Chapter 513 Banquet
"Mr. Lu, long time no see. Thank you for your help."

Pan Ming held the wine glass and cautiously stepped forward to talk to Lu Ming to thank him.

He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. After seeing a group of people leaving, he hurriedly stepped forward.

"Mr. Pan, you don't have to be like this. Xiaoman has a very good relationship with us. We will definitely help if we can."

The wine glass in Lu Ming's hand touched Pan Ming lightly, but he did not drink.

He promised Lin Wan that he would not drink alcohol recently, but at the bet banquet, he would always hold a wine glass in his hand to express his feelings.

Anyway, he just clinked glasses politely with others and did not drink.

At his current status, no one at this banquet could make him drink or force him to drink.

Yes, today has come the day of the bet banquet.

The location was still chosen in the Tang Palace, and families, groups, and even other forces who later heard about the bet in the Magic City also came here.

After all, this bet involves 30.00% of the shares of the Hang Seng Group, and [-]% of the shares of the Baili family, Li family, and Jiang family. The total value is astonishing.

The ownership of these shares depends on the winner of the bet, so it has attracted the attention of countless forces.

"Thank you Mr. Lu. It is a blessing for Xiaoman and our Pan family to know Mr. Lu."

Although Lu Ming acted very cordially, Pan Ming did not dare to overstep the mark at all. The gap in status between him and Lu Ming was too big.

Even with Pan Xiaoman as a bridge, you can't be too presumptuous. It would be nice to come forward and express your feelings. I haven't seen many people from a small family like him who dare not come forward to talk at all?

After saying a few words, Pan Ming quickly retreated.

He could sense that there were countless eyes paying attention to him.

He waited until he finished speaking and left before others could come forward and chat with Lu Ming.

If I occupy it for too long, those people will scold me, and even if I let them miss the opportunity, they will hold grudges.


As soon as Pan Ming stepped back, someone new who wanted to get to know Lu Ming hurried forward to seize the spot.

"Old Pan, you have actually established a relationship with Mr. Lu. This road is going to be broadened and developed!"

"More than that, being able to have a relationship with Mr. Lu is like taking off to the sky. Don't forget about my brothers in the future."

"Although Mr. Lu took over three major families and became a top figure in the Magic City, he never showed up at other banquets. How do you know Lao Pan?!"


Pan Ming just returned to the small group and was immediately surrounded.

You can make friends at any level. The Pan family is just a small family in the Magic City, and the people who stick together are naturally small people.

In the past, Pan Ming was just unknown in this small group.

Just because he was able to come forward and say a few words to Lu Ming, he was noticed, and he suddenly became the central figure between them.

They were extremely polite and enthusiastic towards Pan Ming, and Pan Ming felt extremely happy in his heart.

"Didn't the Qi family mess with me before? Fortunately, Mr. Lu came to help and we escaped.

It’s just that my daughter Xiaoman and Mr. Lu know each other, and Mr. Lu is just kind-hearted. "

When everyone heard this, they immediately thought about it.

They all knew what happened to the Qi family, but they were just a small family. At that time, they couldn't help at all and didn't dare to help the Pan family. Unexpectedly, it was Lu Ming who took action to solve the problem.

Everyone subconsciously thought that Pan Xiaoman flew up the branch and turned into a phoenix, and that she had something to do with Lu Ming.

This kind of thing is not strange in the magic city, but they are still envious of it.

If any of their daughters could have a relationship with Lu Ming, they would laugh out of their dreams.

"Lao Pan is amazing!"

"Oh, why didn't I give birth to a daughter?"

"I do have a daughter, but she doesn't have this opportunity!" "..."

Pan Ming knew as soon as he heard that they were thinking wrongly, but he had no intention of explaining.

It's useless to explain this kind of thing, they won't believe it, they will only feel that they are hiding something.

And in this case, he can also use Lu Ming's tiger skin to establish a banner, which will be of great benefit to his Pan family.


In Pan Ming's heart, he felt that if such a thing really happened, it would be a good thing!
Auntie Modu was already famous, this was considered an unspoken rule of the upper class society, and no one thought there was any problem.

"Stop talking, stop talking, drink and drink..."

Pan Ming changed the topic, half-sentence, and mystery had the best effect.

He didn't say that himself, it was just random speculation by others.

On Lu Ming's side, Pan Ming, who didn't know that Pan Ming, who had just spoken to him a few words, had ripped off his tiger skin, pretended to be a tiger, and became the central figure of the group.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he knows Lu Ming. With Pan Xiaoman's face, this is not an excessive thing.

And Lu Ming is busy running away right now.

Since Pan Ming retired, there has been an endless stream of people coming to talk to him.

Most of them were people he didn't know and wanted to look familiar to him. He had collected a thick stack of business cards and couldn't remember a few of them at all.

Seeing more and more people waiting in line secretly nearby, Lu Ming had no choice but to excuse himself.

This party was boring.

Not only were there no Lin Ruyin and the others, even Lin Wan did not follow Lu Ming.

According to Lin Wan, she was still busy preparing for pregnancy and had no time to attend such a banquet.

After searching for a while, Lu Ming finally found a secluded place.

Before the bet was officially announced, he could get some peace and quiet.

But it wasn't long before he was found.

"Brother Lu, you made it easy for me to find him!"

Lu Ming's heart skipped a beat. He turned around and saw that it was Wang Xing'an, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be normal if it was Wang Xing'an. He is the master of Tang Palace and he is most familiar with this place.

"Brother Wang, just call me. Where can I find him?"

"Why did you hide here?"

Lu Ming smiled helplessly: "There were so many people outside talking to me that my throat was filled with smoke.

I had to find a place to hide and be quiet. "

Lu Ming said as he saw that Wang Xing'an's complexion had improved a lot and he seemed to have recovered.

The last time he came to Tang Palace, Wang Xing'an happened to be ill and went back to rest early.

"Hahaha, you're still like this." Wang Xing'an opened a window.

Looking through the window, you can just see the figures still socializing in the banquet hall.

As for the two of them, looking out from afar, they felt like they were out of sight and on a higher level.

This is more in line with Lu Ming's state of mind. He was originally the person who set up the banquet and played chess.

"How's it going? Looking at you like this, you must have won this bet, right?"

Wang Xing'an didn't know the inside story, but he had confidence in Lu Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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