng, why are you back so late?" Xie Guanghui greeted.

"I was doing something to help eldest brother. Mr. Ouyang Qi happened to be here, so we were a little late talking.

By the way, Dad, uncles, the bet banquet is about to start, and it will be held in the Tang Palace. My eldest brother has given me the responsibility. I also ask all the elders to give me some advice and see if there are any shortcomings. "

Zhao Haifeng took the opportunity to express his intention, which was why he came to the tea room as soon as he got home.

"Easy to say, Haifeng is becoming more and more capable."

"He's quite capable. He even did things without telling me."

Zhao Jianzhong became angry.

"Dad, I have something else to tell you."

Zhao Haifeng came not only to talk about the bet and banquet, but also to talk about the car show and his girlfriend.

But before he opened his mouth, Zhao Jianzhong showed an attitude.

"No, I don't agree!!" Zhao Haifeng was stunned, and then asked: "Dad, what do you disagree with?! I didn't even say anything!"

"You don't need to tell me, I already know that I don't agree with you holding a car show or having a girlfriend!"

Zhao Jianzhong's tone was tough, and before Zhao Haifeng could explain clearly, he acted like there was no room for discussion.

If it were the former rich second generation Zhao Haifeng, he might be frightened when faced with his father's attitude.

But now Zhao Haifeng is not only mature, but has become more confident and dares to confront his father.

"Why do you disagree? Do you know who she is? Have you met her? Do you know what she is like?"

Zhao Haifeng was speechless. He originally wanted to introduce Wang Yingying to his father today.

As a result, it seemed that my father had learned the news from nowhere, and his attitude was so bad and strongly opposed.

But he's not afraid either. The worst he can do is quit his job at home.

Anyway, he can go and join his eldest brother, or he can follow Wang Yingying and eat soft rice, which is not a shabby situation!
"Then tell me! Does she have a permanent residence in Shanghai? What is her background? How powerful is her family?!"

Zhao Jianzhong opened his mouth and mentioned some conditions for being a good match. From this point of view, only some children of the family can meet the requirements, and Wang Yingying is obviously not among them.

"Dad, are you kidding me! Do our Zhao family still need this?"

Zhao Haifeng couldn't believe it. He felt that Zhao Jianzhong was simply opposed. With the energy of the Zhao family, it was easy to get a residence in the Demon City.After the family attached itself to Lu Ming, there was no need for any family marriage.

"Why don't you need it?! Say it again!
Your so-called girlfriend wants you to organize car shows and open luxury car shops for her before she gets married. Son, are you being deceived? "

"Dad! Stop talking nonsense!"

Zhao Haifeng immediately retorted: "Yingying is not this kind of person! Yingying spent her own money to run the car and open the luxury car store, and she didn't even let me contribute half a penny.

Our store will also pay us the normal rent, and she didn’t take any advantage!I just helped her borrow the car! "

Hearing what Zhao Haifeng said, Zhao Jianzhong, Sun Yongfeng, and Xie Guanghui were all stunned.

They all thought that Zhao Haifeng was providing money and effort.

"Then this girl is pretty good! Lao Zhao, please stop being stubborn."

"Yes, it seems that Haifeng likes her very much."

Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng offered help and advice.

"This kid! He didn't tell me that he was ready to make an official announcement without showing it to me! He didn't even ask me if I agreed!"

In fact, this has always been what Zhao Jianzhong was more angry about.

Looking at Zhao Jianzhong who was still angry, Zhao Haifeng had an idea.

"Dad! That's what I want to tell you today! And I think you will definitely agree. Even if I don't like it or agree, you have to tie me up."

Zhao Haifeng directly revealed Wang Yingying's identity without beating around the bush.

"My girlfriend was introduced to me by my elder brother and sister-in-law, and she is my best friend!"


There was silence in the tea room for a moment.

After a while, Zhao Jianzhong’s loud voice rang out.

"Okay! I agree!!"

Zhao Haifeng is right!With this status relationship, even if Zhao Haifeng didn't like it or disagreed, he would force him to agree.

"Then when will you get married?"

Zhao Jianzhong didn’t agree just now, now he’s asking about getting married? ? !
Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Didn't you always disagree just now?!"

"Old Zhao! Are you still shameless?"

(End of this chapter)

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